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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. I thought Bobby was depowered in house of M?
  2. hahaha that cape gaff is good. caught up with Uncanny X-Men Land can bite one, but Fraction continues to impress as ever. I love how different he writes the X-Men compared to their more outright heroic counterparts like The Avengers. Their role as leaders of mutant kind really works- especially in San Fransisco. He really gets Scott and Emma too and it's refreshing to see them take an absolute centre stage as opposed to Wolverine.
  3. fuck I need to get back to reading GL
  4. That's my point- they don't. The thing is, if you listen to more than four words in the entire song, you'd know it's about as patriotic as communism.
  5. La Roux is ace. True story. unrelated: I simply cannot comprehend how Regan got away with Born In The U.S.A as his campaign song. People are such retards when it comes to lyrics I swear.
  6. He actually does a damn good cyclops. But his women....eurgh.
  7. I've read a bit of Matt Fraction's Uncanny X-Men. Brilliant writing but the art does indeed suck nuts. It's occasionally perfectly alright, then he tries to draw Emma Frost and..oh dear.
  8. Fantastic match. Best I've seen this year.
  9. ahaahaha He's good as Bourne.
  10. could be either. get it sent off but remember not to include your hard drive, game discs or anything else in the box.
  11. People, please. Bourne shits on Taken from lofty heights. You're all mad!
  12. saw him last night at Hyde Park. Neil Young the night before. mind blown. Life complete etc.
  13. jimbob: Earth Song? really? It's clearly all about Off The Wall.
  14. Dan_Dare


    Jesus Fuck Rockstar to take on Le Carré? Lord above, something celestial conspires to force my hand at buying a ps3. I have simply no choice in the matter.
  15. Just a willingness to sell your soul to corporate slavery, I think.
  16. oh my god La Roux's album is fucking brilliant, forum. Top grade pop. Seriously, this is exactly how it should be done- crafted, razor sharp slices of perfection from proper artists. Best pop album since Overpowered. Words to be marked.
  17. I for one would fucking love a flo rida tribute album. seriously though: sad times. Much as i have a fondness for his discography, the guy was really disturbed. Hard to think of him with much other than pity, now.
  18. Yeah it's good. race riots, giant tubby cat men and psychotic law enforcement ftw
  19. thing with North Korea is that as soon as they start a war, any war, the entire country is going to collapse. It'd be over literally as soon as it started. Of course 'started' could mean 'a fucking nuke' these days so it's certainly no trivial matter.
  20. Ok, yeah. Utopia is being done by what looks like a small army. I'm not sure the collaborative look works out though- It seems a little inconsistent. It's a pretty wicked read though.
  21. Walker has improved though. Compare Invincible 1-7 to Destroyer and there's so much more going on it's crazy. I'm...cautiously optimistic about Invincible 66-7 with him on pencils. in other news. Dark Avengers #6 and Dark Avengers/ X-Men: Utopia #1 are both out this week. Getting the latter now. More Fraction is welcome and I like what I saw of the art. Not sure who it is, mind.
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