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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. You're at the bonfire?
  2. Dan_Dare

    Portal 2

    You mad brah?
  3. Basically: Green Lantern Rings track and recruit people who are capable of overcoming fear, whereas their polar opposites are Yellow/ Sinestro Corps rings that recruit those capable of inspiring fear. In one issue of Green Lantern a yellow ring ends up on Earth and tries to recruit Batman as the one most capable of doing just that. It only lasts for a few frames as he rejects it but it's a cool moment.
  4. One for the next character, then! I'm thinking of a pyro ninja :P
  5. Sorry, the one in the barrel. I swung to break it and hit him at the same time, which made him attack me.
  6. Terrific news. Glad I've not missed the boat entirely. out of curiosity, how did you free him?
  7. Happy birthday! In my defence, I only know it's Daft's birthday because we're BFFs on facebook and it told me so. If I'd used the forum I'd have made a MEGA THREAD.
  8. *looks around, noticed corpse of pyro merchant lying in the Depths, hopes nobody notices* Yeah unfortunately we had a misunderstanding when I tried to free him from a barrel. And hit him in the face with a sword. I'm weak on magic anyway, so I'll try going naked and avoiding the mace.
  9. ...Because he is! Hipster in chief Daft turns 24 today (which is really old, nearly as old as me) HAPPY BIRTHDAY DAFT!
  10. I've been avoiding that knobber in the burg for ages, but if he has Havel's ring I might have to reconsider and take him on. Naked.
  11. I have the elite set- heavily upgraded like you say. It's awesome. Sen's fortress though- that big door is very locked, unless I'm missing something. I just unlocked blightown, mind, and promptly Ran Like Hell.
  12. Doc Strange is a badman. He's got some really interesting material to his name, don't let the silly cape fool you.
  13. Ah, see I had a divine weapon but it actually seemed to reduce my damage because it replaced dexterity scaling with faith, which is my lowest stat. I'll probably get my morningstar to divine though if it kills those skeletons. Hydra is dead as fuck. I had to wear thief gear to get close enough in time and not get jizzed on but it was easy as hell once I got there and
  14. Just got jizzed on by the Hydra.
  15. So. Fucking. Hungover.
  16. Yeah that was me. Shamelessly stolen from a joke in The Guardian
  17. Thanks for the thread guys. This place continues to rock it hard. I had an excellent day playing Dark Souls, eating tapas and going to the theatre. Tonight we drink! and happy birthday to you too, Hellfire!
  18. He really does, yes. Anyway, I was just being a pedant. The whole licence thing properly sucks because Spider-Man in the Avengers movies would be excellent- though of course without Sony and Fox making the movies that they did with their respective franchises Marvel would have probably never founded their own studio to make all these great adaptations themselves so...yeah!
  19. As I grow older, I'm increasingly bored of all things Star Wars. The prequels are, to a frame, soulless hate crimes but if you're really honest, are the gungans any worse than ewoks? They are not. Bar Empire, the originals are pretty naff too and it really irks me that so many adults think they're so amazing when they should just shut the hell up and watch Taxi Driver.
  20. Personally, I'm pro co-op. I can see 'galactic readiness' being the new galaxy map meta game so it fits in nicely. Either play the meta game and secure locations or play co-op and next time you hit the SP, the location you just played is already secured and sorted. At least, that's how I hope it works.
  21. Personally I think next season will be something along the lines of:
  22. from what I've read, Loki has been travelling the various realms gathering an army under his banner. Could mean the Skrulls aren't so much aliens as being from another dimension. it also means thatg the Red Skull might be involved as he seemed to go all asgardian when he 'died' in Captain America.
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