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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Exactly. Gears is another really good example where starting weapons are good but power weapons are there to drive players in to conflict. If you hang around in Gears, the opposing team are going to be vastly better armed and will totally annihilate you. Same goes for Halo.It's the old risk / reward thing; In CoD, without the reward of power weapons or the advantage of good tactical areas, there's nowhere near enough risk. It allows snipers with masses of ammo to hang back and sit out the game.
  2. in short: they reward time over skill. The best multiplayer games present you with a complete tool set from the get go, which means the most skilled players will generally win. CoD, and every game since that's included unlocks, reserves the best toys for the players who just play more often. The guns might only be a change of pace from the starter set but the unlocks like claymores, motion sensors, scopes, silencers etc all give an unquestionable advantage to the time invested. Furthermore, having unlocks removes weapon pick ups from the maps, which means there's no reason to ever leave one area of the map or to even learn it properly because the game fundamentally rewards camping and punishes movement.
  3. Weapon unlocks are fucking AIDS. They're the worst thing to happen to multiplayer since...I don't even know what.
  4. yeah, think it's time I cut them out of my loop. So many spoilers.
  5. Just came in to post just that. Can't. Freakin. Wait.
  6. Pretty much, yeah. To expand on my post above
  7. Holy shit, Invincible!
  8. I'm on 360. Should probably have mentioned that.
  9. and Game of Thrones, which is fucking astonishing. Sometimes I forget how awesome that was and then remember and it makes me terribly sad that I have to wait months for it to come back.
  10. Thing is with nudity on HBO is that you get one actress per show who's obviously paid to get her kit off and nobody else. It's kind of lame.
  11. So how are the servers going? Quite fancy this but not until I know they're working properly.
  12. that Swarm thing sounds fucking badman. Think I'd actually consider going to Thorpe for that one.
  13. I approve of this purchase. Looks absolutely gorgeous. Dad's planning on getting it soon too so I'm looking forward to this one.
  14. Just finished Spider-Island. What an event! Epic story, great character work, fantastic plot, great action. It had everything and, frankly, put Fear Itself to shame.
  15. It's Ultimate Spider-Man and looks like this (and not this) It's also completely amazing.
  16. I love it. It must be intentional, really.
  17. you can buy cures - 3000 from the merchant in the parish belltower and 6000 from the zombie merchant in the shortcut between firelink and the depths. 3000 is no problem- if you go round the parish twice you'll get what you need.
  18. Nice one
  19. Same here. Felt like proper 'car chase' physics with loads of 70s style pitch and roll. Brilliant stuff.
  20. This! Especially if the job involves research of any kind. Try and find stuff you can't get off their wiki page too, because you can be sure they'll know what your likely sources are for the info you bring with you. With regards to umms and eeerrrs, there's a handy trick worth remembering and that's think while you drink. Most interviewers will offer you a glass of water so it's simple enough to compose yourself mentally for your answer while you take a sip or two. When you do answer, use evidence. They want to know about the times you used the skills you're being asked about, not vague assurances that you have those skills. You might be right, but it's like you saying 'mate, trust me!' with a cheeky wink if you can't back up what you say. Finally, assume your competition are lying shits, so lie too.
  21. That's awesome man. Godspeed!
  22. well, yeah. Pro blates.
  23. So which one of you lot told my girlfriend to buy me The Long Halloween and Scalped? Shit is awesome, yo!
  24. Guys aren't shallow per se, but the way we're attracted to women can be quite physical. More interesting girls are always going to be better girlfriend material long term but in bars and clubs guys are looking for more immediate sex appeal to get them interested. We need to know you're sexual, to put it bluntly. It's like an 'on' switch. If that's not your scene, then I'd suggest trying something else like (broken record time) online dating. It gives you an immediate hook with mutual interests and stuff so you can feel more confident in talking about what you're in to and stuff rather than just trying to attract attention.
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