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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Avengers #2 is awesome. JRJ is absolutely killing this book- he's on fire. There's a few pages later on especially where my jaw was on the floor. absolutely brilliant. The plot is shaping up really nicely too. It's going to be a fun, fun arc from here on in, I think.
  2. so not a remake of Another World, then. Shambolic performance, development community.
  3. 'studio insiders' are reporting that Nathan Fillion and Eva Longoria are cast as the Pyms. hurm.
  4. Nice one Cube. Grabbing those now.
  5. If you're moving forwards, it's fine -- so, where racoons and foxes at yo?
  6. I walk about 4 miles every day. Booyah, punks.
  7. This looks awesome. 20p says it doesn't have southpaw...
  8. That's #1 from One Moment In Time, which is the follow up to the bile and hate filled continuity execution of Brand New Day. Should be, uh, interesting. I actually have mixed feelings towards BND- for all the out of character bullshit it involved, I think any Spider-Man fan would be hard pressed to argue that the results once the radioactive fallout had dispersed, have been some of the best stories of the last couple of years. The Gauntlet, especially, has been fantastic. Particularly the Rhino arc and Shed. I just hate, with a passion, how they got there.
  9. the graphical changes really do give me sadface. It's so lame. still, the demo plays really well. The rooftop leaps are exhilarating, the combat is full of that sandbox lunacy you expect and it handles well technically. 4-Player is going to kick arse no matter what.
  10. Well said Aimless. Violence is...handy videogame shorthand. It's the easiest A-B like you say. I'm with you on ME 2, too. I'd have much preferred some more extended non action sequences but in terms of man hours in development it's probably not feasible. It's a shame because it's a total fiction killer. If Shepherd is going to a nightclub to ask some questions, why is he doing it in full power armour carrying a pistol, an assault rifle, a shotgun and a flamethrower, And why does nobody try and stop him? Answer: because whatever you ask, five minutes from now you're going to be shooting a droid in the face.
  11. That's actually the best thing I've ever seen.
  12. Holy Fucking Shit this is awesome
  13. aw man that sucks. I had the same thing with my cat a while back and it was awful. Much hugs.
  14. nah, the comics!
  15. fancy PM'ing me the necessaries Paj? also: why isn't Ms Marvel 'This woman's work'? assuming you mean Karla, it'd be perfect.
  16. OK, that was pretty good. Just seshed a bunch of favorites- Captain America, Spider-Man, Black Widow, Iron Man, Walking Dead, New Avengers, Dark Wolverine, X-Men. Yes. Awesome set. New Avengers is off to a good start, too. Anyone else grab it?
  17. the noise reduction is great news: can't afford multiple installs on my piddly 20gb and that's the only way to shut my machine up. Can't afford it though
  18. Hey, look. Grass!
  19. gnnuargh. Yes I need to see some straight up in-level gameplay though. I don't like these trailers that don't show off the nuts and bolts.
  20. Given the content of the album, it's quite fitting.
  21. That's...yeah. Yikes.
  22. Woahshit I'm back from London and in dire need of a strong comic fix, stat!
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