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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. OML was pretty good. Nowhere near as good as Ultimate X-men but it was fun. I have a feeling he's veering too much towards shock tactics nowadays but I'm still a fan.
  2. It's good, but it's no Secret Warriors. other news: Millar has started writing Old Man Logan 2
  3. Maybe it just assumes you do. I mean, we all did so...
  4. well, at least they made the porn parody easy.
  5. It sounds fairly temporary to me. There's a good interview on comic book resources about it and it sounds more like a storyline than a status quo (think Dark Reign) from the way he describes it.
  6. ok reboot is a bad word- but it's like Green Lantern in that it's clearly designed as a jump on point that introduces a new main storyline to follow. Nothing is being erased fully but I'd imagine that when it does come back it'll be done with the intention of easing new readers in to the continuity. It's a way past the brick wall of continuity that outsiders face with these kind of things.
  7. Interesting change with Wonder Woman. JMS is talking about removing the dense continuity associated with the series for new readers. I'm going to check it out I think. DC have a mixed bag with reboots like this- Green Lantern was amazingly well done- Johns conveyed a huge amount of information with admirable clarity right off the bat and, as someone who's barely red a single DC book, it was inclusive and fresh. Flash: Rebirth, by comparison...Jesus fucking Christ. I mean, seriously. What the fuck was that all about? As a series 'revival' it was an absurd mess. Impenetrable continuity, no context, dense and incomprehensible guff. Hopefully this is more like the former.
  8. 8? Really? huh. well, yeah. Not bad features I suppose. Don't really feel that I'd need it though as 7 runs like liquid gold on this pc.
  9. Firstly; happy birthday dude. Secondly; fuck you, Rez. Fuck you.
  10. Seconded. I can't believe anyone is genuinely excited by this.
  12. * <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?> * <rss version="2.0"> * </rss>
  13. Lovely stuff, Eenuh. I wish I could read it!
  14. I think, instead of words, you should just film some filthy sex; loop it on the telly and go out for the day. Shock and awe.
  15. na daily mail is: Heading home in shame: England's flops return to face the music... but will Capello fall on his £6m-a-year sword?
  16. I think I've been outdone by Jay. Oh Lawd. Solid work from dwarf, too.
  17. A friend of mine at uni deleted someone she knew after he posted his support for the EDF. Nice!
  18. Well, yeah. That's the whole point of this thread.
  19. I want cake Happy birthday, chap.
  20. Some dude has made an awesome montage of action movie cliche moments.
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