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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Some dude has made an awesome montage of action movie cliche moments.
  2. Sounds like a game to avoid online without pre-arranged co-op. Might check it out at some point though.
  3. Looks very cool. Heart sank a touch with the RPG battle but the visuals are lovely.
  4. -Woke up at 3! - Netto was open so I went to buy cider and some food - Made dinner! Roasted some meat. - Played some MW2 - Drank cider - watched an entire series of some faintly obscure TV series so fast that a minor disturbance in Space/Time was registered by NASA - What is life? Are we just a collective organism experiencing itself subjectively? Are we individuals eternally divorced from one another desperately trying to connect on levels that, really, are impossible? When you really think about it, post human experiences drive us together while pulling us apart. Why do we find ourselves surrounded by people who are reflections of our hopes and fears expressed in an external and theoretical sense? Everyone is ronrey but we're all in it together at the same time. WHAT DOES IT MEAN? - I'm still confused by my ex.
  5. You should give the challenges a crack. They're listed in your journal and some of them are excellent. Treasure hunting is particularly good (and proper nails, to boot)
  6. Deus Ex Was this the start of 'emergent gameplay?' It certainly feels like it. And for a decade old game, it still comes across incredibly well. It's absolutely brilliant. It's not perfect- poor signposting and a bit of opaque design show their age. The rest is gold, though. Truly gripping, experimental and bold beyond it's years it's still top quality stuff. Butt ugly nowdays but everything below the surface just purrs along. Yes.
  7. The I.T Crowd teh awsum. Really funny episode- I definitely need to start keeping up with this, It's brilliant.
  8. The degrees of inanity created by Facebook and it's encouragement of a kind of social ocd are amazing. However, it's basically up to you. People complain a lot by saying 'oh all people post is pointless shit and blah blah' - plenty of which is on show above. Thing is, your news feed is yours. It's a reflection of who you choose to associate yourself with and so on. Basically, nothing happens on Facebook without your say so. Personally, I think my feed is pretty good. I don't tolerate fools often, only subscribe to genuinely interesting feeds and generally restrict access to people I want to hear from. The result is a much more restrained sample of articles, videos, comments and discussions that I genuinely want to see. People who complain about social networks should try putting in more effort to control and define them for their purposes before they write them off.
  9. Sea Bear and Grizzly Shark is awesome. Somehow, I get the impression that the whole thing started when they were all sat around a poker table getting pissed and someone got a pen and paper out...
  10. What about modding? You might use your time better getting to work on a team doing that to build a portfolio
  11. Thunderbolts is really shaping up. Lots and lots of solid action this month but the plot holds up well. I'm starting to really like this team, too.
  12. Why would you be waiting to start your applications? Start immediately and if you don't have your results, say that you expect to get a 2:1 or whatever it is you're lined up for and get your favorite tutor as a reference. If anyone asks, they'll back up your claim.
  13. multiplayer wise, it won't be anywhere near as good as Halo so I may as well ignore it.
  14. Ueerrggh. Get away!
  15. Work in a suit and sneer at the lowly worker class around you?
  16. Grim Hunt 2 was mental. I loved that twist, followed by that ending. What on earth is going on? Brilliant. I genuinely love the release schedule of ASM- I kind of wish other big franchises like X-Men sacrificed their sub titles in order to produce a similar forward momentum. Second Coming is a great argument for such a thing.
  17. This actually got a pretty positive write up in Edge. Still a wait and see for me, but it's sounding fairly confident at least.
  18. I never 'got' it first time either. RPG elements that restrict gunplay in what looks like a shooter always go down harsh. I've been playing it all day, though, and I think it's finally clicked. I'm slowing down, appreciating the more adult treatment the game requires (as in 'treated like' not 'xxx') and it's really, really fucking good. Fucking arse over tit of an ugly sumbitch nowadays mind, but if you can ignore that I think it's great.
  19. right, there we go. I'd ask who that is but I imagine I'll only be disappointed.
  20. No Country For Old Men One of my favorite films, this. It's just so incredibly well directed; sparse dialog is made up for by an incredibly capable showing from both the cast, in portraying very purposeful characters with silent internal monologues that the audience is left to work out, and by the Coens who absolutely nail a visual language that conveys so much through apparently simple camera work. In fact, one of the best moments in the film is right at the end when an apparently ambiguous scene is, in fact, absolutely clear but only if you catch one little moment that you'll probably miss. I've just read Cormac McCarthy's original novel and I think I'm even more impressed by the film adaptation now than I was first time. It's really quite accomplished.
  21. Quiet you. Nobody's allowed to post untill I get an explanation.
  22. no me. I can't wait for it even more. I have an equation to back me up, so don't make me use it.
  23. Wahey, that looks amusing. Genuine appreciation of the property win!
  24. if it's nice, and there's something on, I'd recommend a walk down the southbank, across town and up to Chinatown.
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