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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. Kraftwerk is obvious but it's also essential. No Kraftwerk, no electronica.
  2. Fuck I love the 70s 1971 - Baba O'Riley
  3. Alright guys. Pay attention: this here is the best video on youtube.
  4. Have we had 1986 yet? Bigmouth Strikes Again by The Smiths every time.
  5. I only just noticed this: I love stuff like that. It really shows the power of a good image.
  6. 1972- Tumbling Dice by The Rolling Stones. if it's not this, or another track from Exile on Mainstreet, you're basically doing it wrong.
  7. I was thinking that. The material is too 'tech' for ww2. They should use the one I posted from The Ultimates- it leads nicely in to that new design.
  8. It's a bonanza!
  9. I'd just like to say how much I enjoy both this thread and, on a related note, quietly judging you all.
  10. Holy shit. Awesome!
  11. Really do want several of those pairs for my clown feet.
  12. No idea. I just caught a link somewhere last night.
  13. Israel's nuclear capability was confirmed recently by leaked documents from a proposed sale of nukes to Apartheid South Africa. Seriously. fuck Israel.
  14. It was state terrorism. No two ways about it.
  15. Na that was debunked fairly swiftly. Personally I think they're both...mediocre choices for the role (assuming it is pym) as they're too charismatic for him. Pym should be a bit more...almost like Dr Who actually. Brilliant thinker, outside the box and kind of nervously hyperactive he thinks so fast. He's basically a mad genius playing at hero.
  16. If they had legitimate evidence they were in the right by firing live ammo at men armed with sticks, then why have they kidnapped civilians and caused a media blackout over it? They've committed war crimes and they're covering their asses by silencing whoever they can untill their story is the accepted one.
  17. 20p says it's Hawkeye or Hank Pym (Less Likely)
  18. Didn't take long:
  19. Some dude has seen the Captain America costume So it sounds a fair bit like the version from #1 of The Ultimates, only even more adjusted for a military look/ purpose. To me, that's an essential change because I just cannot see anyone taking the full costume seriously, especially not the original 1940s version. Hopefully we'll see a shot soon like the one of Thor the other day.
  20. Presumably It's just how far the lighting penetrates from the angle of the camera, much like how you can't see the bottom of a well. Alternatively; It's a gateway to a hellish under-realm populated by subterranean nightmare beasts that hunger for human flesh.
  21. I...don't care? Yeah there we go.
  22. Very cool, that. I like it.
  23. What's that?
  24. oh, lol. Sorry.
  25. I hope not. I mean, Irredeemable is already doing the 'dark superman' thing brilliantly. Millar couldn't hope to match that. In fact, I'm hoping Millar looses the whole ultra violent narcissism he's adopted of late. It's wearing thin. Unless Nemesis improves considerably above the shock value of #1 it's going to be pretty boring. I hope this is more in line with Red Son and Ultimate X-Men.
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