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Everything posted by Dan_Dare

  1. If they want to quit, they should man up or get cancer. No Mercy.
  2. I'm a Zombieand fan- there's a definite dip in the middle third somewhere but it remains lulz and
  3. Yeah kind of rocking the same vibe as you. No love for Drunk Girls though? Instant classic.
  4. Na- it was pretty rough actually as i had two solid days of lectures where I felt like I was going to break down sobbing at any moment.
  5. na that's The Onion. It's their logo. They sell merchandise too.
  6. the original run was, but when it came back it basically ignored Uncanny etc. I think now Marvel are expanding the Astonishing... brand to cover their out of continuity 616 books
  7. sequel? talking heads title makes me happy
  8. student mugged, rescued by Ninjas.
  9. Haahaha 'Youjizz' that's genius. And yes, porn is terrible. Bad. Harro again! Your life sounds terribly exciting. Mine is not, or mostly not. I'm having sporadic bursts of fun and weird amongst boring shut in days with my old buddy MS Word.
  10. That film is pitch black. I watched it under the most awkward social situation I've ever been in too- my parents and our eighty something french friend who came to stay. it was mortifying in ways nobody should ever have to know. Good though, innit?
  11. Great album. Sad to know it'll be their last though. Hopefully one last tour before they scatter.
  12. Goafer I heart your ninja trespasser photography pretty hard. I think I'm gay for it.
  13. Yay Molly's back! That's cheered me up. Rotten night at Dare inc. forum. Rotten night. I just want to do/think about something other than this god damn essay. I have the girl coming back on Friday though, which is good! I think! probably end in tears, rum and porn. sorry to hear that, man. I went through the same thing a while back and it's tough. Man hug / choppah for you.
  14. if you talk about The Sword without a spoiler tag I will ban you, bitch.
  15. Oh good. Won't have to turn green and punch Eli Roth in to a tree, then.
  16. Formulaic shows can work fine- just look at House or Chuck, but at least they're well written enough to use the formula as the basis for bigger, better things and aren't afraid to ditch it if need be.
  17. I would actually Hulk Out if HIMYM ended sans Mother in some dastardly ratings cull.
  18. I reckon they'll switch over next month. Pet theory is that
  19. I say you have sex then consider the implications!
  20. Fuck it man. A brother can't exactly not have a couple to a bit of Breaking Bad under those circumstances, can he?
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