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Everything posted by Jamba

  1. Well you are kinda proving the point (in my eyes) of why people shouldn't get it. I have played 5 iterations of this series now, own 4 of them, and tbh not enough seems to have changed to really warrant a new game. I see this as a new game for the new Nintendo owners who don't really know MarioKart yet. I'm just really surprised to see you guys ready to throw away your money for a game that will just be an online version of MK-DD with motion controls. Pretty sheep like logic to me. I find it worrying also that MK-DS is probably going to be better than it still. It's fine for you people who have the money and are ready to pour it into Nintendo's pockets but I wanna spend my cash on a game I haven't played yet.
  2. This makes my spine tingle lots... http://www.flyingomelette.com/greatgames/music/sf-corneria.mp3
  3. What is it that everyone is so excited about with this title in particular? Are people really that excited about online multiplayer or is the motion controls that everyone is dying for? Or is it that other dark matter... the stunts?! *hides*
  4. I find this hard to articulate properly. I'm a Speccy kid but my real gaming life was SNES era. I find it hard to get excited about games. I find it hard to come up with reasons to buy games for the Wii atm in particular. For instance: Super Paper Mario. It was rambling and weird and held very little challenge. It seemed so pedestrian and featureless that I just traded it. I disagree with what some people have said in the thread already. I think that games should be shorter and harder. My perfect example is Contra 3 (and kind of Contra 4). It was challenging, so much so that you had to ask your friends for help. I went back to this game and played it again and again because part of you just wants to get better at it. It wasn't abobut finishing it but getting better. In this respect, I feel that I should probably play more fighters and sports games because they have a long and everlasting difficulty curve (especially if you have compatriots to play against). Most games nowadays require a very small amount of learning and once you have done that then its curtains. Finishing it is just a matter of principle. To be quite honest my brain gets bored. I have a perfect example of how I feel gaming has changed in one single example. Assassins Creed. But I'll talk about that in a different post.
  5. I'm ready for E3 to be quite disappointing. I expect another session of Ninty licking their own balls and declaring how amazing they are. I wouldn't be surprised if Sony completely screw them show wise. I really like the Wii but I don't see N being comitted to actually making that many NEW games. If I look at the big hitters so far: Zelda, Mario and Metroid then these are all Gamecube games in many ways. Their development started way back in the last generation too. Time for the 3nd gen software to start hitting. I'm gonna start getting annoyed if I find that most of the games announced on the Wii take no advantage of it's features. This would only prove that the Wii has won almost entirely on being cheap and having good advertising. Follow Capcom, Nintendo.
  6. Ah, the spectrum of intercourse. Everyone has their preferences as to which they like the most out of the three. I fall between love making and having sex. Although fucking can be really good I often dont find it anywhere near as stimulating unless I'm really in that kind of mood. Still laughing inside a little bit at the people here who are squimish at the idea of love making.
  7. Jamba


    'nother quick q: People keep saying "character that they picked"... Does the GM ask you to choose a chracter then before the game starts? Also I would like to just thank Maase for making read 15 pages for 1 day! What a cluster fuck!
  8. Yeah I think its pretty good aswell, they have been able to make a very emotive and interesting story in quite a small pool of characters. I LOVE the FBI agent, he's awesome! But one thing that is gonna start annoying me is Sarah's monologues, they're not seemlessly slipped in like Dexter's. They feel too often and too obvious (beginning, occasionally middle, then the end of each episode). Feels like the writers are trying to summarise the episode and it feel uncomfortable.
  9. Yay for Spidey 1 & 2! Can we just forget that the 3rd film was made?
  10. Jamba


    Oh another question: I've been reading the DIY Mafia and it seems like everyone knows the selection of roles that are there. Does everyone find out the selection of characters at the beginning or have these been revealed/guessed throughout the game?
  11. Jamba


    Ahhh Mundi beat me to reposting his link!!!! Have a read, its a pretty comprehensive wiki. Although I don't think that it's going to compare to playing the actual game.
  12. Oh do buddy! Was smegging brillinat this game. The intro was one of the most dramatic and intense things i'd ever seen in a game. For me, none of the later games captured the feeling of peril that the first one inspired. Glad to see that somethings don't change throughout the series though. Falco is still a cock.
  13. Bit of an exageration but I agree with you. Jordan shares those views as well. I understand why people would want RE5 on Wii but I just don't think it is worth the hassle. Less re-makes and ports, more games please Capcom.
  14. Yeah, I'm liking it a lot too. Really glad that they started to kick in the paranoia because everything started to feel a bit too cosy recently. Also:
  15. Good people, I can't say but I'll give them the benefit of the doubt. Good soldiers... well that's an entire other conversation which we probably shouldn't go into.
  16. Or not to mention Mr. Link: http://kotaku.com/gaming/crafts/papercraft-the-other-link-model-269508.php
  17. I think you should do a great big Ness:
  18. Yes pleeeeeease! Been looking into doing one of these this week. Any estimate on when it would look like starting? Also:
  19. Nah mate, you're just condescending. Especially when you keep on talking to people in imperatives.
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