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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Well, it's more the fact that there really are none on PSP, especially that I can't already get on a home console, because lets face it, noone uses a PSP and it's frankly pathetic battery life as a portable.
  2. You need Eye of The Tiger by Survivor. It's totally necessary. The rest is a question of taste.
  3. Haha, you guys have gotta be kidding right? I haven't even got an Xbox and I've finished both Halo 1 and 2 on Heroic :p, but then, I'm 1337.
  4. Good for Take Two. Shame their games still suck.
  5. Waking up in the middle of the night after a massive bender, with your mouth all dry, and with a sore throat, feeling too ill to get back to sleep, while not being able to coordinate your movements at all. It's pretty horrible. Yeah, that happens to me sometimes...I wake up and get shit scared for some reason after I've slept on my arm...I donno why...
  6. Birthday on the same day as St. Paddys? Lucky bum.
  7. They're shit. Fact.
  8. I'm gonna make a few, just checked and I found a ton of chocolate sprinkles, dark chocolate chips and chocolate syrup, so I'm just gonna totally cover them I don't think we have those cookies here, I'm just gonna use some regular custard creams. This isn't going to end well ...
  9. I didn't really like this game, it was around the time of Metal Gear Solid, and I thought it handled so clumsily compared to MGS, I was a PS1 guy, PS1, of course being the only good console Sony have ever made.
  10. Wow that looks pretty nice, I think I'll make a few for tomorrow...if I can find the ingredients :\
  11. Yup! . Did you ever get that copy of NGC that told you how to map all the classic Goldeneye and Perfect Dark levels with the mapmaker? Timesplitters in Facility and Bunker was the most fun you can have without being forced to cuddle afterwards...
  12. Yeah, it wasn't as special as I wanted it to be, it would have been nice for a double episode finale with some reappearences from Hammond, O' Neill and Jonas, but I suppose that was hoping for a bit much. It was certainly different, and for what it was, it was pretty good, I just think it could have been that little bit more memorable. It wasn't a series defining episode, like a lot of the eps around seasons 2, 3 qand 4 were.
  13. A new Timesplitters for Wii would be heavenly...
  14. Haha, this reminded me of something: Get Outta Myspace.Mp3
  15. Don't be a muppet, how can you like a girl you've never talked to before? You seem fine coming on here and talking to people, so don't think that there's a different way to communicate just because they can see you, just look em in the eye and say what you want, if nothing comes into mind, then don't worry, the most everyday, pointless things can be conversation starters, all you have to do is stop having this ideal conception of girls are like. It helps, of course, if your friends are willing to introduce you to their friends, and invite you out, but honestly, they're not going to give a toss either way unless you earn their respect and that means, however uncomfortable it may be, you look them in the eye for a little while and talk naturally. If you find it hard, it'll take some balls to do it, but you're gonna have to do it at some point or another.
  16. Er, I've only read the first line, but I'd like to point out that drinking wine isn't a "creative meduim..." It's...drinking wine...now, if you're lucky, wine will taste something close to vinegar, so really, you're saying tasting ethanoic acid and ethanol (a substance the body has a natural repulsion to), so in reality, the only reason anyone has for "tasting wine" is some stupid, pseudo artistic excuse to get drunk. They might aswell be tasting grape juice for fucks sake. I really do find it amusing how people pass the least enjoyable things imaginable as "art." Of course, some people say that it wouldn't be "art" if it were enjoyable . As for Aimless, I do envy and admire your stance on all this, mainly because I guess it makes you a better person than I am (I really don't care what harm others inflict upon themselves through drugs, we can't go around holding their hands like little children, if they can't look after themselves without a law in place, then they're either a fool or a coward who can't turn away from what society expects them to be; they're not independant and intelligent enough to be worth giving a damn about in the first place).
  17. Haha, someone must really suck at it
  18. Steady on there, that's an eyefull.
  19. Too bad it has such a stupid name.
  20. Woah, Wii is kicking large amounts of ass. Very nice.
  21. Bah! Halo is fantastic, and as for A Clockwork Orange, if it's anything like the book, then it ought to be rather enjoyable.
  22. Eddie Murphy - Delirious, not a movie, per se, but it is the best stand up comedy the world has ever seen. Probably my 2000th time watching it. Infinity/10.
  23. That....hurts my eyes...
  24. Hehe, Weatherspoons is the only bar I've ever been kicked out of...or more like dragged out of Guinness is and probably always will be my beer of choice.
  25. I'd get some Wii points too, and R-Type, Super Mario World and Super Probotector.
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