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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Flinky dinky wins. In the face. Twice.
  2. Too vague on the second part, but kudos for getting the first part right Anyone remember?
  3. Hehe...I know from experience o_0 A very hard one Pwnt. : Where did Moderator Soag (apparently) lose his virginity, And to who?
  4. I'll probably go see this tomorrow with a couple of mates, if I can be arsed booking the tickets..
  5. Er...who gives a toss? Most pointless thing evar.
  6. I too hate Pearl Jam, but I hate Alice In Chains more. Soundgarden are pretty decent. They just don't appeal to me as much though. Nothing compares to the raw emotion in some of Nirvanas songs. Genius. I don't usually go in for that kinda thing, it's not complex enough, but by god Nirvana are fantastic. Just a question: are you a musician?
  7. Yeah, to be honest, with me being me and all, I'd give em a pretty good tongue lashing. Bring. It. On. 15 days to go .
  8. This has kinda put me off getting Xbox live o_0.
  9. Can't dispute that.
  10. Is Simcity on the VC any good?
  11. That's not really saying much, as pretty much all Bond movies have been terrible. Still I thought this was a cut above the rest, or maybe that was because I was drunk. Who knows.
  12. Damn the rain to hell. I was looking forward to watching Pakistan giving Zimbabawe a kick up the ass.
  13. Well that depends, if you have it on PS2, don't play it again. Ever. Infact, burn it, and then burn it's effigy and then burn the memory card containing the data. Terrible conversion. As for Metroid Prime, I think MP2 was my favourite game of last gen. Either that or the original. Awesome games.
  14. Well I thought there was. It was fucking packed man, an incredibly lengthy, detailed game, with the best weapons I could think of, The Mercenaries mode which has to be one of the best extras in any game ever. What more do you want? It did consist mostly of shooting, but the shooting was so flawlessly executed that you can't ask for much else.
  15. Shit compared to the 80's certainly. 80's had Metal and cheesy electronica. Ya can't beat that. The noughties circa 06 have been fucking fantastic. Not for popular music, but for more underground acts, man there's been a shitload going on. Still, in the Nineties there was the best work from: Nirvana (only decent grunge band. Amazing infact.) Emperor In Flames Deicide Death Iced Earth Blind Guardian RHCP most of the good music, admittedly only really had cult followings at best, still it wasn't a really bad decade like the 60's *shudder*
  16. It was certainly scarier, but less endearing to me. I know RE4 like the back of my hand, it comes in at around No. 5 on my fave games of all time list. I never got bored. The one thing I would have changes would have been (funnily enough) real time weapon change . I mean, the ability to map 4 weapons to the C stick instead of the totally useless camera would have been a lifesaver for me.
  17. I really doubt it, but then I don't qualify as an expert.
  18. Yeah, Batista looks like him. He's a dick though, so I'd say get someone with an IQ over 5.
  19. 349 all out. Good send off for Inzy. Lets hope they can get Zimbabawe out before they can cause any trouble.
  20. Pakistan doing bloody fantastic against Zimbabawe today, when Inzamam went off, I was almost in tears, such an endearing playa. Nazir out for 160, the only real disappointments of the day have been Mohammad Yousuf going for 3, and Shahid Afridi going for 16 after an awesome opening. 286 ish, with 5 overs to go. I feel slightly bad for Zimbabawe. Man, he's had an utterly bollocks tournament.
  21. Ya filthy great cheat!
  22. Very much so. Okey, an easy one this time: Who claims to have failed their driving test 7 times?
  23. I thought bestiality was illegal within the UK...?
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