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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Haha, oh man, words fail to describe my love for yuou all (and I really mean that!), and my effort in typing this post tODAY was brilliant, thanks for all your bday wishes , I'll be sure to reply whern I',m totally sober Love, Bard.
  2. Aww, cheers guys ... Hehe...I still have nightmares about that, Flinky . Love you all .
  3. Pretty decent, or used to be. They suck now though. Dio.
  4. Answer: Yes. I have both, so I win.
  5. Seemed great when I tried it out at a mates . Maybe I'll give it a miss... hurry up and make the anniversary edition backwards compatible you incompetent *****! *shakes fist*.
  6. Wow. England just got shat on. Hurrah .
  7. Hey mind if me and my mate join in guys?
  8. Downloaded a shitload of demos. I think I'm gonna get Prey and Street Fighter. Why the fuck don't they make The Anniversary Edition backwards compatible? Fucks sake. I am loving mah 360. Up the ass.
  9. Hehe, It's pretty hard on hard mode, and pretty scary too. It doesn't have a co-op mode though.
  10. Fear > Gears of War. In the face. Twice.
  11. Nah, I'll just be getting hyper fighting for my 360, and an arcade stick .
  12. That is the most metal thing ever. Seriously, like a vampire or something. Awesome. And I see a metallica poster in the background. Too bad it's a load poster
  13. AAaaallright...first place..! Lol, Just got my live subscription, screen names Teh Bard, add me up bitches! .
  14. Teh Bard ...Yep, I'm gonna buy a live subscription sometime soon .
  15. Hehe, got FEAR and Gears, awesome. Been playing it all day .
  16. Gee, that's peculiar, considering that Cannibal Corpse are without a doubt the worst band of all time.
  17. Yaay 360 tomorrow. Lolz.
  18. Mega Lame. 0/10. In the face. Boston ...actually no...I'll go for Lamb of God.
  19. One of the most tedious movies I've ever had to endure. 1/10. Aladdin.
  20. Cheerful. Friends over tonight, watching Hercules now, life is good.
  21. C'man, someone must have played it! It's a masterpiece. Ok, here's a different one: Chrono Trigger . Be very careful.
  22. I'm actually going to refuse to believe in these mythical embodyments of stupidity until I see and hear them with my own eyes. Unbefuckinleavable.
  23. Seriously, though, those graphics just look boring beyond belief. Play Chrono Trigger, the epitome of beautiful art style, it's a game with heart, rather than trying to see how many polygons can be pushed. There's only one truly beautiful PS3 game that I can think of, Heavenly Sword, and that's only because of the stunning animation.
  24. Fuck off, that's my occupation o_0
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