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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. What does that involve? If it breaks down, the GPU malfunctions, or if the red lights appear will that be covered? Thanks for the help guys, much appreciated.
  2. You can't search for everything on the "search forums" tool. Besides, it's contained to something that's familiar to all of us: this forum. Someone's likely to know the answer and say it before another person has time to search for it. Also, well thought out questions can avoid that altogether. Like my one about the pirates thread. That thread no longer exists, so people rely on memory more.
  3. Surely you're not excited about that? Caris, I love you and all, but Killzone was one of the worst games I've ever played o_0.
  4. Batman Begins was awesome, it really reminded me of the atmosphere of The Animated Series. Katie Holmes is a bit shit though.
  5. I hope you guys don't mind me asking this here, seeing as I'm getting my 360 next week: What's Microsofts customer service like? If my 360 breaks down a year after the original purchase, will I be able to get it fixed easily and inexpensively? And what are the chances of it breaking down in the first place? I'm kinda apprehensive cause it's an awesome console, but I don't have an unlimited income so if it breaks down then thats likely the end of it for me. O rly? Ah well, I don't really know what the difference between HDMI and Component is in the first place.
  6. McKay is alright. For me though, it's always gonna be SG-1 > Atlantis.
  7. This thread is made thoroughly redundant by Google.
  8. Safe, that should do for now .
  9. That's interesting. Of course, it's complete gibberish, but it's interesting nontheless. SG-1 was superior for many many reasons: It's ties to ancient mythology, and human history was part of the draw for me. Atlantis totally lacks any episodes as classic and unforgettable as "Upgrades" or "Window of Opportunity," just to name two out of a selection of over 200. Sheppard is also boring when stood next to the infinitely amusing and endearing O' Neill. The cast in Atlantis are thoroughly disinteresting , walking cliche's. I admit that some of the characters in SG-1 we're stereotypes, but that never came in the way, you felt totally attatched to them. None of the magic that made SG-1 what it was is there in Atlantis, and I kinda doubt it'll be there for this new series either.
  10. Does the Xbox 360 premium pack come with a Component or HDMI cable?
  11. No. No not really. Nyeah.
  12. Thats ridiculous. SG-1 is infinately superior to Atlantis. Infact, SG-1 is vastly superior to just about any Sci-Fi series.
  13. Music isn't about the lyrics for me. If I wan't poetic talent, I'll go read some Milton. Music is about the sounds that aren't attatched to some outside meaning. You don't need poetic talent to be a good musician. Poetry and music are two totally separate things.
  14. I have a dodgy Wii. It artefacts like fuck. Same goes for a bajilion other people. It's not uncommon. Thankfully, Nintendo are nice, so send it to 'em detailing the problem and they'll send you a new one.
  15. I'm not the kind of person who really tries to find "deeper meaning" in lyrics attatched to music. The meaning behind the lyrics tends to be rather plain, and as far as I'm concerned, in most music they're only there to either paper over the cracks in musicianship, or to provide something for people who wouldn't understand the music by itself. I prefer to concentrate more on the music itself, it's structures, the nuances of the musicians.
  16. Yeah that happens to me sometimes. Is it just to do with drivers?
  17. Of course what you're forgetting is that I really can't take non-musician critics seriously enough to give a crap about what they think. Playing music is an integral part to having a deeper understanding of it, although that really depends on what you categorise as music.
  18. There are so many that I can't remember any of them clearly. When I look back on it, it seems that all my parents used to do was shout platitudes at me. See my parents are religious, and that gives them more than enough, vacant, superficial bullshit to toss at me. They've cooled off in recent years though, and it was never so overbearing as to make me want to kill them in the face. Twice. One thing I've always hated is "Respect your elders" what the fuck? I'll respect whoever commands and earns my respect thankyou very fucking much. Yeah that happened to me. If I ever have kids, I'll tell them they can't stay too long in the bath cause they'll dissolve. In an homage to Scrubs.
  19. That's quite possible the most retarded expression I've seen on a human face . *Shakes Rummy's hand.*
  20. So does Lettymon get the go? Safe. I'm not actually sure if she was fat though
  21. Fosters is shit. If they had any class they'd have sent crates of Hobgoblin :p. PS3's slightly worse off with the becks though lolz.
  22. Flinky dinky wins. In the face. Twice.
  23. Too vague on the second part, but kudos for getting the first part right Anyone remember?
  24. Hehe...I know from experience o_0 A very hard one Pwnt. : Where did Moderator Soag (apparently) lose his virginity, And to who?
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