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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. All of Chrono Trigger.
  2. Stop making dumb jokes.
  3. Sunn aren't what anyone would call mainstream. Ever.
  4. Oh, I'm sorry, I forgot you're the all knowing sage, and therefore nobody else on N-E could possibly know who Sunn are. Jamiroquai. Probably the worst pile of horsewank to pass for music these days.
  5. Sucks . 2/10 How about... Sunn O)))
  6. There was nothing I was interested in after I completed Zelda. I'm the kinda gamer that comes for a long single player campaign, and stay because I'm really really, hyper competitive. Wii games are about just light hearted amusement, not about serious competition, and that's why I don't really go for it. Still, Smash Bros, Metroid, Mario and Batallion Wars are just round the corner, so I'm not saying Wii is always going to suck software wise, but I'm just disappointed because the first 2 months of Gamecube gave me twice as many awesome games as 5 months of Wii, which I haven't even bothered to turn on for near enough a month. I meet my fellow Wii owners in school, and everytime the topic comes up "When are any good games coming out for Wii?". I just don't think that Wii is going to be as appealing to me as the Cube or N64 were, and thats a damn shame.
  7. Either way, it's still one of my favourite consoles of all time, and I've only owned it for 3 weeks. With my Wii, I got bored after about 4 days. Not to mention that my Wii broke about 3 months after I bought it.
  8. OMFG, Guitar Hero has Hangar 18? Trust me, it's much much harder to play on an actual guitar
  9. Teh bay of teh E. Be prepared to pay upwards of 50 quid.
  10. Agreed. Same with Pulp Fiction and infact, any Tarantino movie.
  11. Bollocks. True, the first time I heard Redneck, I thought it was Pantera, although a much improved Pantera, but nothing else from that album really sounds like Pantera at all.
  12. You all suck. As The Palaces Burn ftw. Sacrement wasn't half bad either. Nothing LOG have done has been bad, infact, it's all been awesome. In the face. Twice.
  13. This is a motherfucking invitation...the only one you could ever need.
  14. I agree with you mate, fighters suck balls unless you have yourself a good arcade stick . Thats why I'm buying me a DOA 4 one for 360. Its about 50 quid, but worth it. I've got a nice collection of arcade sticks now .
  15. Same boat as Bon Jovi, and hence, I won't even dignify them with a rating. In Flames.
  16. Dude, can I add you so I can play you online sometime? . Finally, someone else who's as excited about this as I am .
  17. Haha. That had me laughing for a while. Nice one C'man, give the guy a break, he's from Wales. You know how hard it is to find any talent (in every sense of the word) over there
  18. Bullet For My Valentine: Talentless "musicians" trying to make their music sound complex, while simultaneously trying to hide the fact that they actually only play about 3 different notes every half minute. The whole strummy chord thing really doesn't work for "metal" bands either. 4/10. Now that just doesn't hold water. Yes. Yes it is. But hey, I don't take issue with Nile being there. They're in my top 20 too . Edit: Crap, forgot to say a band. Here's something most people should know: Slayer.
  19. Skalds And Shadows...
  20. She's just doing it out of the kindness of her heart, the girls free to not accept the help if she doesn't want it, or if she feels awkward about it, she can use donor eggs from elsewhere.
  21. Fuck yeah it is. Mental high five.
  22. Woah, that was unexpected from OW. Bjork, hmm, she's been around awhile, reminds me of the crappy old 80 electronica acts like Cher, except less crappy . Alright if you're pasted and you want some easy listening with your mates, but not so good otherwise 5.5/10. Blind Guardian. (Yeah, I know OW is probably gonna answer this one aswell, but if he doesn't give them 9/10 or higher, I'm going to explode )
  23. Alright, in that case, yeah I'd say go for Panzer Dragoon, I've only played it once, but it seemed decent enough, and it's rare so you're not going to find it for cheap.
  24. No, get Street Figher: Anniversary Collection Instead.
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