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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. My 360 isn't turning on, no lights no response when I press the power button, I reckon the power brick's busted, the LED won't turn on. Fuck.
  2. How does Deja Vu come about? It's fuckin wierd sometimes.
  3. Anything by Yasunori Mitsuda, therefore, the Chrono series and Xenosaga.
  4. Aww, fuck right off.
  5. Alright guys, I'm online on Gears, come online now if you want a game .
  6. There's always a space for you . Add me: Teh Bard.
  7. Alright lads, Gears tonight at 9?
  8. He's right, the classic controller is crap.
  9. Tbh, Pro wasn't vey hard. They should have like a legendary mode or something.
  10. Hey, dude, he's like on of my best mates Anyway, yeah, man I torque bowed you in the face a lot. Actually, I did that to everyone a lot haha. There was no lag once a couple of people left, 3 on 3 was fine..
  11. Aww, he's so cute! Me want!
  12. Trying to find some purpose, some reason to be enthusiastic about, well, anything, but it's really not happening. I get good grades, I just don't know what to do with them. I leave school this year, and I've no idea what I want to do. Not had the heart to go for a girl since my ex. I'm basically a lethargic fuck.
  13. Meh, it wasn't that bad Still, I pwned some face tonight . We'll get someone else to host it tomorrow night then?
  14. Fuck off, you call em scars?? I got this one in a park when I was 4 years old, some demented guy stabbed me in the arm. I have others, but not in places I'd want to display to the public .
  15. Shit, yeah, I'll be there in 5 minutes guys!
  16. Aight, here's the deal, have Execution this time instead of Warzone, make it more interesting. In the weapon swap thing, put the Torque bow in place of the hammerburst and we're good to go . I'm gonna go start playing now.
  17. Er...you...you what?
  18. Safe G, looks like we got plenty of people . If Jordan doesn't want to host, then I suppose I could.
  19. Safe, 9 o clock it is then . Who's hosting?
  20. So...er, anyone up for Gears again tonight at 10? .
  21. "A Reason," now ask yourself, what exactly that means, there is of course a reason for everything, but if you're saying that reason is something like "gods grand design" then, I call bullshit on that one. Mainly because god doesn't exist, but also because if it was, then we'd all just be puppets in a show. I think it's just illogical crap to say that a billion people a day are starving for a good reason, that people get molested, beaten, abused and killed every day, for a reason. I just don't buy it.
  22. Well, you want to know what I would do? It's nothing like whats happening with your girl, but I was going with this girl, only for a couple of months about 3 years ago, and basically, I got wasted and may have embarrassed her slightly in front of her family (and other stuff, which is personal :p), so she said we should go on a break for a bit, and she was pretty nasty about me to her friends. So I say, fuck no, you either want me, or you don't, so we split. She pestered me for half a year after that about getting back together, and I turned her down every time. I fucking hate it when girls think that when guys care about them, that they'll be their little bitches, you might not want to do that, cause you're probably not as vindictive as I am, but you gotta show her that you're not gonna be fucked with.
  23. Haha, man, that was pretty funny . Yeah, tonight was pretty fun, even though it was mostly 3 on 2. I took some heads off, got some fun kills, my only problem with the stuff would be to not use just default weapons next time, maybe switch the hammerburst with torque bows or something.
  24. Fuck yes. The battlefield one was awesome too. Loved the final destination on when the bass guitar kicks in, it's just fuckin amazing. Not many people notice the music, but it's brilliant.
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