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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Unbelievable. Are Nintendo intentionally trying to kill any enthusiasm we have?
  2. Speaking of season 6, there hasn't really been any good music like there usually is. I mean in the last scene they could have gotten something better, like in Season 2 they have "Dreaming of You" by the coral in that scene with JD and Eliot, which I thought was perfect, and there have been other brilliant uses of music, but I thought they could have done a much better job this season.
  3. Pfft, I didn't even get 1 month free. Or if I did, I don't know where to find the code and set it up. XBL is the best console online service by far, but even still, I think about 20 quid would be a more realistic price to pay.
  4. You're gonna disagree with a fact? That's not a little stupid
  5. Never liked the original, so probably won't get this.
  6. Dude, what the fuck? These guys are slightly berzerk. Also, Atlas is the worst song on the album, Tonto gave me a slight hard on though. Some really interesting shit. If you like these guys, listen to SiKth. Seriously Download these songs at least: Scent of the Obscene Hold My Finger Skies of Millennium Night Peep Show ...actually, on second thoughts, download the whole "Trees Are Dead And Dried Out...Wait For Something Wild" Album. You won't be disappointed. Actually, if you like battles, and you don't like SiKth, you're a fucking hypocrite of the highest order
  7. Man, the last 2 episodes absolutely slew me...brought out the more dramatic side of scrubs...next season is gonna be painful to wait for.
  8. Battles? Sounds epic. Who are they? Also: reccommend some songs, and as always, I'll be sure and take a look.
  9. Well, as always, we are the exceptions that prove the rule
  10. Around February last year, I was so depressed and desperate that I literally hated everyone, most of all myself...the social angst just builds up and people keep grinding you down to the point where you can't honestly feel enthusiastic about anything anymore. That was about the time where I started posting on this forum and met my (now ex) girlfriend. Things picked up after that, but it was the worst I'd ever felt. I now love myself. Honestly, my awesomeness keeps me up at night
  11. Oh come on OW. You thought you were gonna find any intelligence in a Linkin Park thread?
  12. True dat. Although the Wavebird is slightly more comfortable.
  13. I've completed it 9 times, 6 on pro. All I want to do now is go through the game with my infinate launcher and handcannon and rack up the monies so I can post my wealth on teh internets and be recognised as the worlds biggest loser. Honestly. You can't say that not being able to transfer your file is a good thing.
  14. Alright lads, we'll back off, but you should know we only do this cause we're unhealthily obsessed with music, hence the reason we've such a strong opinion on it. Feel free to enjoy whatever you want to: "You can like take a n00b to water, but you can't like make a n00b like drink" - Teh Pwnerer.
  15. I've got my English exam soon. Despite it being my fave subject, I'm shitting bricks cause I don't know the texts too well. With the exception of Paradise Lost which I know better than my own parents
  16. Calza, have you been aquainted with the idea of bad taste...just maybe?
  17. Haha, dude cmon, I like you and all, but thats just plain bullshit. With music, as with all art, there is the shallow and trivial thats only for shortlived entertainment purposes, or even as background sound that's you're not active involved in; it's just there to fill the silence. And there's music that's created from the heart, by people that pour their life and their soul into the making and perfecting of their art; music that will stay with you for the rest of your life and that you can actually learn from. In my mind I like to put these distinctions rather bluntly: Shit music, and good music. Period.
  18. Thats not a question of balance, more a question of skill and knowing the game. The more time you spend with the game, the better you get at it really.
  19. I would buy it without a moments hesitation if only I knew I could transfer my save file from my GC .
  20. Oxigen Waste is inside my head o_0.
  21. Claypool kicks my ass. Doesn't buckethead play for Primus now? That cover of Master of Puppets played entirely with slap was fucking immense.
  22. You've clearly not heard any Iron Maiden They use bass as pretty much a lead instrument. A song that comes to mind is Children of The Damned. I can imagine you scoffing at the idea of listening to Maiden
  23. Radiohead are decent. I've got like three songs which I really quite like; Love will tear us apart, Shes Lost Control and Transmission. Stick them on occasionally. Shes lost control has a bit of a punkish vibe, kinda like something Nirvana would have done circa Bleach. Can't really describe the music actually, I suppose you could call it kinda um...sparse in that it doesn't try to be too complex or showy. I'm liking it overall.
  24. Dyson, you do realise that nobody really cares, and that you're just another boring forum member with no personality, right? Go fuck off and listen to whatever teeny bopper shite that you (barely) listen (and I use that term loosely) to.
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