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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Yeah, whens a demo for this gonna come out on XBL? I really, really can't wait to play this game
  2. Yeah, everytime I see someone roadie running towards me, I think, shit, McMad, panic and miss my shot with the shotgun, and get chainsawed to pieces o_0.
  3. If it's not online, I'll refuse to buy it. I'll stick with Melee thanks.
  4. Stop using the L-Aiming would be a good start. In that situation, try to have a perfect active reload, and keep the trigger button held down. It's what I do, and I'm successful most of the time.
  5. Yeah, it looks pretty good. Like the action based combat, but I hope they keep the huuuuuge summons in it from the main series. That would make it perfect. Go for something like Tales of Symphonia's battle system but with more depth and 3D.
  6. Warzone sucks.
  7. Yeah. That there is what you'd call a typo. I still don't like the handling. Sega Rally is where it's at.
  8. It's kinda funny how this game looks better than a lot of next gen games.
  9. Er McMadness, you can't talk! . Sorry about last night guys, my and my mate had been out drinking since noon, could barely see the screen.
  10. I really don't like the Colin McRae demo , the handling is pretty suck, don't like the track either. I think I'm gonna wait for a new Sega rally.
  11. Same here mate. No worries!
  12. Funny, cause I'd call Alcohol a much more dangerous drug than Weed, and yet about 80% of this forum will have tried it at some point, and most even drink it regularly. Basically, you're calling most of the forum "fags."
  13. Lets see yours then. Fool.
  14. I've got that, it's really pretty awesome. Disk 2 is the best though, not much of interest on the first one cept Billie Jean and Beat It.
  15. I think I'll get Naruto, if it turns out to be any good. Looks fun.
  16. I was just kidding btw, I quite liked the second one, it had some fucking amazing songs on it, but this one doesn't have a single one I like, so far. Schools out is a bit too cheesy for my liking, it's just pop under a pretence of rock guitars.
  17. Aww man, all those songs suck balls. Well, I suppose thats because it's a game for people that wish they could play guitar .
  18. Dear god, the only good band on that bill is the Dropkick Murphys. And maybe Feeder.
  19. No, it's more the fact that he's an idiot.
  20. 1. Why do you hate us when we give you nothing but love?
  21. Oh dear. I HATE Tenessee Williams. Stupid melodramatic ****. Considering that I'm getting 3 A's, I'm going to spend a year out of education and sit home and do the things that full time education hasn't allowed me time for: Music. As for what I wan't to do at uni, I have no idea, I think it's ridiculous that people are required to choose what they want to make of their lives so early, but I'm thinking of just studying eng lit at uni maybe and then going into whatever I feel like at that point. As for nerves: It's inevitable, just make sure that with Frankenstein you've annoted your text thoroughly with the relevant points/ quotations before going in for the exam, other than that there's nothing you really can do apart from read through the texts one more time before friday and hope for the best. What poetry are you doing? Poetry was actually my fave part of AS, but thats probably because we did the forever awesome Paradise Lost.
  22. How'd you figure that one out? So yeah, it's more of the same, except there's more of everything! Hurrah! What texts you doing this year?
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