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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. I can't open mIRC keeps going on about malware and shit.
  2. Donkey Kong, for that god awful rap he spawned. He deserves a damn firing squad to be set on him. Same goes for Zant.
  3. On the RPG front, yeah I agree, the most beautiful RPG's were made on the SNES and PS1, but they used Sprites and Pre-rendered backdrops, which looked brilliant. They didn't do that on the games of last generation and the look of the games suffered in my opinion. With the next generation of consoles, I felt that 3D has finally caught up to how great the old 2D games used to look in terms of their art style. I think it's a shame that nobody makes great RPG's in 2D anymore, especially when you look at something like Odin Sphere, which is one of the most beautiful games I've seen on PS2. As for Excite Truck, that was 2 days of about 2 and 1/2 hours of play a day. On my first go through Resi 4 , I think I clocked around 35 hours. Thats a hell of a lot more than 2 days, but you could complete it in 2 days if you played constantly enough. Added to that is the Mercenaries mode, and the incentive to play through the game on multiple difficulties, get all the weapons, and extra items.
  4. I'm actually more excited about this than I have been for an FF game in years. I hope they live up to their promises of a deep story... all they need now is Yasunori Mitsuda to write the music and they could potentially have the best game on Wii .
  5. Haha, much love back your way mate Stefkov deserves a mention for being so awesome at Gears ....and...er...well thats about it
  6. You might have been, I wasn't, I don't like football games. I feel as if I need to explain myself. Eg. Wii is clearly an amazing console for FPS' because of the control and it also does lots of things well that other consoles don't, but RPG's generally rely on Graphics more than any other genre in my opinion, that's the only reason I don't think Wii is as good a console for RPG's as say 360, other than that, there's no real reason. Excite Truck to me is crap because there's barely anything to do. I got gold on almost every track in 2 days. There really wasn't much to do, the tracks were linear, there was only one real kind of trick you could do (the spins) and I like to think that we're past the times where the only reason you have to replay a game is to improve your high scores. Other than that I thought the driving mechanics were brilliantly suited to the Wii controller...but that's not all that makes a good game. Imagine RE4 finishing right after the Village scene...would you call it a good game if that was the case? That's how I feel about Excite Truck. Lastly: I play a fuckload of Fighters, and very competitively too...I just spent $200 on a fucking arade stick cause I didn't like the controls on a regular pad...it's something I obsess about, and trust me, there is no real way I can see a good, competitive, skill based fighter working with solely motion controls. The things that Demuwan suggested were great though, they might work well. There you are.
  7. Fair enough. I completed it 9 times, maybe that just makes me a sadistic bastard?
  8. Fish, likes games, hates god. That's win win in my book.
  9. Well, Metroid and Zelda share a lot of elements...except that Metroid actually has a decent story. You could fit all the storylines from Zelda into a pop up book for toddlers.
  10. I thought it was one of the best games I've ever played... There were quite a lot of different ways in which to kill people, and it was the different scenarios that you were put in that provided the variation.
  11. Clearly hasn't heard of punctuation. Right, because this clearly isn't a forum; if someone says something I don't agree with, do you want me to say "Woah cool! I totally agree with what you said! Let's go home and masturbate!?" fuck off, if I don't agree with someone, I'm going to do my darndest to prove them wrong.
  12. Right....represent real fighting...you do realise that it's a videogame and it's not supposed to represent real fighting, and if it represented real fighting, most people would go down in one swing. Calling basically the most skill based game genre of all time "shit" is real intelligent By your logic, because Mario, Metroid, Zelda, Halo etc, don't represent real life, it makes them obsolete? And MK is shit, because there's barely any skill involved, at least, not as much as most other fighters; and the animations are also shit in pretty much every iteration...
  13. Haha. I should take a photo of my hair...creeping past my chest right now... Thinking about dying it red. Dark red.
  14. ^ Is generally an awesome guy, with whom it's impossible to have an argument, cause he's just that nice
  15. I think McMad'll be there in a bit anyway, so I'll just wait for him cause his games are usually lag free.
  16. It'd be great for this game if you could build your own clan, and have clan matches, man that would be immense. I'm still pretty giddy about this game though...looks haaaaaawt! .
  17. McMadness!! I'm up for Gears now if you want. Just replace the Hammerburst with the Torque Bow before you host, yeah?
  18. Why would anyone use a standard controller for a fighting game though, it sucks pretty hard? And anyway, I don't use standard controllers cause they suck for fighters too. Arcade Sticks are the way to go.
  19. I play fighters a hell of a lot, and I don't think it could work. either way, we'll just have to wait and see. MK doesn't count for me, because what I look for in a fighter is skill depth in the fighting system and not much else. I suppose Demuwan has a good point, but theres also the issue of being able to pull off the motion everytime, where a button press would be much more accurate.
  20. Mortal Kombat? Haha. Every installation in the Mortal Kombat series has been shit. There is a huge difference between Soul Calibur and MK. With a regular controller, you press a button, and you know what is going to happen, as soon as you start translating complex combos to gestures, things get fucked up. I just can't see myself playing traditional fighters on Wii.
  21. That's a good thing I'n my book. Traditional fighters would suck on Wii. This looks awesome though.
  22. Yeah, I know it's not in London, but me nd Ben are going for 2 days, staying one night in London, and then making our way to the premiere the day after. And McMad: PP is an aquired taste. It's not so much funny, as it is endearing .
  23. Because he sucks . The highlight of the trip's going to be getting to go to the hauge arcade in London. Man, it's going to be awesome .
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