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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. Fair enough, all I've heard of them was that god awful cover of Damage Inc. they did...gave me nightmares...
  2. Nooooooooo!!! I thought you didn't like them?...I mean FFaF btw.
  3. Strumming? In a band that will never get anywhere? Everything you say involves ignorant guesswork. When I said what I did, it was because you were being a presumptious prick, and ask anyone; you were. My opinion is my own, and I'll keep on saying what I want, but the difference between me and you is that you say something and then back it with a childish insult or the self righteous (and plainly bullshit) idea that opinions are immortal, whereas I give an actual reason for the reasons why I think the way I do.
  4. Music section of the media? Maybe, if it weren't for the fact that I'm in full time education. I play in a band too, but I don't have a record deal, you know why? Because I don't have the fucking time. Your logic is plain retarded. Fuck me, where the hell were you the day they were doling out intelligence? As for the fat nerd part, I guess I'm kinda nerdy, yeah, in that I like videogames and I'm posting on this forum, but then, so are you, so I guess that makes you equally as nerdy, but I'm actually pretty slim, check out the User Image Gallery if you want proof of that. Although, you being 18 years old, I would have thought you'd have grown out of the childish schoolboy insults by now, but I suppose I give you too much credit.
  5. Oh lord... I feel ill
  6. There's clearly something wrong with a man who chooses to verbalise his every thought. Just...shut the fuck up...please...no one gives a shit.
  7. It's a can of cider... so...10/10 .
  8. Calling Jimi Hendrix the greatest guitarist of all time is not a matter of opinion, it's just plain wrong. If you're too stupid to see that, then you're not worthy of having an opinion. He's just a complete cock fiend. (No offence to the actual cock fiends of this forum .)
  9. Ha, that's real mature. Can't win an argument so you have to resort to childish insults, atypical of the average 13 year old high school fuckwit. Funny how you claim to have a diverse music taste when your last fm consists of mainly rap and bad indie.
  10. It's a sad day.
  11. I think it's a big part of the forum, it makes the forum unique in a way, because you can go in there to talk about something, anything which would feel out of place in another thread, and which isn't worth creating a new thread for. If you think about it, The Meaningless Post thread actually means that less spammy/ pointless threads will occur.
  12. Haha, Conzer can't talk, he listens to Vengaboys
  13. Yes mate! Also: Just started Devil May Cry, one of the classics I was looking to catch up on...It's rock fucking solid, got to the 4th...level? And keep getting slaughtered by this shadow guy with a huge fucking sword. Uncool!
  14. Metal Gear Solid on GBC has to be one of the best handheld games of all time. It's just ridiculous what they managed to pull off. It pretty much felt like a slightly downscaled version of the PS1 game.
  15. Looks shit.
  16. Ok...I'm not going to derail this thread, and so will post something positive: I really like Last Train Home by Lost Prophets...it's the only good song to ever come out of Wales
  17. Aren't they...aren't they Welsh? Welsh people with guitars eh? That just doesn't sit well with me.
  18. ^ That's actually pretty spot on. There was no real character involvement of any depth in TP, I thought, in WW, from the first moment when that intro music plays, it gets you in the mood, and the atmosphere is there, and you feel like you have a real purpose. Still, Nintendo said that TP is the last Zelda of it's kind, which really makes me concerned for the series considering the direction Nintendo have been taking lately. Maybe the next one will be worse than TP.
  19. Fucking hell, even though NME is a rag unfit for me to wipe my ass with, this really is a new low.
  20. Yeah, It was pretty awesome .
  21. MADNESS??!!...THIS...*Looks at monkeyking's avatar* ....heeey...you set me up...
  22. I will play ridiculous amounts of videogames, get a band back together, scope out some venues and shred the motherfucker! Oh, and drink copious amounts of alcohol. Life will be good!
  23. Yeah, can we have a match on the new maps sometime?
  24. I think Excite Truck is overrated by people on this forum to a fucking ridiculous degree. I got bored of that game in under 2 days.
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