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The Bard

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Everything posted by The Bard

  1. It's probably not for everyone, but I thought the story, and the way it's told was amazing, the first 3 or 4 hours are just intense, and it all ties in really well at the end. I basically played it for the story, it's the best part of the game.
  2. My point here, you dumb frick, is that Linkin Park "music" - as it's called - is based around the lyrics, without any real emphasis on their total inability to play their instruments with any degree of skill. With Blind Guardian, his accent's so think you can barely make out the lyrics any way, and even if you could, it's irrelevant, because thats probably the least important factor of their music. Blind Guardian never claimed to have any lyrical profundity, it's the musicianship that key to what makes their songs such a joy to listen to.
  3. Prey was an immense game, one of the best story based FPS' I've played. The AI was dumb as fuck, but everything else about the game rocked ass.
  4. Condemned. Man, what an awesome game. I need to get it, I played it at a friends, it's fucking brutal. Gets kinda repetitive though.
  5. Well, any religious institution that's insecure enough to debunk their critics in such a way obviously isn't worth thinking about twice. Well, of course, it's a religion, so that's another good reason for not thinking about it twice.
  6. They've always sucked pretty hard musically, and the lyrics are angsty to the point where they become ridiculously cheesy, that said, I can see why some people would like them, even though I personally wouldn't touch anything they produce with a shitty stick.
  7. Either way, GnR have always been ridiculously overrated.
  8. Yeah, but I want a custom picture One of Crono specifically, how do I do that?
  9. It doesn't exist. Also: Currently, I've been revisiting some golden oldies in the form of Jester Race/ Black Ash Inheritance, man In Flames are awesome beyond words.
  10. How can I change the picture on my gamertag? I can't for the life of me figure out how to do it .
  11. I know...just a typo Yeah, we'll pwn ass in a few weeks .
  12. Sorry to break up the Bard/ Stevkov uber pwnage team dude . It's less than a month though, we'll be playing again in no time .
  13. I don't have crackdown, also, I'll just get Halo when it comes out, I'm not that big a Halo fan. It's gonna be tough staying away from FEAR and Street Fighter for that long though . Very nice headshots today though Calza, you're a great sniper.
  14. Well it's official, I gave my dad the power cable to my 360, and told him not to give it to me until the exams finish under pain of death.
  15. I'll come on, save me a place please, I need to take a bath and revise biology! Be there 9: 20 ish if thats ok?
  16. Yeah, any sniper shot to the head = instand kill.
  17. There's no such thing as a hangover cure. Just make sure you don't drink bad quality alcohol, and get a good nights sleep.
  18. Yeah, but you have to active reload on the white part of the gauge, not the grey part to have more powerful shots. It's pretty helpful with the shotgun sometimes. The bullets flash when you do it perfectly. The best example is with the sniper, perfect active reload downs enemies in one if you hit them in the upper body.
  19. I can pick out at least 3 gay guys in that pic. The guys in the top right are totally hittin tht.
  20. After my 18 kill spree, I felt I should leave you n00blets to play amongst yourselves, while I went for a real mans game
  21. I just met the most awesome guy on Street Fighter, played for 2 hours and just spent ages talking about games. Also: I might come on for Gears, if I'm not playing Street Fighter.
  22. Actually, all Nintendo specialist magazines suck donkey wang.
  23. Awesome , give me something to do over summer.
  24. Shit, after DoA 4 and SF, I'm back in fighter mode, when's Virtua Fighter 5 coming out on 360??
  25. The majority of that Pie deserves to go to DS and 360.
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