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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Yeah definitely gotta get some Nintendo Land multiplayer going on! I think NSMB as a whole is a great series for multiplayer, despite only being introduced fairly recently. There's something old school about sitting in front of a TV with your mate / family member and just going about the adventure together. Me and my cousin did this all the time back in the Mega Drive days when we were kids growing up and it was brilliant. Games like Batman and Robin, Altered Beast and Golden Axe etc, all played whilst being sat next to each other and trying to get further than last time! NSMB brings that old school feeling right back for me and I can't wait to play!
  2. That's really fantastic Lens. It just shows how much pleasure a game can bring and what it can do to bring families together. It's why I love Nintendo!
  3. How do you know this Dazzy?!! I hope you're right!!
  4. Absolutely loving the new signature RedShell.
  5. Yeah. I sold my 3ds a while back waiting for the new year to pick one up (probably preowned) when there would be a nice selection of games out for me to play. This one was top of my anticipation list but it seems it falls short! However, it still does look like it's worth a play through so maybe wise to pick it up when it's a little cheaper!
  6. Ha. Just think of how sweet it will be when the thing turns up! It'll allllll be worth it!! : peace:
  7. Got my ONM today. They reviewed this 90% It's review was generally in favour of multiplayer play (as I thought would be the case)! Verdict is copied below: + Incredible multiplayer experiences + Shows off how the Wii U could progress - Playing alone isn't as much fun as with friends "Matching experimentation with (almost) consistently brilliant gameplay, this is as much a market for what's to come as it is a truly excellent launch game." This looks like the game I will play whilst lay in bed on a lazy Sunday having spent the evening before being lost in Zombi U for hours on end haha.
  8. Got my ONM magazine today. They reviewed this: 60% I know not many people trust ONM, but here is the 'Verdict' text: + Looks and sounds amazing... - ... But you don't see or hear it for long enough - The mix of old and new never quite gels Mechanics gets tired quickly, the extra content feels tacked on and even the best element - its presentation - is short lived. A disappointment.
  9. Maybe a little harsh from me, I admit. However I have ignored him. And yet I still see carnage in other threads from other people being wound up by his posts. It's not what I'm used to with this forum and I just think it needs addressing. Like I say if tyou don't agree with me then it's fine - and I apologise for any offence to anyone in suggesting it.
  10. That's not the point I'm making sorry. It's not about having to say positive things - it's how you say the negative. I have been vocal in the things I don't like / agree with about the Wii U this launch - but has it resulted in an argument or a series of back and to angry messages? No. Have soe of his opinions and posts done that? Yes. I can link you to serveral. This is what I'm saying. Be as negative as you want - everyones opinion is valid. But don't do it in a way that doesn't actually offer anything to anyone or is just being negative for the sake of it - like he has been. I know I am not alone in thinking that, and as I previously said, someone was banned on another board for a similar thing. All I want is a board that is pleasant and approachable to members and new people, and I have to say it hasn't been for the past couple of weeks. It's hardly a good message if a visitor thinking of signing up reads the last few pages of this and other threads. Coz I for one wouldn't join. That's when I think something has to be done. But hey, that's just me.
  11. So you think that casuing arguments through the way he is posting his opnion, which has resulted in people who have been on the boards for a long time having to ignore him, is productive for the discussion in the threads? If so, and if other people feel the same way as you, then I apologise for raising it and suggesting it.
  12. OK - once we had a guy on here called Kurtle Squad who used to post aggresive, often unnecessary posts and really rub people up the wrong way. The same thing is happening here - and even though I've ignored him, I can still see him pissing people off. Rather than us just ignoring him, which is difficult to do when every thread he is posting crap that is winding people up, why is he not being banned? Like seriously. It is ruining more than one of the Wii U threads and it's not fair on the people who just want to come on and see what's happening with the games rather than post, and have to witness an argument all the time. People are rising to it because it is annoying and this is a discussion board. However it's difficult to discuss anything with this guy when he is repeating his point (which we have all grasped) several times over, despite it being unjustified most of the time. There are several members who aren't impressed with some of Nintendo's choices or launch games and they've expressed that - and we've all read it and discussed it, some agreeing, some disagreeing. But then you get this idiot with his aggresive posts who thinks its ok to slate something or someones opinion whenever a new gameplay video or reviewers opinion is posted, and it's just ruining being part of a board that is generally (in my experience) fun and often helpful. You only need to look at all the arguments in the last couple of weeks and see where / why they've originated. Ignoring him is not really helping either which is why I raise the point. Sorry if it upsets anyone (not my intention), but I'd just like to see consistency across the boards and Kurtle was banned for very similar actions and I just think the same needs to be done here.
  13. I agree waiting for reviews is the key. But it is worrying that ONM would rate so low compared to the likes of IGN etc and they've been playing the Wii U version... I just hope that it's not technically flawed like we first feared. Otherwise it probably does warrant lower scores like ONM's... Time will tell. *Prays it's good* ha.
  14. I will still use these forums yes. It's a great source for gaming news for me as I don't go to other game specific websites so I tend to hear of any new announcements here. Plus it's a great forum. It's just a shame in the last few weeks the Wii / Wii U forum has become a bit trying, and I know why I think that but that's just me. It's clearly giving the wrong impression to some too. I agree that Miiverse may act like the 3DS note thing - and I'm all for drawing penises and sending them to one and all ha. But I think this may go a bit deeper than that did and allow for better communication amongst your friends. Which I'm really looking forward to trying out!
  15. Uh-oh... ONM have put some reviews up - I say reviews it's more initial thoughts but they have given a score next to the games. This didn't do so well... 62% http://www.officialnintendomagazine.co.uk/43897/best-wii-u-games/ Not sure why so low compared to IGN - they didn't mention any technical issues which is what I first thought may be the case compared to the PS360, but they just go on to say it's bland. Hmm
  16. I just hope it makes certain members who get on everyones tits disappear from the forums. No names mentioned of course... Oops.
  17. Nintendo Land review: http://uk.ign.com/games/nintendo-land/wii-u-135744 Review score - 8.7
  18. I personally think the hype will start once it launches in the US. I mean, we're almost in a better position than those guys as we get to read all the game reviews and carefully decide what games we want to go for, whereas the reviews don't seem to come out until the thing has launched! Imagine plumping for a game that looks great but then it gets panned. Oops. Ha. Plus there will be chance to read consumer opinions on games too rather than just have to rely on websites which can sometimes be a little biased. My hype level has wained slightly but only because it seems like ages away. But once America gets it we'll have so much more to look at and discuss which is bound to provide erections all round again. : peace:
  19. I love the baby pizza. S'cute
  20. Totally agree. It normally takes me about a month of searching before I decide and even when I placed the order I was thinking 'is this the right one?' Ha. What doesn't help is I read reviews from tech sites and they often mark TV's down for things that only they will pick up on. To the average Joe (i.e. Aneres11), I probably won't even notice. I tried to do loads of research though before buying and am pretty happy with the one I ended up going for.
  21. Ha you lucky sod! Eighty quid they are for my tv. Just checked. I will only need one pair but that is a stupid amount of money. Now I know why they don't come free with the tv. That's how Sony clearly make their money haha. Still, if all is well with the 3d on the tv - which apparently it should be as that was one of the high points of the set according to reviewers, then it'll maybe be worth getting some. Plus, I know sky are trying to offer us a free sky 3d box so if its decent I can look into that. Obviously I'd have to pay the extra monthly amount for the 3d channels! 3d sport might be the way forward?!
  22. I'll look into it. I definitely want to try a 3d film out. Once I have got it all set up I will give it a whirl. Although I do need to buy some 3d glasses and those bad boys are like £80 I mean, what's that all about?!
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