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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. So I went to the zoo with my friend today who leaves to go and live in Dubai on Friday with her fiancé. Sad times - but great for her. Here are some pics of our day! This monorail upset me. I had visions of the Coronation St tram crash every time it went over us. Lol Unhappy at my poor footwear choice... And a random duck. Coz he followed me. I have loads an loads of pics but I can't be bothered putting them on. I've actually not included all the decent animals either haha oops. Chester zoo is such a great day out though. We had so much fun - even in the rain and wind it was still nice just to walk round, chat and see all the animals. Half the time they didn't do anything mind ha.
  2. Does anyone know if we are getting an official guide book for these games? I used the guide for B&W and it was great for picking up all of the items in each area and knowing what Pokemon you were going to encounter etc. Have looked on some gaming sites and googled it but can't find anything?!
  3. Here's hopin! I'd love another Rated R feel album. Less dance! Excited for Diamonds though!
  4. Her new album is brilliant. One of my faves this year. This is one of the stand out tracks. I really love Nelly's voice. Her album is punctuated with clips of her foolin round in the studio / laughing and each song kinda drifts onto the next. I love.
  5. The girl just doesn't stop. In a way I like that about her. At the same time, I hope she doesn't have an album full of filler like TTT. I loved Rated R (her best album) and also loved LOUD. But TTT was disappointing. I think a year between each album is crazy. She really needs to release a greatest hits and add a couple of great songs to the collection. Not that it matters - I'll still be buying it anyway haha.
  6. Take it back to an Apple store if it is under 1 year old. They will exchange it for her. The 4 was renowned for that problem.
  7. Brilliant album (Deluxe edition) And finally. A pair of amazing headphones.
  8. Don't do it Daft!! I have my nano sim now - just syncing my phone and sorting my old apps out etc. Gotta say - the differences are really noticeable. The screen is a joy - it looks even better than my 4s - brighter for one, and apparently they have changed the glass over the screen so it's not as thick - this could go some way to explain why it looks a little more vibrant. Also - just holding this thing is arousing me. There's a noticeable jump in speed too - which is not something that I normally see. However, I definitely can tell in this one. You'll love it!
  9. So gots my new iPhone 5 today. Just got in from work - no nano sim from Vodafone so can't play with it haha. Ah well. It all looks very swish and it is really light! Much lighter than the 4 / 4s. It also seems sturdier in the hand for one handed typing etc. Hoping the sim will arrive tomorrow (should do) then I can post some more thoughts for those interested.
  10. Ahh welcome to the Barclays world. I take it your working within Retail banking then - what with you dealing with Business Managers?!
  11. @ReZourceman - that cheesecake looks I want I want. When can I come for tea?!! __________________________________________ I have been baking myself this evening - for work tomorrow (just cupcakes - dead easy all done). And also for my sisters birthday tomorrow! She's 28... lol. But I have really struggled making a full size cake as stupid as it sounds. I used to have a recipe that worked perfectly for a victoria sponge but it's gone missing and I can't seem to get it right. Second attempt is currently in the oven. Still don't think there is enough mix. Fume haha.
  12. 2 new Vita colours - Japan only at the min I believe. Blue and Red: I'm not feeling them... White and black are much nicer. Be nice to see the white one over here at some point.
  13. What I do with my money has fuck all to do with you. Making comments like that just makes you look even more of a dick and you did a great job of that before that comment anyway. So well done.
  14. Yeah I agree with all the above. Anything is better than the Apple headphones ha. Although they have changed them for their new iPhone / iPod! Better - but still shit according to the early reviews ha. I am a bit OCD with my music - I don't illegally download, nor do I rip from youtube or anything like that. I buy it all - preferably physical copies, as a dodgy MP3 file can sound like shit through decent headphones.
  15. That doesn't really make any sense what so ever. Beats are not trying to give you a 'rapping' experience - they may be worn by rappers or other musicians in videos etc, but I didn't buy them so I could listen to or look like 50 cent. No thank you! Ha. Like I said I used a pair before mine originally broke for around 10 months and they were the best headphones I have ever used and well worth their price tag. However after them breaking and me having another 2 pairs that have also broke it would seem they are poorly made and not built to last. Buying expensive headphones is not a silly thing to do if you listen to music a lot and you want to get the best possible listening experience. My next set are £200 - once I have enough money for them, they're mine! I have researched for about 3 hours before deciding on this pair as they seem perfect for the kind of music I listen to, and the reviews are nothing but glowing from consumers and 'tech experts' alike. For those interested: http://store.apple.com/uk/product/H6595ZM/A/atomic-floyd-superdarts-remote The reason you pay so much is the technology used and the materials they're made from. In the Beats case - it's just the name, as evidenced in my experience. But those above are made of metal, kevlar and gold ha. The kevlar stops the wire tangling, fraying and breaking and the steel buds mean they wont break if dropped / stood on etc. The biggest thing though is the sound quality. And everyone is unanimous in saying they will blow you away. The ear pieces have 2 speakers per bud which is not something often used in headphones like this. The reviews speak for themselves. I went for ages using the Apple standard headphones and when I got my Beats I was stunned at how poor the Apple ones are. Like seriously. It is offensive for me to listen to my music through those now and anyone who uses cheap headphones but listens to music a lot owes it to themselves to buy a decent pair. Ha. I'm not sayin all go and spend £200 - but you can get a decent set for £60 or so if you do some research beforehand. I'm taking the plunge with the expensive set coz I have my money back from the Beats I bought and these seem too good to ignore.
  16. Just ordered my nano sim for my iPhone 5 that should arrive Friday. A forum I am on said that Vodafone were being a little difficult in store / over the phone re the nano sim, some claiming they weren't getting them in for a few weeks. Anyway someone ordered theirs through the online chat function on the Vodafone website. I just did the same. Very helpful and all ordered to be here in 3 days apparently. Someone ordered theirs Friday evening and it came today for them so hats off to Vodafones online chat function!
  17. I am not going to put my cash down and then decide. I also have played the other games in the series - and had a lot of fun with them. So therefore I expect to enjoy this too. What with it being on a new console with new gameplay elements and modes etc. I will be buying into a successful franchise. On a different note - I'm ignoring the rest of your post.
  18. Hate, criticism - it's all negativity. Doesn't matter how its labelled really. And regardless of whether we've been told what to expect or whether we've seen the art style - it still doesn't go as far to show you what you're gonna get when you load up world 4-3 for instance, or when you get to world 8 how difficult it may get. But it's your call to make that judgement on just videos and a list of game modes. I'll make mine by playing it.
  19. Lol I did mean to mention it actually! But I kept forgetting ha. And like Magnus says - prob a good thing haha. Yup - I certainly will be. Not to Currys - they just sell them and we're great yesterday when I exchanged. But I'm gonna call Monster tomorrow and I am gonna kick THE FUCK off haha.
  20. Warning: Long ass post alert full of frustration! Bought a pair of Dr Dre Beats last year due to absolutely hating the Apple standard headphones. Loved them - until the headphone jack wire part started coming away revealing the copper wire. Tried to tape it up then the left ear just died . Anyway, still in warranty so I called Monster and asked them if these could be repaired. This was the start of August. Was told that they had logged my case and the repair would happen and they'd email me at the middle of August to start the process. Thought it was strange having to wait to start a repair process, but went with it. Gets to middle of Aug - no call / email. Rings them. Guy says - yeah we know you need a repair but we're gonna email you with the repair process at the end of August. So I'm all - wtf is with this we will email you in a few weeks to start the repair process. They guy couldn't answer but when pushed eventually said that they aren't going to repair my headphones - they've ordered me a new pair and when they get my faulty set they will just send out the new ones. But as they're not a warehouse they have had to order the new ones in before they can email me to 'start the repair process'. So I let it go thinking - new pair of headphones is sweet. So gets to end of Aug - no call / email. Rings them. "Yeah, you'll get an email in the middle - end of September to start the repair process". *Anger builds* So I lose my rag and start ranting about how shit this service is and how I am going to be out of warranty if they continue to push my repair back. They guy just said there was nothing more they could do as they have ordered me a new pair and they are waiting on them before they 'start the repair process'. So after the call I then get an email saying - thank you for your call. Your case has now been closed due to us not hearing form you since we last emailed. *Anger bubbles over and I begin swearing* So I rings back. 'Er yeah, ignore that email, we haven't closed your case. We'll be in touch in the middle of September to 'start the repair process'" Almost lol worthy. So I let it drop. It's now the middle of Sept - heard nothing. But it doesn't end there folks. Oh no. So. I decide 'fuck this', my ears cannot cope with Apple's dreadful headphones I've had to go back to using. Went and bought myself a new pair of the same headphones from Curry's about 3 weeks ago. I thought - once I get the repaired set (which at the time seemed likely ha) I will just sell them and make most of the money back. All was dandy with the new set - and then the left ear started getting a bit quieter. And the yesterday morning it was almost a whisper whilst the right ear was blasting out as normal. Takes them back to Curry's yesterday and they were great. Asked if I wanted a refund or exchange. Chose exchange as I like the headphones when they work. Brilliant bass and sound and they stay in my ears and have virtually no noise leakage. Gets home, starts listening to them 'aahhhh' wonderful sound. Plugs them in just then to listen to a bit of music whilst browsing the web - no sound in the left ear. Just fuzz. :mad::mad::mad::mad::mad: That's 2 pairs of headphones in 3 weeks that have both just stopped working with the same fault. I have my original pair waiting for repair that were brilliant in the 10 months or so I had them, until the wire started fraying. Now I am gonna have to take a trip to Currys in my lunch hour tomorrow to sort it. This time though I am going for a refund. Just need to find an alternative. Anyway if anyone wants me I am going to cry in a quiet corner to myself gently. Moral of the story - don't buy Beats haha.
  21. @Raining_again - how much for delivery on one of those things?
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