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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. @Retro_Link nope lol. I started Chris's campaign and it was absolutely dreadful. Dreadful. So I haven't touched it since. Next time I'm near a GAME store it's being traded. Such a big big disappointment.
  2. Don't hold your breath ha. Sadly I think Delta has been put off by the British press (or so I read) so she has kinda stuck to Australian releases only. But yeah - you seriously need to listen.
  3. Delta update for those interested... I have the album! Managed to download this from the Aussie iTunes store by creating a second iTunes account and buying a AUD iTunes $20 gift card off ebay so I didn't have to put my card details in! Otherwise it recognises you're in the UK and boots you out! Anyway, the album is perfection. Like seriously. It may be the album of the year for me (sorry Lana!). The tracks are diverse and meaningful and you can physically hear how Delta has matured through each song. There are 17 tracks in total and there is 1 that I am not crazy on. That equals one pretty special album on the Aneres11 album scale haha. Stand out track? Here: Amazing right? Do yourselves a favour and get this album however you can. If you're a fan of Delta you will love this album.
  4. No I get your points definitely. Like i said 'for me' there are only 2 great games. As in great games. Not good games. Of course there are good games - but great? Not yet. I think for a console that's been out for almost a year there's got to be more than that - or at the very least a nice roster of up and coming games that are gonna make people want to buy a Vita. That's not there. Yet. What I meant with the unique game thing is, if developers were to utilise the system more then it could potentially drive some more sales. Lets see what people can do with this system - impress me. Give me moments that are gonna make me go 'I love that'! Moments you can't get anywhere else - or you rarely get on other formats. Because I personally believe the Vita has the potential to deliver that. And yeah you are wrong in that I don't think you're bothered about sales. I don't think anyone other than Sony are :p. Although I'm beginning to wonder if even they are... But the argument of there not being enough games is not rubbish. Ask people who haven't bought a Vita yet who like the look of it why they haven't bought it and their answers will no doubt be the same. Games.
  5. In fairness - this is no longer the launch period. I mean how long do they want the launch period to go on for? Those games above - only 2 of them are good titles and that's Uncharted and Super Stardust. But this is my opinion. The PSN store titles don't really count as they are not going to entice buyers who are looking at the Vita in store wondering whether to purchase or not. The shelves for the Vita are the same now as they were at launch - with one or 2 new games. It's quite clear there is a lack of support for it. Take a look at the Vita itself - it has dual analogue sticks, a touch screen and a crazy back touch plate thing - why is this not being used by developers to make something truly unique to the console? It's this kind of thing that it needs otherwise it will just continue with the poor sales.
  6. Haha um yeah I'd love it. But in all seriousness this does look very promising!
  7. @Magnus is going to flood the forum with jizz when he reads this review.
  8. The Vita just needs games. I cannot understand the lack of support for it. It really is a great console - but unfortunately it just isn't getting the games consistently to warrant a purchase for most people. It's still a little pricey really and as you point out Jamba - the memory card issue is slightly disappointing. I sold my Vita months back and haven't seen anything yet that's made me want to rebuy one. What's more worrying, is there doesn't seem to be any year end releases that could possibly drive some Christmas sales. Unless I'm missing something?! But Sony have definitely missed a trick there. Give me a good line up of games and a crystal white console European release with a bundled memory card and then take my money bitch.
  9. Wowzers - Charizard 3ds is beauts.
  10. Urgh. Pre-order. The Australian people have this right now. NOW. I have a pre-order. Worst part? I've heard it. And oh good God is it amazing. It may be the best album of the year for me - and that's on one listen of crap quality. I need this. Any Australian person wanna give me their iTunes log in so I can download? I'll pay in kind? Haha.
  11. Oh @Paj\! - i do love your detail! I like the album - I'm not crazy in love with it, but it's good. There are a few songs on there that I think are some of her best work and as you point out, more mature. But the whole album from start to finish doesn't hold my attention like Speak Now did / does. Although not many albums can actually do that. The more I listen the more I like though.
  12. Think it's really disappointing that the Mini doesn't have retina. But that'll come next time - way to go Apple. That was kind of the make or break for me, whether it had retina or not. But as it doesn't, I'm not sure it's worth it for the price.
  13. Yeah I love that track. My favourite is State of Grace and All Too Well - wowzers to both.
  14. It's ok it's ok... they're growing on me! Let us not fight lol.
  15. Yeah I'm using my DSi. I sold my 3ds a while back so have nothing else to use, but I played the original B&W on the DSi too. DS games on 3DS suck.
  16. I am so glad these girls are doing some new material again. New song absolutely rules the world for me and they look amazing in the video.
  17. Lovin this so far. Just beat the second gym. Unlike seemingly most others I never have more than 2 Pokemon until at least gym 3 /4. It takes a while before the games normally give anything decent. I started with Tepig, as picked the other 2 in B&W (had both copies). Tepig has gone straight into the box though lol. For me these are the 3 worst starters which is unfortunate as the rest of the Pokemon from B&W I really like. I bred myself a Houndour with thunder fang and have transferred that over so thus far my team is: Houndour Level 21 Riolu Level 21 Looking to add a third very soon.
  18. Got this yesterday but only stated tonight after work. My official strategy guide arrived today Question - in B&W you could encounter Audino in the shaking grass which gave you loads of EXP when you battled it to help level up. Is the little critter still knocking around in B&W2 for me to use and abuse for sweet sweet exp?
  19. I just have no words to properly express my love for this lady. :heart::heart::heart::heart: Roll on the Paradise Edition of Born to Die.
  20. Surprised I haven't bought it sooner. Christ, they've had some cracking songs. And to make it a proper greatest hits, I added the following:
  21. Nope. It doesn't at all. It destroys the work RE5 did in trying to become a little less survival horror and more action based. They got it right in RE5 (my opinion), but with 6 it just feels like they had no idea what to do so created as big an action game as they could. Results are terrible.
  22. YES. Paradise deluxe box set. Pre-order, obvs.
  23. I ordered from LAME. It's been dispatched but there's more chance of me starting to enjoy Resident Evil 6 than this arriving tomorrow! Ha. Looking forward to it coming though!
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