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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. This sounds like so much fun!! : peace:
  2. Jesus the hate for this game is seriously getting annoying now. It's funny because none of us have actually played this game from start to finish yet so therefore no one can truly say what it's like. Sure, we've had videos and screen shots from the game which suggests what the game will be like - but again, no one has actually played it yet. What's even funnier, is if this game never existed and the Wii U launch was Mario-less, people would be bitching that Nintendo 'never learn' from past console launches that haven't had a major first party title. 3DS anyone? I'm glad there is a Mario title at launch. I'm sure loads of other people are too. Perhaps it is lazy of Nintendo to use the NSMB forumla again. But hey, it will sell the console. And if that means a successful launch that goes on to kick start a successful console that spans lots of successful games, then great.
  3. Yup - there was also a news piece on it too! I struggle getting a 3g Vodafone signal so it makes no difference to me whether it uses 4g or not ha. The launch 4g areas are only major cities too and the closest to me are Manchester and Liverpool - 2 places I rarely go... Still, once all networks implement it and it has more areas with support for it i'm sure it'll be huge.
  4. Lol Ashley. I like All Saints but I really struggle for their tops and cardigans to fit me. Which is a shame as they do have some nice pieces in unusual colours. They often have nice cardigans / jumpers that I could wear for work in a smarter setting to - but as I say, no fit. I'm too skinny and their smallest size is always baggy / billowy .
  5. Not possible unless I plan to purchase around 2000 songs in the next year or so - which isn't likely given I also have a Spotify premium account.
  6. So I managed to bag an order this morning for delivery next week . Went for black and decided on 32gb this time given that my music is totalling on iTunes at 16gb alone! It was getting to the point where whenever I wanted to take a picture I had to delete an album off my phone. Not how I want to roll haha. So the 32 will definitley tide me over now! Excited to get my hands on it now. Not so excited about the nano sim situation - would appear some companies (3) are dishing them out now, others like my network (Vodafone) are claiming they do not have the nano sims and wont for 1-2 weeks. Which isn't good lol. So I'll just have to wait and see!
  7. Is anyone ordering one early tomorrow morning then?! I can't decide whether to pull the trigger or not. I also don't know what colour to go for... I had the white 4 and currently have a black 4S - and normally alternate each time. However the black is looking quite sexy right now, so not sure what to choose! Definitely going for 32gb though. Makes it less painful now the 16gb has had a £30 price hike too!
  8. Aneres11 is now a N-Europe Forum Aficionado Taken me long enough! But yay!
  9. I'm happy with the selection of titles on offer at launch - but lets all be honest, how great would it have been to have a proper new 3d Mario to launch the Wii U in super glossy HD glory-ness. (Santa hat for added emphasis on how good it would be). However I understand those games do take years to make so it is no doubt an easier option (I'd imagine) for Nintendo to make a NSMB style game. So will I buy it? Do you know, I'm not sure. The NSMB games virtually play the same as the others (to me) and though this is a good thing, it often doesn't feel very fresh and I don't think any amount of new power ups will solve that. Adding multiplayer modes is great for families and for those who intend to play with a sibling / parent / friend after school or whatever. But for lonely Aneres11 I couldn't care less haha. Rayman does look to be the more enticing option for me - but that's why it's a good thing that there are solid alternatives come launch day. And I haven't always been able to say that for a Nintendo console launch!
  10. Holy shit I think I just jizzed watching that trailer. Looks amazing! Like the perfect mix of Condemned (as mentioned above which I also LOVED) and Left 4 Dead! Definite launch day title for me!
  11. Wow - so don't buy it. Get an Xbox. In terms of launches it's a great mix of games and with the promise of new and exclusive games to follow shortly after. Consider me excited.
  12. I'm at work - loving the updates from you guys though as can't watch. Keep them coming - you're making my Thursday morning bearable and I'm all excited haha!
  13. I need a 32gb this time round. I have 16gb of music alone. I intend to sell my current 4S but I am really struggling to justify the price as I want to buy sim free. Really dunno what to do. It's a lot of money for not a lot of changes. The phone itself looks absolutely amazing though. Materials used this time seem spot on. I imagine it to make the 4s / 4 look cheap in comparison and that is currently the nicest phone on the market from an aesthetic point. My opinion. I can see me being drawn in. My bank account may have other ideas though.
  14. Yeah the image of the 5 that the internet seem to have hold of is not a nice looking handset IMO. The metal backing of the phone doesn't do much for me in all honesty. However there have recently been some other shots of a 2 tone black model - almost a matte finish which would be great to stop those finger prints getting everywhere except the screen. That - I like But not long to wait now - It'll probably look totally different to both of the images floating round the net!
  15. Sooo it's that time of year again: Anyone hyped? Excited? Couldn't care less? I will be getting it. I always buy the new iPhone outright and just whack my Sim into it. I am on a 12 month Vodafone contract which gets 25% off the line rental and phone prices through working for Barclays. So each April I upgrade to the same phone (iPhone) and sell it on. Kinda covers the cost for my buying outright. I'll be selling my current 4S too before the 5 comes out to put towards it. The thing I'm looking forward to most is the bigger screen hopefully making the keypad a little roomier. It may not of course, but if it did I'd be happy as it sometimes feels cramped and I can't use the phone on it's side! Also looking forward to 4g - though that won't take off for a while yet and when it does, you can guarantee I'll be no where near a signal spot ha. So anyone else looking to buy one for launch?
  16. I guess the biggest thing I am looking forward to is learning a little more about the console. I still dont feel like I know all that much about it. So many unanswered questions. With the Wii launch - I knew exactly what I was getting, and it was that which made it exciting when I finally got to play it. With the Wii U - still not entirely sure what kind of console I'm potentially buying into! I don't expect any massive new details to come, but I certainly hope for some. Couldn't really care less about COD - they don't do much for me on the PS360 so I won't be enticed for one on a Nintendo console. I understand the importance of that game featuring on the console though. It just needs to play as well and have everything the other consoles have in terms of the online set up etc.
  17. It's strange that everyone seems to be wearing it - when I don't see many people walking round in leather tasseled loafers or white / pastel coloured tailored trousers / slim jeans... But hey, that's where fashion is interpreted in different ways. Those who don't follow fashion probably think everyone is wearing it because they just see jeans t-shirt and 'shoes without socks'. (The horror). However those with a bit of fashion flair will see it as something a little more than that. And that's the difference. @Emma - great pics btw! I especially like the mint dress with red belt and accessories! But all the girls are wearing it. Just a dress innit. I kid haha. Looks cool!
  18. This could go on and on - and it wasn't the idea of the thread originally. We will agree to disagree as all 3 of your points I have the opposite opinion on. Our ideas of what it means to follow fashion are very different. I don't class myself as a follower of fashion just because I go into Topman and other high street stores to buy what is popular. I actively look for fashion blogs and sites that detail what will be coming into the high street that has filtered down from catwalks / fashion shows etc. And, yes - you are correct in that you are almost being 'told' what looks good. But the difference is taking those trends and implementing them into my daily outfits before they reach the high street, or taking elements from a certain look book and incorporating it into what is currently sat in my wardrobe. I do agree that if you follow fashion you wear what is said to be on trend. And yes that's totally right - it's what I do. But not everyone who says they follow fashion will do that. There's a difference between being a step ahead of people or wearing what everyone else is wearing. The trend currently being worn by seemingly every young guy is the chinos and pumps look. That is not something that is being shown on any designers look books - and hasn't for some time. And for me that's the difference with wearing what is going to be popular, as aposed to wearing what is currently popular.
  19. You clearly do not have a fucking clue. So you are saying that you can't buy clothes from Topman or any other high street store and be individual with how you wear them? Yes you can. Also - some high street stores do make some very good quality items of clothing. Zara, Reiss and even All Saints make some very high quality clothing and suits - which can be worn with cheaper items to make a decent outfit. You've totally missed the point of what I said too. The original post said that the high street is making affordable clothing readily available - so you can create nice outfits on a low budget. And that's exactly what I have done. Following fashion does mean you will wear similar outfits to other people. The difference is - the way you wear them. And that's where people who have an interest in fashion will take what is on trend, and make it work for them. And for you to say that buying high street and not being able to be individual in doing so is quite frankly moronic.
  20. Haha - that's kinda how I'm feeling right now. But I'm balancing it out with some fish and veg for tea - so then I can O/D on sugar again. Yay.
  21. With respect, the masses do not wear that. You can walk round town all day and you will no doubt see a lot of people wearing no socks and their 'Vans' or 'Toms' with their skinny jeans - but a little bit more thought has gone into what I am wearing than that. But as you say - you're a jeans and t-shirt guy, so it's probably not gonna be for you and that's cool.
  22. So Sunday is turning into my baking day haha. Today I have gone for a mini victoria sponge - but with a tiny twist. Rather than normal buttercream / fresh cream in the middle, I have opted for white chocolate butter cream instead. I nearly ate all that before it went in the cakes - standard haha. Anyway here be the pics: [/img] [/img] Yum yum.
  23. I think the cost of items depends on the type of clothing it is. For instance, I am a fan of just plain crew neck t-shirts which you can get anywhere for a couple of quid. I like to layer items and pay more money for items that I intend to wear more than once and that will last. So for instance, jackets, cardigans, jumpers, coats, jeans, shoes, I spend that bit more on. But things like t-shirts and general trousers I don't go overboard on. I'm with Caris though in that you can definitely tell the difference in quality and overtime it will still be wearable. Whereas the same can't always be said for cheaper items of clothing. My biggest fashion annoyance at the moment is the Hollister crowd. I was at the Trafford Centre a few weeks back and there were people being told to queue to get in to Hollister. Whut? Like ... WHUT?! Today though I am wearing a very cheap outfit and I personally think it's decent enough. It certainly doesn't look 'cheap'. [/img] My jeans were a tenner - Primark. T-shirt was £6 - Topman Jacket was £20 - ASOS Shoes were £40 from Topman - but those have had a shit load of wear over the summer so it's £40 well spent for me. The jeans, T, and jacket total £36. I personally would not class that as over the odds for any of it. What's more, it makes me feel good which is what I think fashion is all about. : peace:
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