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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. In time for the Wii U Sony HD 3D 32 inch smart TV - to be precise. Replacing my clunky old 37" that is just a little too big for a bedroom. Best thing about it (aside from the pretty good reviews!), is the 3d bluray player that comes FREE with it. I guess I better start embracing the 3d experience. So far though I can give or take it, the fact this TV has it is just a Brucie Bonus.
  2. Wow if you think that's me making a move you need relationship help. Have you visited the relationship / love thread?! :p
  3. Looks lovely Emma!! I'll have a chocolate.
  4. Aaahhh my bad sorry!! Ignore my post lol. Although I didn't know that the Wii's analogue sticks clicked - so there's something!
  5. My Special Edition Lana Del Rey album arrived. It's really well presented! And Lotus. A return to form... : peace:
  6. Ha oh yeah! Maybe we could just get a group of us together as and when for some online play rather than a full blown league! The first game was really enjoyable. Some of the tracks left a little to be desired but it was a nice alternative to Mario Kart as it offered some nice single player touches like missions etc. It was all quite simple but it was a really solid racer. I just really hope they've built on that for this game! I would like to think they would though, as they should have the game mechanics nailed from the first, so all they would need to do is add new features, possible missions, tracks and characters! So all looks well so far!
  7. Did you guys play the first? Loved it. I may ask for this as a Christmas present actually, but it is looking so good I almost want it at launch!! We could have an All Stars Racing league should all be well with the game! Ha.
  8. Has it been confirmed yet if this game is playable via the Game Pad? I know they have said that some of the more 'simpler' games can run fine on the Game Pad, but I wasn't sure if a game like this would be possible given how the pad acts as a seperate screen altogether. Although having said that, I think this game is probably gonna be best played in front of the TV full stop from the trailers I've seen so far.
  9. You're missing the point. It's his general attitude that's bothering me. Every post he has made that I have happened to read has had something negative in it. Not something that can be classed as a discussion point. I'm not jumping to the defence of what he's slagging off here like a fan boy - I'm simply saying that every one of his posts has to have some sort of derogatory comment that is pretty annoying. And I don't think it's just me that's annoyed by it. Oh and I already know about the ignore function - and he has been ignored so I don't have to read his crap anymore.
  10. Nah. I have no interest in what you have to say on anything related to the Wii U - or its games. We've all got the message now.
  11. This game is looking truly great. This would be the perfect launch game for me along with the others I'm plumping for (NSMBU, ZombiU and the bundled Nintendo Land). I love how you can switch to the Game Pad. I truly hope this turns out well as Sega could be onto a winner. What's giving me hope is how good the first one was. I loved that game - probably more so than Mario Kart on Wii if I'm honest.
  12. These threads are becoming like viagra. Particularly the ones with pictures. It's making me too excited! Box art looks beautiful, instruction booklet looks beautiful, disc looks beautiful.
  13. Wow. Every single one of your posts has to have something negative in it. In fact, I don't think you even bother posting unless there's something snide to say. Yawn.
  14. Take it you didn't buy a launch Wii then? Shortly after launch they made them cardboard sleeves rather than boxes.
  15. It is the most important meal of the day. How some people get up at 7 in the morning and not eat anything until like 11 or even until lunch is beyond me. Need to fuel your body and it's a good idea to kick start it right away. I have always always always had breakfast and never miss it. I thought there was some sort of clinical study that proved that eating breakfast was of a benefit to people rather than skipping it? Anyway, my cereal cupboard is full of all sorts. I go through phases. Crunch Nut cornflakes, Cinnamon Grahams, Golden Grahams, Muesli, normal cornflakes, Cheerios, Ricicles... At the moment these bad boys are the choice: Nom nom. I then have 2 pieces (not 'rounds' - why do people say that?) of toast when I get to work and a cup of tea. Then usually a little snack after that, be it apple, nar-na etc. Breakfast rules. Favourite time of day for me.
  16. Thanks Serebii. And I agree that'd be a great idea. I'd really like to see accomplishments being set in Wii U games if I'm honest. I am one of the few who enjoys going for achievements so to have this built into the Wii U in some way (albeit possibly small), is fantastic. Console keeps getting better the more I read / see! Roll on 30th!
  17. Accomplishments? Pardon my ignorance - (can't be bothered reading through the thread lol), but are the accomplishments like achievements then? As in, the list of achievements that are there on a 360 game will be the same on the Wii U version, should there be a Wii U version etc?
  18. No one mentioned the 3ds. And no, it doesn't have a steady stream of good games as per my post and the point I clearly made.
  19. Ha you'd be forgiven for thinking I did...! Alas, no. I just like to bake. I have a big sweet tooth and I find that if buy a lemon or chocolate cake, I always (modestly) think that my own taste better. And generally they do. But that's home made for you. The way forward! And Rez - yes it's very moist. I'm often praised for my moist sponge by family, friends and colleagues alike... Ha.
  20. Just a little cake (what else?!) update from Aneres11! Vanilla sponge and white chocolate frosting / butter icing. Chocolate sponge with a green and blacks chocolate frosting and choc sprinkles. Aaand lastly for now, butterfly cakes / muffins! With vanilla butter cream! Yum
  21. Yeah I agree. I wouldnt say that the lack of retina is a 'problem' though. Unless you sit with the iPad so close to your face when it's in use?! For me it's the best iPad out there. Loving it!
  22. Just a note to say that I got my iPad mini delivered today. It's great. I couldn't decide whether to pick one up or not what with the non retina, but so pleased I did. The device is the perfect size for me. As I have a MacBook Air, (11") the screen in the normal sized iPads wasn't much different size wise and so it was always easier for me to just pick my air up to browse the net etc. However the mini is the perfect size to browse, listen too/ watch all my media and just use quickly for short bursts. Having said that I've been using the mini all day! Although the screen isn't retina it is still very good indeed. It'd be nice to have retina of course, but for now this is more than adequate for my needs.
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