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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Don't forget to pot loads of pictures once you get this Canand!! I really wanna see. I did have a preorder in for it but had to cancel due to buying the Wii U. Still, I will be getting one for Christmas but it will just be the white one with Mario Kart built in!
  2. hmm this or Zombi U for my next game? Anyone with both care to give some insight into which would be better value for money / worth it more?!
  3. Yeah it can get a little bit frustrating and i can only imagine it being slightly worse in multiplayer ha. still having loads of fun with it though so thats good - it just sometimes gets me a little angry... haha
  4. Haha love that above. Is anyone finding this game to be a little tricky?! I know some of you have finished it already but I am only into world 4 and already I am finding there are levels where I am eiher totally clueless or I am losing like 10 lives a time just trying to get through the course ha. It's definitely a challenge and does feel like a step up from the other 2d Mario's I have played before. I just hope it doesn't start to border on frustrating / annoying as I am losing my temper with it a bit already haha. :p
  5. I'm really into interior design (always have been) and have recently been redecorating my bedroom! It's been a nightmare as I had my TV / console set up on the wall and wanted to move them to a different wall of my room. The only problem with it was that getting them on the wall in the first place so no wires were showing was a nightmare, so moving them to another wall was gonna be torture! Anyway, I fancied the challenge as I really wanted to change the look of my room. Here is my TV set up BEFORE: My bedroom is TINY - so I have always had a single bed. However, I was getting fed up with it and had measured up that a double bed would just about fit, though it wouldn't leave room for much else in the way of furniture. The pics of my room 'before' are not a true representation of what it was really like. The last couple of weeks i'd taken my desk down and just bought some cheap sets of drawers to go in there to store some crap ha. Hence why it looked awful. Anyway, I started by taking my TV, shelves and consoles off the wall and got rid of all of the sockets that were at varying heights. I did it that way so the wires wouldn't show and this is how I've done it again now I've redecorated. Then it was a case of getting plaster board and boarding up the holes that were left from the sockets and then skimming over the wall to cover any holes left from screws / rawl plugs. Then - once that was done - do the same to the wall the TV was going to be going on! So chop chunks out the wall, fill with sockets and screws and get the shelf up ha. I then had to move the SKY wires so they fed through the loft and down into the hole I had cut specially for the wires to be 'hidden'. Then I got all my HDMI cables and fed them through a hole just above the shelf (where they'd poke out and plug into my consoles / sky box etc) so they came out of another hole in the wall that would be behind my TV (to plug into my TV, obvs...!) Then I stripped my paper, and once all the plaster was dry / walls were sanded etc - I started painting! I spent loads on furnishing stuff in Next and also got a bit from IKEA. The bed and book case were IKEA - the duvet and most of the cushions were from Next. The result is below! I am seriously pleased. I feel like I have made it much more grown up now and as strange as it sounds the fact I've got a double bed in there almost makes the room look bigger? When I thought it'd do the opposite! Anyway, tell me what you think! Do you guys like to dabble in interior design too? Have you recently decorated and fancy sharing it? Or maybe you want some ideas and some who are into it could help recommend websites / shops for good wall paper / furnishings / furniture etc?!
  6. Is this a game that can be played using the 'off TV' feature or does it have to be played in front of TV?! Glad to hear you're all enjoying it so far!!
  7. These pictures have made me erect. That's the bundle I am having for Christmas off my parents! The white is so much nice than the launch colours we got. Have fun!!
  8. Yeah tried / did that and it did help but still left lacking some what. Don't get me wrong - this is all to do with being spoiled by my TV and it's brightness as if you were to take what's being displayed on the game pad alone without seeing the TV - it'd be ha.
  9. Sooo very early impressions on this one - thought I'd post given we don't know loads about the Wii U version... It so far is brilliant! The game plays like a dream - looks fantastic, no slow down (as of yet), no frame rate drop, and there are some courses with a hell of a lot going on. What I really enjoy so far is how the vehicles handle differently. It can be looked at as a positive or a negative really, but with MK7, I found the vehicle changes handled very similarly to their air / land counterpart - just gave a different view of tracks. With this game, they actually do alter the way you drive / race / drift. I can only see it as a good thing in multiplayer as it means the driver who is in front may not stay that way for long if they make a false move whilst gliding across the waters! I played the first GP and the tracks were great. Just used Tails as my first character. It would seem there are achievement like features in the game that are called 'stickers'. These can be displayed on your personal license depending on which ones you choose to place there. (Think you can have 3 displayed in total on your license card). From what I saw, there looks to be over 100 stickers / achievements which is a good number. You can hover over the ones you haven't unlocked and it gives you a description on what you need to do to unlock said sticker. Also, after each race a list comes up with those that you managed to unlock during your play time. I also think you may get a little alert during the actual gameplay too though can't be 100% sure on that just yet. Game runs lovely on game pad, however I am slightly disappointed with the gamepad screen now I have it close up. It's good quality, but I think because my TV is so bright and crisp, it leaves the pad screen with a little to be desired. Almost like someone needs to change the colour tone from cool to vibrant ha. But that's nothing to do with the game itself of course. I almost feel like it's a nice option to have, but you'll want to spend time playing this in front of the TV. The visuals almost demand it - as it is a BEAUTIFUL looking game! My favourite part so far has been racing on a stage where with each lap the terrain changes and in some cases breaks away, leaving you to plunge off a broken ledge into flight mode - taking to the skies, weaving in between crumbling pillars and finding your way back to land. Amazing!!
  10. @Mike1988uk and I just did a video chat with each other. Was goooood. Spent the majority of time drawing penises on each others foreheads (standard) but it was great fun! Definitely recommended!
  11. This thread is making me just want to get up from my desk, announce I am leaving for home, get in my car and do 70 all the way home. Is it 5:15 yet?! Ha!
  12. I have nothing to add other than IT'S HERE BITCHES!!!! And I'm in work right now... So I will just stay sat at my desk with a constant erection until 5:15pm. LONG. ASS. DAY. AHEAD. Shop To have never let me down. I know a few of people have had a few problems with them during this launch, which is unfortunate, as for me they have always offered the best service for all my gaming needs. I hope everyone who has ordered gets theirs today or tomorrow and we can all bask in the joy that is a new Nintendo console launch!!!! : peace:
  13. Just ot further @Mike1988uk post - mine also arrived just after his. I had already left for work - my sister text me a picture of the box!! I work til 5:15 - and as I posted last night, my bedroom is in chaos so this is torture for me!! Still, excited it arrived. Hope all you guys get it today too!!
  14. Well for me it will be spent painting my bedroom and not getting to grips with my new TV and new Wii U I had the clever idea to re-decorate my room - and when I say re-decorate I mean demolish, replaster, the works! So currently my room has no power to it, but the wall the TV and consoles are going on is prepped. I just need to get it all painted on Friday evening, then saturday will be spent going to IKEA to pick my bed up, a bookcase (for all my precious Wii U games etc!) and general furnishing goodness! So my time with the Wii U will officially begin Saturday night! What I may do though, if it arrives tomorrow, is plug it into the downstairs TV and just let it all update. That way it will be ready to go for Saturday! I actually cannot wait for that moment where I am all finished with decorating and I can sink into my new double bed in front of my new TV with HD Mario. Good times indeed!
  15. Wow this is brilliant. I actually think I am getting a 3ds XL off my parents for Christmas too so this is like a Christmas gift from Nintendo to Aneres11 Very impressive.
  16. I can't tell you how much that gif made me laugh. AAaaahahaha. Hillarious.
  17. Plan is to get it and probably just pleasure myself over the fact I'm playing a Nintendo console with HD graphics for a short while. Then, enjoy some of the games I'm getting such as Sega Racing, Mario, etc. Not long now!!
  18. You sir, are a walking bloody miracle.
  19. Yeah that one miffed me a bit with the character rosta... ? Probably the only thing I was confused about. They should have just kept all the old characters and put all the new ones in alongside them. I mean - no Billy Hatcher?! WTF?!! But glad to hear that aside it's all good!
  20. So I got Unapologetic last Saturday (pre-order came early). Got to say - she just does not disappoint. *Taylor Swift voice* "Like Ever". The album is fucking great. The thing with Rihanna is, she just never seems to get it wrong. And for someone who doesn't have an *amazing* voice, she does so so well. She knows what she's good at and she sticks to it. I was really sceptical to hear she was releasing another album this year for her 7th in a row - but I needn't have been. I'll try and do a track by track as I feel it deserves this! 1. Phresh Out The Runway: Not my fave. It isn't the strongest album opener and to me it just doesn't go anywhere. It does kinda set the tone for the album nicely though, so it definitely serves its purpose! 2. Diamonds: We all know it now - and it is a great song. It isn't my favourite single of hers but I do still really really like it. I like how she tries to sing the song like Sia (writer of Diamonds) as it gives her a more mature sound which suits the song brilliantly. Disappointing video too after We Found Love last year! 3. Numb (feat Eminem): I absolutely love this. What I like most is that it's not trying to be anything like their past collab which is the best thing to do after how huge that was. For a chorus that's just repeated and should be incredibly annoying it's actually the complete opposite. I also really like Eminem's part of this song too - and I generally don't enjoy listening to him. Winner 4. Pour it Up: Sounds like it was taken straight from Rated R. It's dark, edgy and demands attention. Rihanna almost chants the verses which generally just talk about her masses of money haha. 5. Loveeeeee Song (feat Future): A more chilled back song / collab. Lots of collabs on this album which worried me at first - but no need! All great. This one sees Rihanna taking more of a back seat as it's all about this Future dude. But Rihanna's verses are what stick in my head strangely - not so much the chorus. Particularly the "Don't slip, don't slip, coz a n***** might push up on it" part. 6. Jump: TRACK OF THE ALBUM. I love this. Chorus builds to an insane beat that builds up and up as the song goes on. "Jump jump jump on it". Another Rated R sounding track. I can't stop listening! 7. Right Now (feat David Guetta): Surely a single? The most radio friendly track on the album and reminds me a little bit of S&M. Definitely on trend too this one and will easily fill club floors everywhere. A typical Rihanna banger. 8. What Now: Big up lifting ballad. I personally prefer the verses to the chorus. They're a bit much for me but I do really like the track. This is where the album starts to change a little bit now from pretty dark to slightly more mellow. 9. Stay (feat Mikky Ekko): Love this. Voices work perfectly together. Piano driven and stripped back. Not really a Rihanna song in general but she sings it beautifully. As does Mikky Ekko - whoever the dude is! One of my faves. 10. Nobody's Business (feat woman beater... sorry Chris Brown): Whatever they do is their business. Ha. Up there as one of the best songs on the album. Got to be a single. It's a great way to get their message across too and what better way than in a cracking song that's totally addictive?! 11. Love Without Tragedy / Mother Mary: Kinda wish LWT would go on a bit longer. I love it. Mother Mary comes in slightly too soon for my liking - but both songs (though classed as one) are a great continuation and make for an interesting listen. Not sure why they were pushed together as they could be great alone, but hey ho! Really good song(s). 12. Get It Over With: Weakest track for me. Not bad. Just goes on really - which is kinda funny given the title. Ha. It's just all a bit dreary and doesn't go anywhere. 13: No Love Allowed: Man Down part 2! Just not as good / explosive. But great on its own merit. I really really like this song though. "I'm screaming murderer, how could you murder us?! No love allowed...". It gets stuck in your head! 14. Lost in Paradise: Again, great song. Nice big chorus. Not particularly rememberable compared to some of the other songs on here but a great track to remember when you get to it ha. 15. Half of Me: Lot of people saying one of her best songs. It's ok. It's a great album closer. It's not my personal fave but it's still good. It almost feels slightly out of place on this album compared with the sound of the other songs. Like it should have been on Loud. So there we have it. I LOVE this album. It comes very close to Rated R for me (which is my personal fave). If Rihanna continues like this then she will be consistently on the radio / in the charts. Some may think that's a bad thing, but when she is making great music like this then it's only good in my opinion. It gives the others a kick up the arse that they can't just release whatever happens to be on trend at the time and expect it to sell. Cough Christina. Rihanna is different to artists like that as her albums are almost a continuation. Why do a greatest hits when you can have a 'continuation of hits'?! If Rihanna took a break now and came back in 2 years with something new - it would automatically be compared/ judged to her previous efforts. As of yet, the album a year just continues where she leaves off last so don't ruin the formula. She doesn't raise the bar and strangely, that's what's so good about her. Instead she just keeps clearing it time after time. And I love that. Keep it going Rihanna!
  21. Trolling doesn't suit you... GOD MAGNUS. Second time i've have to say it now. GOD MAGNUS. third...
  22. Hmm how to get hyped again...? Lets see now... How about this... 7 DAYS BITCHES!! That's all.
  23. Good to hear from someone who has the game! I also loved the first so it's great to hear it's improved over that! Thanks Emerald!
  24. Sega want fans to choose the first 3 characters that would be included as DLC! There's quite a few to choose from! Link below where you can vote! I vote for Bayonetta! http://www.tssznews.com/2012/11/18/vote-now-for-your-favourite-characters-and-get-them-in-sasrt-as-dlc/ Nice to see Sega getting involved!
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