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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I have 11,000 stars now. And 200 are expiring at the end of Jan. There's absolutely sod all on there I want. I already have the SNES controller but there's nothing else worth my points. But part of me feels like I should spend the points otherwise they'll all just disappear. Rubbish! If they had eshop cards I'd be all over them but it's just the Wii ones which are virtually void for me now.
  2. Then it most definitely comes down to interpretation as my level of play with all the Pokemon games has been start, beat gyms, beat elite 4, do some post game content, try and level up, give up, finish. On to next one. And as per my last post I've definitely felt the changes with each generation. I would only really class myself as a casual Pokemon fan too. You wont see me delving into stat changes and IV things and move-sets etc. Breeding is hard enough :p
  3. I personally feel like the series has dramatically changed with each game. Black and White were totally fresh experiences for me - everything from the travel from town to town to the new Pokemon to the story line to the unique lairs of the Elite 4 - it was brilliant! And Black and White 2 added upon this and made one of, if not the best Pokemon yet! Early signs of this look very promising. The Pokemon look interesting, the battling finally looks like you will want to keep your eyes on the screen throughout all of it rather than just selecting your move and looking at the TV for a few seconds! The possible character customisation is pretty cool (if true / available) and some of the environments look lovely indeed. Consider me very excited. This looks to freshen everything up and fix the major gripes people have had with the games for a while. Roll on October!!
  4. Haha - of course I don't hate you!! But one thing with Pokemon games that annoys me is it's announced and then 'COMING SUMMER 2014' - Whut.
  5. I never know what to expect / guess at but what I really don't want is a spin off. Please no more mystery dungeon or any of that stuff. I want new Pokemon game - it's out next week, you choose your generation of 'mon and only they are available in the wild until you complete / do certain stuff in game. Battles are now Pokemon Stadium style with 3d graphics etc, online battles also play this way - HM's are removed never to be seen again, Eevee is your starter and you evolve him / her how you wish and Starmie features on the box art in shiny artwork. I honestly do not think I am asking for too much nor am I suggesting ridiculous things that don't even make much sense. Just make it happen Nintendo.
  6. Blimey that's a cracking price! @Mike1988uk came round to mine this evening for a bit and he brought his 3DS. His is an original and I recently got an XL. I had a little at how beautiful the original 3DS is! Like seriously. It really is a lovely little console and almost made me regret the decision of going for an XL for Christmas! I do like the big screen on the XL but the original model has a much whiter, and crisper screen. I played a little bit of Mario Kart and found the screen to be a little cramped but everything did have an added level of crispness that the XL is missing (for obvious reasons!) I still love my XL but it was really nice to have the consoles side by side and see exactly how they compare. I was surprised how much I liked the original!
  7. At first I thought that, but I got an XL again for Christmas and I much much prefer it to the original. It's the perfect size. Just be wary of the yellow tinge some of the XL models can have which I personally hate.
  8. I thought you could only D/L from 1st Jan? Any how I am currently in the middle of downloading Mario 3d Land myself now!! : peace: It'll have to take a back seat though as I desperately try and start Mario Kart 7 again ready for the league! I have a new copy of the game so nothings unlocked! Still, gives me chance to practice!
  9. Don't apologise! I enjoyed it And you got all of the stars?!! I bow down to thee - S.C.G. My turn to rhyme haha.
  10. Ahhh I've wanted this for so long since I played the demo. I was waiting for it to go down in price but the bloody thing wont! How much did you get it for Emerald?!
  11. I really want to pick this up soon too. I'm currently playing NSMB2 and once that's completed I am all over this.
  12. I clearly need to be clearer. Fair to me is takin a look at the situation. We have a console that has been out for 3 weeks or so and in that time it has sold however many units. (I don't have exact numbers, sorry). First week sales were good. They were very good considering the marketing for this from Nintendo has been absolutely pathetic. Not to mention the fact we've had no consoles in supermarkets which is a bit of a bummer and may have hindered sales somewhat. Also, with the name and confusion of whether this is a new console or new controller by lots of people, the sales haven't been terrible. They're not consistent, no - but I don't think that is typical of any console launch / release. So my point, is that the failing and bombing comment isn't fair (once again, my opinion) when taking the above into consideration (terrible marketing, confusion, no stock in supermarkets etc) and the fact it has only been out for 3 weeks. A console doesn't fail or succeed in it's first few weeks! If that was the case then the 3DS would be dead and buried. Yes, my first comment may have been slightly childish and sarcastic and I apologise, but it wasn't nasty or personal. But again, sorry if offensive. Hopefully that explains my thoughts better.
  13. Actually, I think my 'sarcastic' point was enough of a counter for the 'bombed hard' comment that had absolutely no justification other than an eBay outlet dropping the price - for how long for and why we don't know. My second post justified my point after he justified his. Also, I don't think he was 'fair' to say that it's bombing hard. But you do - and that's your opinion. But like I say - 3 weeks into the console life and it's failing and bombing. I don't agree.
  14. I wasn't being funny, but the words 'failure' and 'bombed hard' are not the words I would use as they would suggest that the company is in major trouble. The Wii U is doing ok. No, it's not selling like the Wii did but this isn't 2006 - and there has been no where near as much hype. Yes, Nintendo is mostly to blame for that but lets not sit here and say its failed when it's only been out for 3 or so weeks. It's totally unjustified. It'd be the same if I was sat here saying - it's the launch of the century and it's a perfect console. Not true. And no one knows how it will perform at time goes on and it's way too early to tell.
  15. Yeah totally. Nintendo are doomed, they'll never recover from this and this time next year they will be making games for iOS.
  16. Ha yeah I think it's a jumper! But it's really nice. Perfect for this time of year. And given that its grey it's virtually wearable with anything. Blue jeans, black jeans, rust coloured (as pictured :P ) etc. You should definitely keep it. Everyone should have a winter jumper in their wardrobe!
  17. I personally feel that this game comes to life after the story is finished and you have to collect the star coins / do the extras. If you want a challenge then I suggest you get back on it! Though I understand the criticism of the game for its lack of 'newness' I really had a great time with it. 2d Mario's are kinda gonna be the same. I wouldn't want them to divert from the formula too much in the next one though do agree there needs to be some form of shake up in order to stop it becoming completely redundant in terms of offering a fresh experience. But yeah, definitely stick with it to see the true charm of this one! It's worth it!!
  18. Ha oh yeah. There all pretty decent games in their own right so I can see why it's a difficult choice! On the topic of this though I've just had my Mario Land code emailed to me so there's my evening sorted!! In fact scrap that! Can't download til January 1st wondered why my code was showing as invalid!! Doh
  19. Don't underestimate New Style Boutique! Apparently it's meant to have huge amounts of depth and is a bit of a monster when you get stuck into it. Even guys are all over it! I know a few people here have already opted for that over the others and even I was tempted!
  20. Totally agree Zechs! I loved it from start to finish and its the first 2d Mario I have wanted to actually do absolutely everything on (all star coins, exits etc). My total play time was around 32 hours ish - and it flew by! Not bad considering it was the title I was least excited about!
  21. This game has really got on my fuckin nerves today. What's with the difficulty? There's just no need for it. The first game was difficult enough to 100% (Which I did after several tries on certain things) but this is taking the piss. The traffic challenges are just not even fun. Start - Restart Start - Restart Start - Restart Start - Restart Start - Restart Start - Restart That's pretty much been how my day has gone. Activity log shows me playing this game for nearly 4 hours today. In that time I've S ranked 3 challenges. 3. That's 3. It's beginning to lose its fun. EDIT - As soon as I ranted I did the usual Start - Restart and FUCKIN DID IT! Yes bitches. Still wasn't worth the 4 hours Well, onto traffic challenge 2! ...
  22. This is £17.99 in GAME now. Seems a good price given the reviews etc!
  23. Just did mine. Plumped for Mario 3d Land (despite previously owning and completing it before I sold it with my original 3ds early this year...) I chose it because the others are the kind that I see going down in price and I don't think Mario will... as per all Mario games Plus, I really really want to play it again and 5 star my profile unlike last time. Damn assist items! Looking forward to always having it on my 3ds for play whenever!
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