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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I hear you. Everyone's situation is different I guess, and as you say, there's still some things Nintendo could do with ironing out. In deciding against it though you will lose the opportunity for some launch window Sonic racing - NE Style!! Jus sayin...
  2. Click insert image and add the URL. Impossible on iPad as google images sucks ass and wont take you to the 'full size image' to grab the URL anymore.
  3. Though it's out soon and ShopTo are gonna be processing from Friday, I still haven't fully decided! I have a definite 3: Just cant decide on Zombi U or COD!! Or both... So fellow launch dayers - what's it to be for you?!
  4. *Head in hands* So disappointing / wank. I like the beginning where they ask 'What is Wii U'. It ends there. Why would they then go on to show the Zombi U multiplayer with some guy fucking about with the Game Pad doing something that looks totally random / confusing?! I mean, I know A LOT about this game, but what the fuck was he doing on the game pad?! Hardly gonna make people want to buy into it when they have no damn idea what it's trying to show. It's simple how it should go. Advert opens - "What is Wii U?" "Wii U is a brand new console with a brand new controller." "Games like Mario have never looked better (Mario plays on screen / gamepad) in full HD!" *Family member walks into room and TV is turned off* "Play games exclusively on the NEW game pad screen!" (Mario continues on gamepad). *Writing at bottom of advert screen advises off tv play only with compatible games* Advert moves to night time scene - same person sat in front of TV playing Zombi U "Games like Zombi U offer a brand new style of play! Use the gamepad to scan areas shown on your TV... But beware of those zombies!" *Zombie proceeds to attack player on screen, and is swiftly killed* *Boy playing wipes brow to add the standard cheesiness seemingly required for Nintendo advert.* *Advert closes with shot of box / console / game pad and then several launch titles flick by including COD, Sega Racing, Batman, Zombi U, Mario* "For more info log on to ..." Advert closes. Viewing public get wet / hard - everyone buys one. No?
  5. Totally agree! It's one of the consoles biggest selling points for me!
  6. Oooooh baby!! Looks so much fun on game pad!!
  7. I love that. Particularly the 'Yeah' function and then the 'Unyeah' haha. Brilliant!
  8. Hmm. The game pad has a screen. It adds a new element / play style to home console gaming not yet seen before. This will allow new gameplay elements and extra depth / immersion in a gaming experience if done correctly. Nintendo also thought they'd go a step further and allow you to play some games on the game pad itself! That's compress the whole game that runs on your TV - down onto a smaller, tablet style screen. That means you can lie in bed and continue to play COD, or Mario whilst the TV is used by someone else. Hell, you can even take a shit and play a CONSOLE version of Mario. It runs smoothly, has no slow down or input lag (from the impressions i've read / vids i've seen), and yet it seems it's a disappointment and could have been so much more? I'm a bit confused.
  9. Sounds great! Where you at? I'm coming to the next one
  10. Been reading some user views on this from the American peoples. Seems to be going down very well. Lots of people saying this is the game that shows the graphical power of the Wii U off most from the launch titles. Snippits: It looks awesome, while NSMBU looks blah blah. The scenery water and skies really do show the Wii Us power off, and its only a launch title. How about that gorgeous glowing water in the Samba De Amigo track? Man that's eye candy The graphics definitely look gorgeous for this game. Having a lot of fun with it too. Seems really positive - with zero mention of frame rate / slow down issues. Therefore, this is being pre-ordered. At first I was on the fence, worrying the Wii U would suffer from some technical glitches / poor porting, but it seems not. I also am taking ONM's review with a pinch of salt. They're the only ones who seem to not like the game - and I honestly believe its bias regardless of what they say. This game looks like it wipes the floor with Mario Kart's efforts in the last couple of years. And I've played and loved all the latest MK's! But I loved the first Sega Racing so cannot wait for this now!
  11. May have already been posted but here is a vid of the gameplay on the game pad - albeit in a sarcastic way (lol), but shows how nicely it looks and runs on the smaller screen!
  12. I'm very tempted to pick this game up myself actually in place of Zombi U. This seems solid across the board and it looks to be the first COD in ages that has a great single player campaign - which is great . Not been much mention of the game pad though? Is the game playing ok on the pad do we know?! Be great to get some footage of someone playing with it. Also is this one playable on game pad alone?!! Cheers for any insight!!
  13. The only game I remember using 'weapons' from your surroundings (and doing it rather well) was condemned. That was kind of survival horror too. Have to say it worked brilliantly. I don't think that the lack of using items in your surroundings is the sole / biggest reason for these low reviews though. But I agree it could have been looked into some more. I just really don't know whether its worth picking up now?
  14. I'm kinda beginning to think the same. And that's not just off the back of this IGN review. The fact that this is so varied in scores tells me that is a little but like marmite. And given my bundle is just the premium and doesn't include Zombi U in its bundle, I'm almost considering cancelling my preorder for this. Purely from a pricing perspective. The game is 50 quid! I don't think I wanna spend that on something I am unsure on. And similarly to you, I may now look into COD for the Wii U instead.
  15. Another review: 360 version but still. http://venturebeat.com/2012/11/18/sonic-all-stars-racing-transformed-review/ Some snippets: World Tour is the main campaign in Career mode, and you’ll mine at least 8 hours to 10 hours out of its five interconnected maps (not counting the bonus tour that unlocks after the credits). You travel along a linear track, playing races and other challenges as you go, until you reach a branching path and can choose which course you want to attempt next. It’s a simple but more interesting way to present a long series of races. The announcer is a little overbearing on the menu screens, but during races, he’s helpful. He tells you what power-ups you receive so you don’t have to take your eyes from the road — giving you an extra second of time that you can always use. This happens in multiplayer as well, but it’s not confusing when you hear the announcer gab about another player. You can hold two items at once during a race as long as you switch one into your reserve first, and swapping between these changes the order in which you release them. In addition, little symbols appear next to a driver’s name, indicating what item he’s currently holding. This is key to knowing when to drive defensively or to close the distance. What’s also most surprising is that Racing Transformed features no story whatsoever, and it’s better off without it. This is about gameplay, not forcing a half-meaningful plot on a band of characters. Instead, the focus is on the experience. Sonic & All-Stars Racing Transformed delivers huge value at a generous price: $40. If all you want is racing, you might be disappointed when you learn everything that awaits you, but it’s easy to appreciate the wealth of multiplayer options, the smart gameplay and design, and how well it all comes together. If you’re tired of Mario Kart after Mario Kart, Racing Transformed is a fresh approach. Score: 83/100 Well it appears that we still have no mention of a Wii U version. But nice to see some praise for the game on other platforms
  16. That screen shot is lol worthy I gotta say. It looks like an N64 game! Ha. Fancy choosing that to compare the games haha. I'd understand if the game was plagued by this at every corner and it ruined the experience, but going on the reviews, it doesn't. Oh and FYI - this is a fantastic game. I had the 360 version and its great!
  17. Hmm I dunno. I've had some great fun with mini game based games! Wii sports is obviously the top one! That game is still my highest played wii game - nearly 300 hours!! Also, I have always found the Wario Ware series to be extremely fun / addictive - and that is just mini game after mini game. Add Mario Party to that. Yes, it tends to score lowly, but that's all to do with playing the boards and how it doesn't suit singular play. The mini games though?! Best part about the whole series! Release a game packed with just Mario Party mini games and I'm all over it! Can't forget Wii Play either! I also really enjoyed the selection of mini games on that and often go back on it when I'm in the mood! So whilst I understand they may not be for you - I kinda love mini games!! Especially Nintendo ones. I guess they just know how to make gaming fun and that's the key to a good mini game if you ask me! I wouldn't take the reviews of this game seriously though. It's not a game changer, it's just an example of the game pad. Some reviewers will love it, some will think its just ok and would rather sit with a fully fledged new game to get to grips its their new Wii U. Therefore we're gonna see a variation in how this scores. I'm pleased its free with the premium console!
  18. This is definitely reminding me of the Red Steel Wii situation all over again! I mean, that was the one Wii launch game that looked like it was going to appeal to the 'hardcore' gamers, and offered an interesting take on how to use the Wii remote to its full potential (at the time). Zombi U comes along and looks to be doing the same thing. It is taking the unique element of the console (game pad) and giving you an experience through it. I remember Red Steel dividing opinions too, with ONM and other places giving it gold awards and then major websites not being quite so keen. On one hand, I salute Ubisoft for being the company who try. I mean like really try. They have clearly spent a lot of time with the hardware and set on a clear plan of action for this game - just like they did with Red Steel. What concerns me though, is that those who rated Red Steel highly - ONM my example here - went on to say a year or so after the launch, that if there was one game they could re-review, it'd be Red Steel as they felt it was marked much too highly and didn't compare on a number of elements to other games in their 'Gold' list. I just hope the same isn't happening here, as I'd like that the game does warrant the decent scores we've seen so far - particularly the higher more favourable ones ha. I do think though, that the ONM review is probably going to be the most praise worthy and no other publication / website will be quite so glowing. Doesn't matter to me however as my mind is made up. . My preorder is staying as I'm a sucker for Zombiness and I liked Red Steel - so I'm gonna keep my faith in Ubisoft! For now... ha.
  19. Yeah I remember Bayonetta being amazing on 360 but the ps3 version was terrible. I think it was also said at the time that the ps3 was a difficult console to port to. I have technically no idea why though ... My knowledge doesn't go that deep haha. I remember sonic the hedgehog (terrible terrible game) also coming under fire on the ps3 - but I took that with a pinch of salt as it was total shite regardless haha.
  20. I just read the ONM review in full. It would appear that they were a little confused with how to rate the game too. They even said it themselves that its a hard game to slap a score onto. From my understanding, the game really is all about survival horror. So rather than stand and shoot and kill everything around you to move on, you just shove and RUN. Run bitch... Ruuuuuun! Haha. Hence survival horror. Therefore I can kind of understand how some reviewers may be surprised to find that this isn't a game like the COD / Left 4 Dead's of the world. However, it shouldn't stop it scoring badly if its not a broken game as Zech's says. I guess a game like this is just going to be all about personal preference. If you like the idea of being immersed in a game by its atmosphere and playing style then you will probably have a lot of fun. But if you expect a game that lets you run and gun everything and battle of hoards of zombies with your weapons then you're may not enjoy this. This game looks to be all about fine detail into the survival horror genre. Using the game pad to scan the area you're in whilst at the same time listening out for any oncoming undead threats sounds a blast to me. But where the problem may lie is that the game does appear to be an out and out shooter with zombies... And those reviewing it may not like that it isn't really that at all. Either way I'm getting it. I think it's right up my street and sounds like its a very refreshing take on this genre.
  21. Yeah well like I said I totally agree! I think when it's broken down into what each new game has brought to the battle system it shows how much it has developed. But in developing it is sticking true to what the series is all about - except now you can have a Pokemon that is tailored to how you want to battle etc. And yeah it wasn't really a rant, like you said it was just an opinion!
  22. Ooh @Serebii I have just seen you in ONM!!! Flicking through and there you are in the ONM Rant section! Very good read. I totally agree! I'd post a pic but I'm on my iPad and its a nightmare getting pics off it onto forums ha. Just thought I'd share!
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