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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Haha - believe me it will. You can get through the main game 'story' with a few difficulties - but if you decide to get all of the star coins, then you will want to damage the game pad. And possibly yourself haha. I don't think it does - but after several deaths, you do get a green box that if you hit - Luigi jumps out and takes over for you. You basically watch him smart arse his way through the level like it's a walk in the park and then you can take over when you want. I didn't use it in case it did penalize ha, but the amount of times I seen that bastard box and heard its 'ding dong' made me want to smash the game pad against the TV. As you can see from my posts I was calm all the way through playing the game. Cake walk.
  2. go up in difficulty...? go up in difficulty...?! go up in difficulty You may regret wishing for that ha.
  3. Hmm, so I feel like it's just me playing this game at the min? Ha. I am up to:
  4. Brilliant! Thanks for the vid Canand! Looks great. I even like the box ha! We just need to get that Charizard one over here now too!
  5. Haha - wow. It's a good job you've got a GF - or people would talk with statements like that haha.
  6. So it would appear that LAME, sorry GAME are branching into the mini break / get away market. Aimed purely at gamers, the package is a £199 overnight stay in a London suite that features game zones for XBOX, PS3 and Wii U. GAME's marketing director said this: "We know that this time of year, gamers yearn to escape from all things Christmassy to indulge in their passion," "We want to make it easy for gamers this Christmas by offering them a brilliant gaming getaway which allows them the luxury of uninterrupted gaming." Hmm. Perks include the gaming 'zones' - or judging by the pics, the 3 TV's, the one king sized bed (perfect for you and all your mates...) and snacks from the "fully stocked fridge". What an absolutely terrible terrible idea. I honestly cannot see anyone wanting to purchase this. And if they did I can't see many people shouting from the roof top about it. Not a great idea from a company who have had to be virtually dragged from bankruptcy.
  7. Now now - there's plenty of Aneres11 to go round haha. :p But you weren't meant to see this thread so you'd get the full extent when you came round haha. Ah well! It's better in person anyway (modest haha).
  8. Ha thanks Rez! I do love me some home reno haha. I just struggle getting out of bed even more now!
  9. Just a quick update on my progress with the game. Right now I'm very close to smashing the game pad against the wall. That'll be all for now. FUCKING STAR COINS!!!!
  10. It definitely is platform perfection. One of my fave DS games hands down. Just full of charm and a brilliant game to play.
  11. Ha read a few posts up - I said the same thing. Stick with it though. Once you have finished the story it's great to go back and play some of the other worlds again - it's definitely made me appreciate the game loads more. And I'm having lots of fun with it again too. But yeah - definitely very very tough in parts.
  12. Well I've just now stumbled upon yet another world I missed first time round! I honestly have no idea how I missed 2 (maybe more yet!) worlds out whilst managing to get the the last part. Very strange. This one is Soda Jungle. So onward to the jungle!
  13. I've never been a huge fan of the Paper Mario series - having only played the Wii one which I just found so damn difficult... Anyway, this game looks so full of charm I have asked for it as a Christmas present to go with the XL I shall also be getting for Christmas!
  14. Yeah totally. The thing is though, I honestly don't see them adding the dual analogue sticks to this design. I think this is the 3DS now - as you see it. An original version and an XL. No more. The things they've dismissed will be looked at in the next console I'm sure. Like I say I could well be very wrong - it's just the feeling I get. And 4 years would be a perfect amount of time really. Gives enough time for a Mario 3d Land 2, a new Zelda as you mention, oh and a new Super Princess Peach. FOR THE LOVE OF GOD NINTENDO MAKE IT HAPPEN!! See - even Peach want's it to happen. She's upset it hasn't happened already.
  15. The shop still sucks ass and has for ages. There has been nothing decent on there for a while now. The last thing I got was the SNES controller and that was almost 2 years ago! I've now built up enough funds to buy it again if I so wish (which I don't ha). It's about time we got some nice new stuff. The MK trophies don't really interest me. I need to start buying before my bloody stars expire!
  16. I have been a member on here for a year and half - 2 years ish now and I come on virtually every day. I probably post more now than when I joined but that's only because of the whole Wii U hype and getting one etc. To me, this forum is a great community, and there are loads of great people on here, but in all honesty I tend to use the forums in a gaming sense for information, news / reviews about games or announcements, or to generally discuss a game / console with people who share the same interest. I have branched out into the general thread and enjoy posting in their too, particularly the music thread, the what have you bought thread and the cooking (or in my case the 'show your cake (again) thread') haha. It's nice to be able to interact with people who share an interest with you and sometimes, it's nice to have a debate over something providing it doesn't turn a bit nasty ha. One thing I do love is how there are loads of members who do a lot for this forum. For instance in the Nintendo boards, you've got members organising a whole freakin Mario Kart tournament every Thursday! There's guys doing a Wii COD group which has now carried over to the Wii U, and it's just great to be a part of. The time it must take and the attention / care that goes into it is something that makes NE a really great place to be - most of the time. I won't even pretend to know / understand the whole mafia things, but I'm sure there are people who dedicate time to that to. Again - another great thing about being here. I really like also how at the end of the year the awards are voted on and given out. It's testament to how much of a 'community' this is to be able to have something like that - particularly great that it covers everything from new members to people who've been here for ages! The only place I don't really go is the 'other consoles' thread. I own all the consoles but I just don't ever find it worth posting there. All in all though, NE's a great place to be! I come back daily and it's not because it's just a routine / habit (like Facebook for me), it's because I want to. : peace:
  17. Ha you definitely should! Get it in the creative forum!
  18. Yeah it's gonna be interesting to see what they come up with next. I've said it before ages ago that I don't personally think the 3ds will have the longevity that the original DS had. I also don't think we will see any more re-designs of the console either. New colours? Yep, probably. But a new design? No way. I think the XL will be the only one we get in terms of 'varying' the console. I could be totally wrong of course.
  19. Ha I must admit I do normally love the water worlds in the Mario series! And I found myself enjoying the game again before when I was searching for the star coins. I just found the later worlds really really frustrating. To the point where I thought I would just 'get it out the way with' and then trade it in. However, I've since seen sense and decided to try and 100% it. I love Mario, but I've always much preferred the full 3d adventure games as aposed to the side scrollers. Think it may be to do with being too young to remember the early ones on the NES / SNES and also growing up with a Mega Drive and not getting into Nintendo until N64... On a separate note - when you say writing music, do you mean for instrument play?!
  20. Well turns out I had missed a whole world whilst playing through this! Not sure how, but as I was moving through the levels getting star coins I stumbled upon what looks to be an aquatic / watery world! Always good to find! I did think actually that I hadn't done that many worlds! Anyway, seems there is still much to be done with this game which I am looking forward to, though I have to admit the later worlds / levels did border on pure annoying
  21. Haha @Lens of Truth that Father Ted clip is priceless. I remember seeing that when I was a kid and it still makes me laugh! It's great that Nintendo look to be taking steps to correct their marketing anyway. I think there are probably still people confused with the DS's and all the variations despite the fact the 3DS has been out for almost 2 years! . With their next handheld, I definitely think Nintendo will step away from the 'DS' name. I also think they need to change the boxes, as it is really tricky to tell apart which ones are DS and 3DS games until you're up close. Naturally if the DS slowly phases out (unlikely) there wont be a problem, but as it's still having games released for it - it may still cause some confusion to the general public. I can't wait to get a 3DS again for Christmas. I sold my old one in the summer as there was a bit of a game drought so I planned to rebuy one once there were more software titles I was interested in. Now there's loads! And it definitely seems like the right time to buy what with Nintendo giving all XL owners / buyers a free game!
  22. Ooh good price thanks Jamba. The gold one is beautiful!
  23. It's a tricky one when they both have been received pretty well. I haven't played a COD game for ages so thought I'd pick this up as a nice alternative to Mario and Sonic racing. But with Zombi U also being enjoyed by those who have it I just can't decide!!
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