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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I think I knew it was sort of RPG but I imagined it to be similar to the Final Fantasy (even Monster Hunter) style of games, with realistic graphics etc. Wow - I knew Shadow Wars wasn't a FPS but I can kinda get why there could be some confusion!
  2. To be honest, as soon as I saw the map stuff with the squares and having to pick where to put people I just turned it off lol. I have never felt games like that at all. RPG's to me are the worst kind of games. I understand this seems to be a lot more than that, but from what I saw I think I'd rather just play a normal RPG! I guess we all have games we favour and this isn't one for me. I kind of feel bad as I haven't given it a proper chance at all, but I just know it's not for me. I think secretly I was hoping it'd be Marth running around castles slaying enemies with a massive sword! I know this is probably slander talk to you guys who love the series so I apologise ha!
  3. I downloaded this before - knowing nothing about the series or game at all. A lovely intro cut scene, some spoken exchanges with other characters, picking your guys special abilities (all good) and then it threw me into some sort of battleship scenario asking me to choose squares for people?! The fuck?! Is this what the whole game is about / like?! Was not feeling it at all unfortunately.
  4. So I love rhythm games, like love them - so imagine my despair when I absolutely suck at the demo of this. I'd been patiently waiting for this for aaages and thought it'd be a day one buy. Anyway, I have continually sucked at the demo... until tonight!! Yes my friends I finally cracked it (kinda) and now I need this game in my life. I will be downloading it first thing tomorrow ready for some bank holiday lovin. My 3ds has already been taking a battering tonight what with Weegee - then the MK league, so I'll have to ensure the charger is permanently attached But yes I'll be sure to post with my thoughts (and no doubt frustrations!) as I move through the game! Can't wait!!
  5. Oooh ill give that a try thanks Dem0! I don't think it is a glow cover though as I closed my eyes for a minute or so then looked again but saw no glow. But will definitely try that.
  6. I was quite late preordering to be fair. Maybe that's why. But I turned my light off last night after playing the game to go to sleep, and sat waiting for cover to glow... And it didnt haha. Shed a little tear Looks awesome though!!
  7. Wtf! My cover doesn't glow in the dark cry
  8. Argh I'd so love a Jynx evolution too! That'd be amazing. Always did like the dual type of Jynx - an unusual mix!
  9. Haha the box art is probably the coolest ever. I love it!
  10. Started this earlier as soon as I got in from work. Completed the first 'mansion' I suppose you could call it but its more a training mission to get you into it. One word. Wow. What an amazing looking game! And the atmosphere is absolutely spot on. I absolutely love Luigi's reactions to all the goings on around him, how he jumps at the littlest thing, how he runs around - its just all brilliant. This is taking me right back to my school days where I received Luigi's mansion and a shiny new black GameCube for my birthday You can tell how much attention has gone into the game so early in. I'm truly enjoying every minute and like Dem0 said, wanting to explore everything to make sure I don't miss anything!! So good!
  11. Ah you see I just be in the monitory of people who thought that the CPP just ruined the experience of RE:R! It made the game so clunky for me. I thought the controls without it were absolutely spot on! But that may just be me :-/
  12. Little late to the party but wow that is a great price for Mercenaries. I have wanted to pick this up again for ages and it's definitely the type of game that I want to have on my console all the time for quick bursts. On my original copy (now sold) I invested nearly 60 hours into it!! Great fun!
  13. It is a Princess Peach 3DS... How dare you.
  14. Hmm not a massive fan of that light blue. It looks really similar to the original Aqua Blue one - and that never appealed to me! So I have been looking into the original 3ds - as much as I love my XL the original has a certain charm about it, and I like how everything seems sharper on the smaller screen. Is it wrong as a 24 year old male to really really really want this 3ds...?
  15. I am gutted too Coolness really wish I'd have just bought some tickets as I have always really loved them. It's particularly annoying that the best singer from the group (Nadine) has openly admitted that she had no part in the split what so ever and wanted to carry it on. Sad thing is, that's probably it for her now, as she wasn't really anything without GA. I liked her solo stuff but it didn't reach anywhere near the heights of GA's best - even their mediocre! Anyway, I'm just pleased that I have a huge back catalogue of great albums and singles from them. Maybe they will return in future, but it won't be the same. They'll be has beens then - the market will have totally moved on. No girl band will ever come close to them though!
  16. Can we ban Mike form the forum until Thursday please. It's just not fair... :p
  17. Lol @MadDog you are probably the one person whose music collection I would happily have on repeat all day. _________ I'm a sucker for a pop song - and there have been some amazing songs in the last 10 years by Girls Aloud. They've announced their split so I feel it necessary to share my favourite song of theirs (though there are many crackers). For a manufactured group they really nailed their market. For me they're the best british girl band ever and having been at school when they formed and being a fan since Sound of the Underground, it's pretty gutting that there will be no more new music from them. As solo artists, (Nadine aside because I fuckin love her), they just don't have that same magic. Still, massively thankful for the great stuff they did!
  18. I ought to wash your mouth out. Ha. And Cube I don't follow?! :P Edit : Ah now I get ya. Kind of!
  19. 17 dollars and free shipping! Not too much for something of that quality / beauty
  20. Great work. These just look amazing with pretty much anything: No more need be said
  21. Thanks nightwolf! Funny thing is, my car has a USB port in it now for media sticks to play songs from etc, but when you plug an iPhone in to it, it doesn't do anything! There's a device similar to that you can buy that connects to the USB, then the iPhone wire goes into the special box and that finds the music. £70 quid though!! So I never bothered! But like you say, the new car will solve all this nonsense!
  22. Yeah I do, but I can't listen to the tracks in my car as I have no way of connecting my phone. My car is a 59 plate and fairly modern - but it doesn't even have an AUX port! Rubbish ha. Although my new car arrives at the end of April and that does connect so Spotify will probably be on constantly then! : peace:
  23. Coz I love it - and don't have a copy for the car due to only listening to it through Spotify. Awesome new trainers for casual wear. 15% off. Yes. Trashness Anchor Bracelet - coz wanted one for so so long and they finally restocked. : peace:
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