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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. I just want to say that this game cannot come out quick enough. I have been itching to play it for aaaages now and it's just round the corner. 11 DAYS TIL WEEGEE TIME PEOPLE!!!
  2. Love Paramore - can't wait for the new album. Seems this is their UK release and not 'Now', which seems to be USA only. Good track. And this... this is something special... The 'original' Sugababes showing how it is done. Siobhan Donaghy is just and Mutya and Keisha's voices together actually make me orgasm. Perfect.
  3. Only people i've heard calling dinner 'tea' are people who are trying to make themselves sound posh. I find it grates on me when people call tea 'dinner'. I get lunch - I don't mind that, but dinner is definitely not tea.
  4. It's breakfast, dinner and tea. Tea time is 5pm. Always has been. Always will be. People who think dinner is in the evening are morons. :P
  5. The cliches I am referring to are really the things that you expect from a Bond film. Like the Bond girl for instance. In this film, though we had a girl, she wasn't around for long. Too often there is a fight to save the world and to save / get the girl. This time, it wasn't like that. It was more about Bond and we haven't seen that for a while. Second to that was the little things like 'shaken not stirred' 'Bond... James Bond', though they were there, they weren't really there - and I welcomed that in this film. There wasn't a big deal made of him saying it, but it was still noticeable. I guess they're the biggest things for me really. It refreshed the series and brought some roots back to it what with M's office making a return, Moneypenny, and a new Q - who I love I get it's not for everyone, but I absolutely loved it.
  6. Totally one hundred percent disagree with those saying it's average. I thought it was brilliant. I am a huge Bond fan, have been since I was about 11, own all the films, seen them all loads of times. Skyfall was the Bond film I was personally waiting for. It shits all over everything Pierce Brosnan did (Goldeneye aside) and is easily Craig's best film yet. It brought the whole series bang up to date and didn't feel the need to play on the old Bond cliches that are kind of expected but not always welcome in the series. I'm not saying it's a perfect film because it isn't, but for a Bond fan like me it's very very good. A memorable villain, iconic scenes, nods to the older films that true Bond fans will appreciate, and an updated cast that bring familiarity back to the series. Win. Oh and to top it all off the best Bond theme song for years. :p
  7. Loving this track for the new Disney film 'Oz The Great and Powerful'. It's just grown and grown on me. Mariah does this so much better than all this rap collab shit.
  8. I'd like to have sex with Frank Ocean. In other news, the Channel Orange album is great. I really love the album cover too - as strange as that sounds!
  9. Simple answer to the question - no they should not have stuck with the Wii Remote. I think this is cropping up now because we are so far yet to see the game pad being properly utilised for anything other than off tv play. A lot of people seem to be getting confused that this is the only purpose for the game pad in the first place, when in actual fact, it's simply a choice the developers make. The game pad, in time, will open up new ways to play games whilst sitting in fornt of a TV. Zombi U did it very well I thought, with the pad being an integral part of your survival, and it really immersed the player into the whole experience. That isn't something you'd get if you were sat in front of the TV pointing the Wii remote at the screen. The game pad is the unique and main feature of this console and so far Nintendo have shown us very little of what it can do. At E3 when the Wii U was announced the game pad was the star of the show with lots of videos showing how it would be used effectively. The situation we find ourselves in at the minute is one where we're just seeing developers lazily use the pad as a glorified handheld device. I can't see it staying that way forever though, especially when we start to get games that are built from the ground up for the Wii U. Developers will find ways to use the pad effectively. Sometimes it just takes one game to nail it, and the rest will follow.
  10. Am I the only one who just doesn't 'get' this game?! I want to be hyped and erect for it, but I am not in the slightest. I think it's because this type of game doesn't really do anything for me, but why do you guys love it so much? What is it that makes you all super excited for it?! For the sake of a Monster Hunter virgin like me ha.
  11. I love the original DS. Part of me would love to own it again but I don't think I could give up the XL screen!
  12. Nice thread Grazza - a very interesting topic of conversation this one! For me, it's handhelds. Growing up I would have said home consoles all the way - I never had a GameBoy and the only GB game I owned was Pokemon Blue due to the link up with my N64 and Pokemon Stadium! That all changed with the DS though. The DS was my first 'proper' handheld console - and I absolutely loved it and still love it to this day. It goes down as my favourite console ever (yep, even above the N64 and all the other home consoles out there) and its purely down to the experience that console gave me that was unlike anything else. I guess it's rare for a Nintendo fan to have never played a NES, or SNES, and his first 2d Mario experience to be NSMB on the DS? Well that's me! So all those wonderful memories most Ninty gamers have of their childhoods being filled with those brilliant original Mario SNES games - was Sonic for me instead, and Mario never really featured until the N64! When I got my DS I was introduced to this style of game and I was pretty much blown away. Of course, now I have caught up on what I missed all those years ago through VC titles etc, but in 2006 I was amazed at the joy this little plastic device was giving me. I like to consider myself a pretty experienced gamer, having played games since 3 years old on all the Sega systems, the N64, GC, Wii, 360 and PS3 - but it was only the DS that gave me a unique experience. Elite Beat Agents can't be done on the PS/360 now can it?! I know that works both ways, and Halo can't be done on a handheld to the same effect as a home console, but the DS hardware was genius in how it opened developers minds to produce gaming experiences that were new and not really seen before. I found myself always buying DS games, and amassing a pretty huge library of games that I would rank as among my favourite titles now. Games like Hotel Dusk, Phoenix Wright, Elite Beat Agents etc are all genius games that brought me so many hours of fun. They also stick in my mind much more than other games that are even more critically acclaimed on the home consoles. I guess that's why for me handheld gaming pips it. I also love the portability of the handheld. Being able to game on the go, or in bed at night or even on the toilet - should you so wish! It's all good. The one thing I don't want to see though is as technology moves on and we get more powerful systems, the handheld becoming a handheld 'home' console - if that makes sense? So basically a portable PS360 experience. As nice as it is to be able to play home console style games in handheld format I would rather see unique experiences that cannot be done on a home console on a handheld device. I think that's where Nintendo get it right, thankfully. So yeah, handhelds for me! Pretty much a DS appreciation post ha, but when I think handheld that is the absolute ultimate. Nothing matched it, don't think anything ever will.
  13. Is this just in store? Can't see the deal online - guessing it's just the original console too?
  14. I think the thread title for me would be more suited as 'Why did you buy a Wii U?' Haha :p Don't get me wrong, I really like the system and think it is a huge step forward from the Wii. However as many of you who have me addded as a friend on the system will know, I haven't been on it in about a month. Not even turned on to check Miiverse or anything. The problem is the games - broken record, sorry - but it really does boil down to that. That's why mine hasn't been turned on for a while. I know they will come eventually, but it doesn't look that great for me anyway in the short term as I have no interest in Monster Hunter, have never 'got' Pikmin and the only game I was truly excited for has been famously delayed (Rayman). So yeah, interesting times!
  15. God @Serebii - don't you know you can't have an opinion on anything other than Pokemon?! :P *sarcasm
  16. Ahahaha that's why Rez got nomination for funniest member off me. Gold that. Gold.
  17. Coolness - those are good headphones. Especially for free! I used to have some of them (they broke 3 times...) but the sound quality is really good. I just didn't take much care if them as I used them constantly.
  18. Yeah those games you mentioned are definitely great games. But in my opinion the 3d Mario games are head and shoulders above them all. As mentioned Banjo and Kazooie is the only one that can rival in terms of gameplay - imo of course.
  19. Lol. I personally welcome the Mario games / franchises onto my Nintendo systems. There is never really a bad Mario game to be fair. Sure, people may not enjoy a certain series due to the genre. I don't get the Mario and Luigi games as I do not like that style of gameplay, but they're still great games. It's funny really as it reminds me of the Wii U launch and the outcry of NSMBU. The 'lazy' title that in actual fact was a very good game. It pissed all over NSMB Wii and was miles better than NSMB2, yet a lot of people dismissed it because it looked the same as the others. Which it's kinda gonna... bein a 2d Mario... and a NSMB game... Nintendo admitted that the 3DS launch stalled slightly for various reasons, one of them being no major Nintendo title for consumers to pick up with their new console. Sure, the Wii U launch was less than good, but my guess is that it probably would have been worse if that Mario game wasn't there too. Anywho, I buy Nintendo systems for games like this. There' nothing else like it. No 3d Mario game has ever been beaten by anything else like it, aside from Banjo and Kazooie which is an arguable point. Or the game that comes after it. Their 2d games, again, nothing really matches them for me (and I own all 3 consoles), and I welcome the spin offs that come using the Mario kingdom / universe. Take Mario Golf on the 3DS. It looks great. Mainly because the courses are full of Mushroom Kingdom goodness. If Nintendo threw out a 'Nintendo Golf' game, set on standard golf courses with bland characters who meant nothing to Nintendo, or who weren't identifiable with the company, I don't think many would be interested. Therefore I don't blame Nintendo for using what sells. If they were using Mario in a derogatory sense, e.g. making shite games with his face on to sell systems / titles, then I'd be a little put out. But generally they don't. They put a whole load of love and care into their Mario games and they set the bar. As for them being unimaginative, I totally disagree. Some may think their software lacks it, but their hardware says otherwise.
  20. No. I don't agree with you saying DK 64 is a much better choice. That's bull shit. Gonna take a hell of a lot more time and resources to do that than something like DKCR, which suits a handheld console - like I've previously said.
  21. I shouldn't and don't agree at all, no. As myself, and others have previously said on more than one occasion in this thread, the game lends itself to 3d perfectly. Given that it is a platform game it is probably going to be a hell of a lot easier to port over or remake for the 3ds. Donkey Kong 64 is a pretty huge game and probably would have taken a lot more resources to make for the 3ds. DKCR lends itself to a handheld very well, so I think it's a great fit for 3ds.
  22. No one knows if the Wii version will be the 'better' version yet? And if it is then maybe I will. But personally, I'd rather play it on the go - especially when it looks suited to 3d and a handheld so well. Minus those stupid tacked on waggle controls people are talking about and the 3ds version sounds the more appealing, imo. Also, it's probably still an expensive game to buy on the Wii no doubt.
  23. Makes me laugh that people think this is a stupid thing for Nintendo to do. Do people really think the development team are just working hard on this one game and nothing else and this is like a huge reveal of 'hey guys, here's what we've been spending all our time on!'. I think not. If this was announced as a big release at E3 then fair enough, not great. But this is just a great game for 3ds owners to have for their collection. If you've never played it like me - then brilliant. If you have, then play it again and love it as a handheld experience. Alternatively, shove the Wii disc in and play it. And a further alternative to that folks - just don't buy it at all. At least we're getting solid games being added to the 3ds library. I'd rather that than have nothing to play on at all or mediocre games being made for it. Port or not. And yes, I'm getting riled.
  24. More goodness from Nintendo. I like these Nintnedo Directs a lot. They've given quite a bit the last couple of weeks - I know half of the announcements are future ones and are not really addressing the current Wii U situation, but is nice to see them keeping fans informed.
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