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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. How stereotypical of you. And no, it looks ghastly.
  2. Nintendo just keep on giving (with the 3DS, anyway lol). Fantastic offer and it shows that they're encouraging people to digitally download as well which is a great thing. Really brilliant offer!
  3. Heard this the other day and didn't want to like it as I am not a fan of Vince Kidd at all - however this is pretty great. Loving the chorus - reminds me of Sam Sparro who I love. Nice to see Vanessa from The Saturdays in their too! Also really liking this track from Selena Gomez. At first I thought it was very forgettable. But on repeated listens I really really like it. That's about it for now.
  4. Ha - what do you have at the minute? An XL or normal? I am looking at buying the Peach 3ds as I personally prefer the original model to the XL but I'm unsure whether I want to actually use it or not!
  5. I absolutely love how Nintendo do limited edition consoles like this. Brilliant. Looks great Ike!
  6. This is brilliant news and the news I've been waiting to hear for a while. I have started to embrace digital downloads for my 3DS as it's great to not have to switch cartridges every time I want to play something else. Plus it means there's no need for a really bulky case to contain all the cartridges as well as the console. Very good indeed. : peace:
  7. I ordered a new car at the start of February and got a call today to say it's ready to be picked up next week! Feels like forever ago I ordered it! And to add to the goodness, the tax and insurance on my current car is due at the end of the month, so this has come at just the right time. : peace: Literally half price insurance, free to tax for first year then only £20 a year from then on, and a new hi techy engine that means it's more fuel efficient equals more monies for Aneres11 And a shiny new car! Now just to sell my current car...
  8. Off topic (I apologise) but I am exactly the same. I hate any RPG - turn based, whatever. But I love Pokeymans haha.
  9. Wow this game looks so detailed. Having never played the Wii version this is fast becoming my most wanted 3ds title. It looks like it will utilise the 3d element perfectly too.
  10. I guess people see a 'new IP' in different ways. Like I would have put Kid Icarus as a new IP as it was a very different style for Nintendo. Plus it may be a reboot of a 'classic franchise' but I for one never remembered it originally - and I'm 24. So to me it was very fresh and new. I'd be happy for them to continue stepping outside of the 'norm' for games like that but that probably still isn't enough for other people. :shrugs:
  11. Yeah but Sony don't have a franchise that people associate with them. Well they did in Spyro, but clearly shelved that as their market changed. As for those games you mentioned - only Uncharted held my interest. Until 3. I'd rather play the games announced today than any of them. But people will think differently and thus they can crack on.
  12. I gotta say this argument about them using Mario a lot is tiring me. When people (anyone) think of Nintendo, I reckon about 99.9% of them think Mario. It sells systems and to my memory there has never been a bad Mario game. Therefore, why would people want Nintendo to put their resources into a brand new IP with a new character only for people to not buy it? Because it's never ever goin to sell as well as a Mario game would. Just because we have games with Mario in them doesn't mean 'Oh it's just another Mario game' - that's totally ignorant. Paper Mario, NSMB, Mario 3d Land, Mario and Luigi RPG - yeah they all feature Mario - but guess what? They're all different games. Don't go kicking off that they rely on Mario because it may contain him as a character, but the games aren't exactly the same. The only exception to this argument is the NSMB series which even I admit has been done a few too many times now. The fact Nintendo are also bringing other characters to their consoles in their own games shows that they aren't just relying on Mario. Look at Luigi's Mansion 2 - probably one of the best games on the system. We have a DK game and also Yoshi starring on his own. These games may be 2d platformers dressed up differently - but so what. Does that mean it's gonna be the same as a 2d Mario? No. Look at Super Princess Peach on the DS. Most people who played that absolutely loved it. And alls that game was, was a 2d platformer 'Peach-ified'. So bring on these games, I can't wait to play em. When people look back on the 3ds in years to come there is gonna be an absolute shit load of goodness in terms of first party titles. And most people will probably look back fondly and hope the same comes with future consoles from Nintendo too.
  13. Lol I love this forum sometimes. All looks great to me. For the first time a 2d style Zelda has grabbed my interest. I've been hoping for a sequel to Mario Party DS (the best one for years) so that was an announcement I was really pleased about! Yoshi looks amazing, as does DK. 3ds is definitely the console to own it would seem. : peace:
  14. Don't think I have ever seen 'stories' about Nintendo seeing off Microsoft or Sony? I don't even think anyone would agree if someone were to try and claim that either. Anyway, console sales are never going to be the same as they were years ago in the SNES/NES days. There was hardly any other sources of home entertainment back then and with the arrival of other consoles (handhelds etc) and smart phones with easy to download, cheap games, it's not surprising hardware is on the decline. But it's not exactly selling 'badly'. Nintendo just need a marketing push - it's rather simple. They also need games (which we all know by now) but they are going to come - they have to. I can't see Nintendo in this same position by year end with the games that are no doubt gonna come. Yeah, they might be sequels or more of the same, but that's kinda expected right? And that's the reason you buy a Nintendo console right? If that's not good enough for you then carry on buying the other console games - I know I will be doing that too. It's not really wise to think that one console will fit all of your needs - because chances are it wont. But back on topic, I do believe sales will pick up - once the games come. Once Nintendo sort that out and get their marketing shit together, it'll probably tell a better story.
  15. I wouldn't wait if I were you nando. Get Harmo Knight now - it's amazing.
  16. Paramores new album is fuckin brilliant. This song is prolly my favourite on the album. I also absolutely love the interludes - particularly 'Moving On' as posted by MadDog above. It was a slow burner this album - not as instant as Brand New Eyes but I am loving it all now. Posting the 'Still Into You' vid below too - just coz Hayley looks great in it. I'd totally turn straight for her. Failing that I'll take Taylor. :p
  17. That's the kinda shit I'm talkin about! : peace: Jealous.
  18. Oh yeah it won't just be cinema and then home ha. Likelihood is we' grab some good before that or he mentioned going back to his afterwards so we could chat some more etc. I'm cool with that. I may change the cinema idea though as I do agree it's not the best date. I never do cinema on date 1 or 2 as it is indeed pointless but date 3 seemed reasonable. However given the situation I'm in of not knowing my feelings just yet, it may be an idea to park that and think of something else...
  19. I'd be very disappointed if you didn't. Gonna do it myself shortly!
  20. I hate your sister @Dcubed haha. Though it's not as good as the Peach one :P Is she using it or keeping it as a collectors item?! Sometimes I think even though they're rare, they should be played!
  21. Thanks Pancake. We've pencilled in a cinema date for next Wednesday so gonna go there and see how it goes. I'm not sure but think this date will hopefully make it clearer. He's a nice guy but we're very very different I'm finding. Like his upbringing has been totally different to mine for various reasons and he's lived the uni life the last few years and been situated in different places in his life. I have lived in the same house my whole life, went to the local primary and high schools, went through college via sixth form at the same high school and have been in full time employment for 6 years now at the same place which is 15 mins away from home ha. Now I know none of it matters if you get on with the person but I feel like because of the way our lives have been so far there's a barrier between the type of people we are and the way we understand stuff. It's strange. Hopefully date 3 it will all become clear ha.
  22. Some great things here. To be honest, I'm more into collector consoles than games - there's quite a lot of limited or collector editions of games out there now and most are no more than a tin with a code for DLC. I like the rarer items like the orange or white gamecubes and all the different Nintendo handhelds you can get . Some people's game collections are mighty impressive though!
  23. The last couple of weeks i've been looking at the special edition 3ds' that were sent out to those lucky competition winners last year. I would love to get my hand on a Peach one. I have been scouring eBay the last few weeks trying to find one for a decent-ish price as I'd love to have it as a collectors item - though I'd be very tempted to use it as I love the original 3ds! Anyway, it got me thinking about all the different special editions of consoles that are out there. Nintendo are pretty good at releasing some very special consoles that look absolutely brilliant. My favourite being the GameBoy Light Famitsu Skeleton Edition. Check this bad boy out! So it got me wondering - surely some of you guys have some pretty sweet collectors items?! Or are there ones you've seen and always wanted to own? The only thing I have is a Pokemon Emerald GBA game that still has the official Nintendo seal. It's pristine - no marks on the shiny cardboard at all. It's obviously not a collector item as there's prob millions of Pokemon Emeralds out there - but the fact it's sealed and pristine may make it worth something one day?! I love collector consoles and games! What do you think fellow N-E'ers?! Share your special stuff below!
  24. Ha. Well Magnus' suggestion really only applies to straight people. For gays it's normally sex before date 1 - if the random hook up sex is good you might get a date. Gross right?! Ha. Anyway we went out to Pizza Hut last night. Pizza was damn good :P I found myself liking his company but also realising that I'm not sure he is my 'type', but I couldn't tell you why, how, when, what. It's a bit confusing. There is a physical attraction to a degree but I just can't decide whether I am into him in a way that makes me want to continue progressing things. Does this even make sense? I'm a bit confused ha. I feel like it wouldn't be fair to carry on giving him the wrong impression by agreeing to another date in case he likes me more than I like him. It also doesn't help that we kinda had a cheeky kiss last night either - which fucks things up a bit more... Eurgh. I dunno, I moan when I'm dateless and when I'm dating I'm not happy either ha. Life of a monk for me I think from now on haha
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