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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. That's a pretty good price from Asda. Tempted myself to pick one up!!
  2. I'm with the above comment. Original model feels much more premium. The XL has a great screen but you do lose some sharpness due to the size but no increase in ratio / pixel etc. I also love the shiny-ness of the original. :P I think the XL feels slightly cheap but you don't get fingerprints and smudge marks on the XL like you do the original. If you're used to a Vita screen though you're gonna want the XL! Yup it is.
  3. Ahh gotcha! Well I just saw this memory card: http://www.argos.co.uk/static/Product/partNumber/5693072.htm which seems decent for 32gb. Might pick that up soon. Right, I will transfer now - wish me luck! Haha.
  4. Thanks @Ike that's really helpful. What about friend code? Also, I have no DSiWare stuff so will I need to do anything differently? I just had a thought - I have a lot of full games downloaded onto my 3ds XL and my 4gb is virtually running out. I still haven't got round to buying an upgraded memory card... As the Peach 3ds has a 2gb I'm guessing it won't all be transferrable unless there's a memory card with enough capacity? Think I should buy my new memory card, whack it into the Peach 3ds and then do transfer instead?
  5. So my Peach 3ds turned up today. I say turned up, I more got it myself. Very long story. All to do with dog shit Royal Mail. Anyway. I absolutely love love love it. And not just because it's Princess Peach stylee. But because it has made me realise how the original model totally and utterly owns the XL. I love my XL, don't get me wrong. But the minute I got the Peach one in my hands and fired it up I knew I couldn't go back to an XL. The screens on the XL are obviously a huge draw, but seeing the difference in sharpness when they were side by side was pretty startling. I can only imagine the difference it makes on games like NSMB 2 etc. Will test that later. I know we all discussed this when the XL first got released and I remember commenting on how disappointed I was with the finish of the XL. Part of my thinks I got lucky with this Peach 3DS though as it is totally unused. When I turned it on, it hadn't had a system update for about a year and a half I'm guessing. I closed the lid and opened it again and it took 5 seconds or so before the screen fired up. As soon as I updated the system though (took about 10 mins!) it was running just as quick as XL. It shows these updates clearly go a long way haha! Another thing I've noticed with the original design is the buttons are a lot more responsive with a satisfying 'click'. Now I understand that not every 3DS is the same, and I don't remember the buttons on my original one being so nice to press but it certainly wins again over my XL's - which in comparison feel a bit mushy. The last thing I wanted to comment on was the screen colour. Most people know that Nintendo's handhelds often get built with a screen that gives off a yellow tinge. My original 3DS was crisp and white (almost bluey!) and I had a Mario 3d Land bundle with the Ice White 3ds to replace that when it came out a few years ago. The ice white model had the yellowest screen ever - it was awful. My XL is decent enough - no yellow tinge, but not quite brilliant white. More good news with the Peach one as it is just like my original and is crisp white! Anyway, I am looking at transferring all my data over from my XL to the Peach 3DS. Never done this before so I have a few questions. I understand all downloaded games will go over. Will all my saves go with that too? Will I need to swap the memory cards over? The XL comes with a 4gb memory card over the originals 2gb so I was going to swap them anyway! Also, I'm guessing my friend code will change? What about activity history? Anyone know if that goes over too? Any help would be appreciated before I do the transfer! Thanks y'all.
  6. You should know better Ashley. But I'll rise above it and not go there. For Rummy's sake.
  7. Yeah I just didnt feel the phone really. Regardless of whether apple do worse things with their apps and maps. I have a sat nav I don't care. So for me it's kinda case closed now. The phone sold for £460 on eBay and I posted it today so it was good for me to get a better understanding of android but it wouldn't benefit me enough to change.
  8. Yeah it's that kinda thing I don't like the sound of. Having to install other stuff to get rid of something that should be amendable in the first place. I understand that it can be done, but I can't be arsed with the hassle. And like Eenuh says, you risk the warranty being voided, which is something I hadn't even though of.
  9. It isn't removable. The 2-5 min section covers that.
  10. Any word on this Basic model being stupidly cheap in Tesco? Or was it all lies. LIES I TELLS YA?!
  11. Ooh @RedShell will love them trophies!!
  12. I shall give it a look next time I'm in town. Now I've grasped the way Android works a little better I'm pretty curious to check out other devices that use it. Ill add it to the list!
  13. Shorty gonna get banned? I've had hands on with the phone today. Not feeling it too much if I'm honest. He has music on his phone and I don't like its layout compared to the way Apple display their music. It feels like it's a bit of a copy cat system but it doesn't feel anywhere near as smooth. The HTC One is also big on this thing called Blink Feed which is your home screen that displays news articles, social media posts and such. Problem is it is not removable and the information you can put on there is not amendable by the user. You have some control - e.g. you can decide the content that's displayed such as sport, music etc, but it doesn't let you decide where that info is sourced from. So I couldn't have Digital Spy providing me with Music news for instance, which is generally where I go. It's a nice feature in theory, but it's not very practical and the guy himself admitted he didn't like it. These aren't the only reasons. The phone felt much bigger compared to the iPhone in hand and I preferred the smaller form of my iPhone. I don't use my phone as a web browser so a bigger screen has no real purpose for me. I won't be watching movies on it either. Android seems like it'd be more than useable though. It's just the HTC One that wasn't blowing me away too much. I think with Android you've got to get a decent device along side the OS too, and this isn't the handset for me. Thanks for all your replies though it's been much appreciated.
  14. Blimey if that is true I'm buying one! You can add an external memory drive to the basic model right? As 8gb is pointless...
  15. Charlotte Church released a 4 track EP last year called ONE. It was amazing. NoW she's released the second of 3. This ones called TWO. I love the direction she has gone in - it's just pure art. This is my favourite track off the TWO EP.
  16. Lol you're hilarious @Sheikah absolutely hilarious. Yeah I'm totally unaware how to use a pc. It is totally impossible to think that a pc would be anything but perfect, load up really quickly and never get plagued by the thousands if not millions of different virus's that are out there. Give me a break. You're just coming across as patronising now and quite frankly have offered nothing to this thread whereas others have been helpful and although they clearly don't favour apple they haven't let that get in the way of their advice. Unlike you. Funny thing is you said it yourself - you're probably the best person to ask seeing as you switched from an iPhone yourself, but you've just turned it into yet another I hate apple and everyone who uses their products are clearly retarded thread. It's boring. I've explained that I don't like Windows and for the way I use a personal computer my MacBook suits me just fine.
  17. Um, no. No I don't. ___________________ Back to the phone. Someone I work with has just bought the HTC One and is more than happy for me to have a play with it tomorrow. So I will take that opportunity to have a proper hands on with it. He's used Android a while so will be able to give me a clearer picture of how he uses the phone to suit him so I should be able to gauge if it'd work for me or not a bit better. Thanks again for the replies.
  18. I'll say again that I'm not turning this into an Apple VS whatever thing but you have your opinion and I have mine. I do not like Windows, you hate Apple we get it now. But 7 seconds for your PC to load? Wow - you need to buy a Mac.
  19. Well let's put it this way regarding the PC thing. I have gone through many many Windows laptops in my time. All of them either dying a slow death, not being able to cope with the amount of stuff on there (which was very little), and taking up to 10 minutes to just literally load the log in screen. Now I quite frankly could not care less what spec your pc is and how it shits over a Mac-whatever. As a general computer user my comment stands. I would never buy a pc. They are slower, they have a clunky interface, pop ups seem to be your best friend despite clicking to disable pop ups! Things like random tool bars like to install themselves in your browser for no apparent reason! Frankly, I'd rather spend extra money and buy a Macbook that suits me and will last. My MacBook air is now probably classed as 'shit spec' or 'old' but it runs faster than any PC that I've used that doesn't have to be 'specced up' to at least be half decent. What's more it's easy to carry around, take anywhere with me, use on the go and oh yeah - it looks the fuckin nuts. Now please, feel free to tear this paragraph to shreds but I honestly do not care. It works for me, I use Windows ever day with work and I used it through school and college. For me I will not use Windows for my personal computer as I don't like it. Back to the phone. @Ashley that is very very helpful thanks for all the responses. Seems there are still some options to visit then before I make a decision. I'll have a quick look at what's what and see. I guess what I could do is end my current eBay auction, open it, spend a week with it and see (it's still gonna be virtually brand new providing I don't drop it! ). And then if I don't get along list is as New but opened instead of brand new! Alternatively I could just open it and add a not to eBay to say I had to open it to remove the sim? Might be worth me doing that to know once and for all ha.
  20. So I just spent a good half hour looking into the actual device (HTC One) and it seems it's absolutely amazing. Reviews are glowing on every aspect minus battery life - but hey, coming from an iPhone that probably won't be a problem. Hmmmmm dunno. Done some more research. Looked into this HTC Sync Manager program that is now compatible with Macs. Basically it pulls the music that is stored on your iTunes and allows you to virtually paste it into your new HTC device. Brilliant. Or not. The program is slow, sluggish, constantly freezing and the biggest offence of all is the missing album artwork. See piccy: I could forgive the thing freezing and being slow providing it just let me put the songs on that were in iTunes but albums or songs with no artwork is criminal to me. Call it OCD or whatever you like but I kinda pride myself on a perfect digital library of music and my iPhone has all of my playlists and albums on in the exact order I like with all of the corresponding art work. A quick Google search doesn't tell me anything as to why this artwork is not showing or what steps I can take to try and add it in. It doesn't even seem like it is addable. Major blow. I checked out Google Music and as great as it sounds / is, I can't see it being for me. I use my phone to play songs via my cars bluetooth and don't always have a connection when out and about. I also don't think it'd be easy to totally change the artist I was listening to without fiddling on my phone whilst driving, which is kinda illegal... :P Added to this is the fact that my phone syncs to my car so that I can actually tell the car what to play by pressing a button on the wheel - and it works perfectly. Lord knows if it'd have the same success on this HTC device. Well, earlier this evening I was contemplating the switch and ready to go. But the music thing is massively important to me as I like to carry it with me everywhere and as far as music devices go, Apple kinda win for me with the whole iTunes and music sync set up. I know it was a bit of an ask to try and get an Android device to connect to my iTunes music library but the HTC Sync Manager should be able to do it. If it weren't for the damn album artwork situation it would have pretty much been done.
  21. I guess it's more a case of familiarity. And if I'm being honest I don't think that the majority of Android devices have been anywhere near close to the quality of the iPhone for a number of years. That is now, however starting to change and there have been some great devices that look great and offer a wealth of features that Apple don't. I've always been more than happy with my iPhone and could quite happily continue to be. I don't think I'm missing out not having an Android device. But it does seem I could utilise / personalise my handset how I would like to with Android - and it's that which is the appeal right now.
  22. Thanks @Eenuh - that's really great! Seems like a good phone, and I'm getting more tempted the more I read. So the change could be happening! Eek.
  23. @nightwolf - your hair looks great!
  24. Well putting the phones to one side why anyone would by a Windows PC is beyond me. But i'm not turning this into an Apple vs whatever war as it happens all the time whenever Apple is mentioned. Regardless of what people say, the fact that Apple make their products so simple to use is part of the reason they're so successful. I have to say that I find Android to be very confusing from first glance, and even from playing about with it a bit it still seems like it'd take a bit of getting used to - and I'm pretty techy really. However I am willing to try it as I think I'd get along with it quite well and utilise it close to its full potential I'd hope. Been out this evening but am gonna dedicate some time to looking at Android properly and then the actual phone. It's all well and good switching to Android but the phones gotta be up to scratch too!
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