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Everything posted by Aneres11

  1. Which would be fine if he hadn't had his mind made up for him. He's a fairly intelligent guy, and he hadn't even looked into the PS4. It just seemed strange to me that he'd choose XBONE without actually looking at what else is on offer. However, as you've pointed out, if it's all about online for him and his mates will have the console then fair play. I still don't get it though.
  2. A lad I work with mailed me last month (I still have the email trail) - just off the back of the reveal of PS4 and XBONE at E3. He is a typical COD / FIFA gamer - buying those 2 series and playing them all year until the new one comes out. Anyway, he was asking me what I thought of both consoles and which one I wanted. I said neither. When I said that for me, the PS4 is the better prospect over the XBONE (and went on to list the reasons) he was adamant that the XBONE was for him. For this reason: Actual copy and paste. It just baffled me. Of all the reasons that's the biggest for siding with XBONE. Strange!
  3. I cannot wait for it. They're like the Power Rangers or something! It just looks crammed full of pure frantic fun. Plus, it seems like there could be all sorts to come from this new franchise too, what with there being around 5 (maybe more!) main characters! I'd love to get my hands on some character figuers from this game and I haven't even played it yet!!
  4. I can't wait for these Mega Drive games. Literally all over them. Particularly Altered Beast, Streets of Rage and Sonic! Although, where is Golden Axe?! And Batman and Robin?! And The Addams Family?! All amazing Mega Drive games. Oh, oh and Castle of Illusion?!! Bring them Sega... you know you want to!
  5. I downloaded SHantae last night. Enjoying it so far. It's a little difficult to see where to go next in some parts though - as in you think you're jumping onto a rooftop but then you go tumbling down to the level below! I think that's probably just because of how old the game is, and mabe not having the graphical capabilities to make the platforms to walk on visible etc. Agree about the music - I love it. Was playing this last night in my room and my sister came in to ask me something and even started doing a little dance herself along to the music haha. I also like how when you pause the game Shantae does starts bopping along herself! : peace: Really looking forward to spending more time with it and then finally downloading the DSi game which I've been longing to play for ages! This really does feel like a proper old school platformer - which is totally welcomed by me. I can imagine how much of a rare gem it must have been back in its day - almost like how Super Princess Peach was for the DS!
  6. I made a bread and butter pudding last night. Oh. Emm. Gee. Cold bread and butter pudding eaten the day after is the stuff of dreams. Amazing.
  7. Brilliant deal. My most anticipated Wii U title! Definitely going to take part in this offer!
  8. Yeah the DSi game always looked amazing but I just never got round to it. I'm looking forward to playing through them from the start though! I look forward to your review Grazza! : peace:
  9. It looks good. I'm not blown away yet though. I personally much preferred the day stages of unleashed and the overall package of generations than I did Colours. And though this looks like a mix of both, it is more leaning to the style of colours - which I wouldn't pick to be honest. Still, as a Sonic fan boy I will definitely buy it. I'm just not that hyped yet.
  10. I need to get on this Shantae action. Not played it yet but always wanted the DS download as I thought it looked brilliant. I'll download the GB game and then get the DS one. Is the GB version a good game then?
  11. Thread bump! Downloaded this before from the eShop. I only played through it the once when I originally bought it and always intended to play through it again but never got round to it. Finished the first 2 chapters. Forgot how much I love it. Such a good game. Great to control, lovely graphics, atmospheric. Everything you want in a Resident Evil game! I also love the 'Previously on RE: Revelations' that you get after each episode! So great for a handheld game! I'm sure I read somewhere that Capcom wanted to further support the 3ds with this series? I could be wrong, but it'd be great to see a follow up to this game, or even a new Resident Evil game from them! After how bad RE:6 was, maybe they should stick to handheld from now on! Looking to finish this one fairly quickly as I don't recall it being a massively long game. Then I'll move on to another older game I want to re-visit!
  12. Tried downloading a game today on my 3ds (well, on my 3rd attempt now) and keep getting an error code after waiting over 40 mins each time and the download nearly being complete. Not sure if it's an internet problem or a 3ds problem but it's damn annoying. In the end I've chosen sleep download, so will see how that goes. Happens to me a lot this. I think i future I will just choose sleep download as when I do select that, there is very rarely a problem. Annoying though, as I like seeing it download and complete.
  13. Urgh. Why do I always crush on the wrong guy who is impossible to have? Fuckin gayness. *shakes angry fist
  14. I literally will not buy it if Ness isn't there. Best character in every game by a mile. Even Lucas was a poor alternative - even if I did favour his blonde locks. :p Hmm, we need some Ness confirmation and sharpish Nintendo!
  15. Do we know if Ness is in this game? If there's no Ness, there's no Aneres11 involvement.
  16. I know this is slightly off topic so I apologise. But in all the attempts of playing Brawl online - not once did it work for me... It was the most terrible online experience I've ever had! I obviously couldn't even begin to say why it didn't work or explain the shit behind the scenes, but it was a joke. This game is obviously nothing like Brawl so I'd imagine it wouldn't be anything remotely like it if it were a feature of the game of course! Online would have been nice to play with people on here though. And there wouldn't even need to be any arguments of who'd get lumped with Peach - coz she be mine bitches!!!!
  17. I think the charm of this may be starting to wear off with me now... I'm not really enjoying it as much as I was. Finding the routine of it is becoming a little monotonous. Even getting monies is a bit of a pain as it's the same thing all the time - trip to the island! Also, I've had some time off work on holiday for a fortnight just after this came out and therefore I had time to play it each day. Now I'm back at work, I'm finding it difficult to make time for it as if I go on it, I like to do a lot of stuff. As it stands I am literally just finding the fossils, taking them to the museum and saving it then rinsing and repeating most days. Also, as I have the money grabbing ordinance thing, all my shops shut early. So I need to change it, but then I'll miss out on a bit of monies. Argh!! It's too much
  18. I personally like the optimism. It's... refreshing.
  19. Online in this game is not something I think it needs, personally. But that's just my tastes. I also agree that Nintendo don't want to do it. Quite simply that. I've said this before but Nintendo are not trying to market the Wii U as an 'online machine'. It's a family machine. Hence why here we have local multiplayer with 4 characters who can all be used by a wide range of 'gamers' or people wanting to play. Peach for beginners. Toad for experts etc. If it's sold in this way, I think it will shift the console - well scrap that. It is definitely going to shift some units without a doubt. If Nintendo added in online, it would be great. But I don't think many people would actually use it for this game. This day and age people want a reason to play through a game online together. Get your ranking up, unlock a co-op achievement, get help with a level you can't do alone, crappy AI makes it harder so human is a much better substitute etc. That's not something you're going to get on a Mario game. I think Nintendo provide online in the games they feel would really suffer without it. Mario Kart, Smash Bros, the sports games like Mario Tennis etc - it might not be a great online experience don't get me wrong, but it is there. If someone asked me what I would want from a new Mario adventure before this announcement, and they said it was like a Wii U version of 3d Land, online play really wouldn't make my list of wants to be honest. Like I say though, it's just personal preference.
  20. Not tried a shirt, but got a few ties from them for work and they're great quality. I think for the price it's very good. I've had similar stuff from Topman, Zara etc, but the Trashness stuff seems a little better IMO. I'd check their returns policy and if it's easy to return then get one ordered and see. Then report back to me with the low down so I can proceed to buy...
  21. Welcome to the club! You need to give Lego City Undercover a look! I always recommend NSMBU too. Although some people have said it's 'lazy', it's actually great fun to play, and gets very challenging later on. Plus it's good fun in multiplayer too! Don't forget to add us all on your friends list too!! : peace:
  22. Cool not a bad price at all. Worth me getting from the eShpo as have £70 or so currently on my 3ds with £120 of vouchers unregsitered sat there! Looing forward to playing once I'm done with Paper Mario!
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