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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. I'm 22, joined when I was 17/18 can't really remember had lots of name changes and stuff since then tho, but have been flameboy for awhile now.
  2. yes and no retro-lover, red steel has problems with its bounding box, making turning slow.
  3. I have to say I am getting more and more interested in buying this at launch, I don't have a clue how american football works but with a lack of any other sports titles out that I want (wii sports not counting) this is appealing to me, I did used to have madden on my megadrive and despite not really understanding it, did kinda enjoy it.
  4. I'll say a 7/10 feel like theres something missing? dunno what tho....sorry very vague...
  5. erm....not really sure who or what that character is, but is pretty cool none the less i'll give it a 7/10.
  6. awesome! love it!
  7. tut not secure.... get a router get a WAP key and your pretty secure....
  8. That's abit of an odd assumption to make, . I don't think people who have sky are definitly better off, you can bet your bottom dollar you go on to council estate and you'll find a sky dish on the side of the house full of a family on benefits, there I go making a stereotype myself!
  9. lol no can't quite remember the only other bit I could remember was the bit u wrote, anyone else know it all?
  10. i'd like an invite please!!!
  11. yeah whilst this is great news, in a global sense to hear big figures, i bet a small percentage of the number being touted will be fully fletched UK Wii releases. Although thats not to say we won't benefit hugely from the announcement as we are bound to see some quality come out of it.
  12. Two things Luigi's Mansion 2 and a new Donkey Kong. I've said about my idea for Luigi's Mansion before, have it as a sequel and luigi is running some kind of ghostbusters esque firm. would open the way for all kinda of locations, you could use the remote as the torch, and the maybe the nunchuck for the vacuum, how about hold down its trigger and spin the nunchuck to suck up ghosts? donkey kong, just wanna see a new platformer, more like dkc tho that dk64, maybe you could use the tilt sensors in the wiimote and nunchuck to control each of donkey kongs arms when swinging on vines? could also work for combat system aswell?
  13. its ok....the constant collecting did start to niggle though to be honest, especially when years before mario 64 had shown so much more could be done with a 3D platformer. but it did look gorgeous at the time, and the DK rap is an awesome song.lol
  14. yeah im glad this stayed 2D, they really needed to keep it that way to keep with the spirit of the show i think. funny trailer aswell!
  15. Madden was on the gamespot marathon as fierce_link said and whilst it looked good it didnt look as good as these screens, they have to be fmv or pre-rendered or something.
  16. guessing shops maybe would wipe them? do 2nd hand 360's ever come with stuff on them?
  17. apparently they do have emergency procedures for this, i can't remember where it is ill try dig out the link, but if something does happen to your console, think nintendo can sort it out.
  18. yeah ace news, have a slot in my laptop for SD.MS/MMC and SM?!! guessing the SD there is an SD card?looks like one could fit.
  19. yeah it is 9 holes, interestingly they are the best 9 holes from the original NES golf game.
  20. here: http://uk.wii.ign.com/articles/745/745356p1.html and here's the quote with the important stuff in bold:
  21. hmm...sounds abit worrying, the graphics didnt look bad at the nintendo events, like where henman and co played wii tennis...
  22. i'm not so sure on this website anymore. I ordered streetfighter 2 collection for the xbox, just to see what they were like at deliveries. it was ordered at like 12pm on friday and they havnt even dispatched it or taken payment for it yet.... we shall see. wot time are amazon taking preorders from? 12am that day or 9am?
  23. right been at work today, everyone seems to reckon we wont find out till week before and will call round then, problem is....you may only get a confirmation call if you have one, not if you are missing out, apparently this is what they do sometimes.... i dont know wasnt there for 360 launch.
  24. hmmm so the plots thickens...
  25. hmmm dunno thats odd i could watch it i firefox, its finished anyhow.... the zelda debate has got quite heated on gamespot here is one highlight:
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