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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. this isn't true!!! I've written loads of times individual stores may not know, at my HMV branch i work at we don't know yet how many we are getting.
  2. im not sure about woolies, they have just revamped all their home delivery service, you can imagine a big launch like this having a few teething problems.
  3. where are people getting it on import from, i havnt imported a ds game yet so don't know where people think is best.
  4. hmmm more reading of the CO3 review: bit disappointing i'm expecting graphics better than the xbox (GRRR) guess it is a launch title things will get better. did like: tho, the idea of acutally holding the remote and nunchuck like you were trying to wrestle a gun off a nazi sounds incredible, even if they do say it doesn't work all the time. sounds like call of duty has tried to include as many gesture based motions as they can, which can only be a good thing surely? and means they can only get better.
  5. Its between this and monkey ball for launch i always get a racer at launch but may not this time..
  6. I have to say the review isn't great, they don't even comment on the control issues, which for me is a must especially when it is known by everyone that it did intially have control issues, every preview commented on them. They seem to just cast it away with "No longer burdened by dragging a sluggish crosshair." I've been read ngamer since the n64 days, and their launch reviews aren't great, they gave turok 90% (i think or very close) and it was not a 90% game even then, i enjoyed doom (ok not an N64 launch title) more than turok, they just got hyped at launch. doom to some degree has stood the test of time, whereas turok hasn't I feel the same may happen with red steel. solitanze thanks for the heads on the COD3 review, looks like could be re-inacting world war 2 on 8th December rather than sword fighting in tokyo.
  7. one thing thats worth considering is whether the servers are still even on/gonna be on, i remember pretty soon after sega went software only they shut down the dreamcast servers.
  8. Another game I'd love to see is a sequel or game similar in style to XIII,think it would work well with wiimote, plus with ubisofts great support so far it is a possibilty.
  9. just cos my scart socket doesnt mean it wont work with an RGB cable does it? or does it?
  10. point taken but even reading that im still not sure if S-Video is better than composite! I think it is but am unsure.
  11. yeah same goes, if it works im getting phantasy star online straight away. im guessing it won't though as the Wii connects to Connect24 and not other networks, so wouldn't be able to connect to other servers, but then again you can connect to the net, so why not actually? hmmmm
  12. Saw 3 6.5/10 not a patch on the original, altho did shed some light on stuff from the original
  13. I've never really been interested in this, but having watched the latest ngamer dvd and read this review, am very tempted having never the DS version, think it would feel real fresh and new to play.
  14. I'd also say steer clear of cars, looks naff.
  15. yeah have to agree, i was expecting scores around 7/7.0/70% at the end of the day there really isnt much to it. I can imagine playing it quite abit at launch but after that it will be only be dipped in and out of very occasionally.
  16. To be honest I do agree with you, OOT for me was incredible not because it got amazing scores but because it was simply wonderful, well crafted, well written the list goes on, as I played it I felt a real connection with the story and the characters, for me it doesn't matter what TP looks like compared to HD (the graphics look more than enough to draw me in), or even the controls, as long as they don't impede, if they are hard to get the hang of thats fine by me, every game needs a learning curve. but then on the flipside it would be swell to have TP up top on gamerankings as it would show those sony/microsoft fanboys a thing or 2 aswell as showing the wii can handle "hardcore" complex games and come out on top.
  17. scart cable is knackered, wont work with normal scart cable on xbox, cube or xbox.
  18. hmmm is a good point... if it was a HD add on your looking in the hundreds again, but if its just a firmware DVD download its gonna have to either free or cheap, like very cheap considering you can buy simple cheap (crappy admittedly) DVD players for £15/£20.
  19. what should i do with my apparently crappy TV. just stick with composite for now, or get S video, which will be better? Have to get a new tv at some point.
  20. sounds possible, and you only have to look at Nintendo constant revision of the gameboy and now the DS to see that is perhaps something you could see happening with the Wii quite abit.
  21. I have to agree it does look better than Red Steel, at first I wanted Red Steel as it looks fresh and was of course built from the ground up for Wii, but now I'm swaying towards Call of Duty as it just looks so atmoshrepical and engrossing. I posted further back in this thread a movie where your near a church and a plane comes gunning down towards you shooting at the ground and turf is flying everywhere, it just looks so incredible.
  22. yeah its getting so hard, but i know it will be so much better for it.
  23. http://www.play3k.com have this written on their website: Although to be honest I'm not really sure if you can rely on this websites delivery services. I ordered an xbox game from their on friday morning, and despite my card being approved etc... it is still yet to be dispatched despite them saying items are dispatched with 24-48 hours. I did have a preorder with them as a back up, but gonna hold out for amazon instead now. The quote however does shed some light on when 2nd shipments of the wii could take place.
  24. wouldn't it be better to just change the name of the gamerankings thread, which already has discussion going on? EDIT: nice one on the merge and name change Hero-of-Time:yay:
  25. back to monkey ball its average is up to 72.5% after an 80% score from play magazine, sounds alot more like it to me.
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