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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. You know what due to life circumstances I do have random pockets of time maybe I do have something to contribute writing wise. Ah the drunken thread I started all those years back....only to actually not drink at all anymore!
  2. Thanks for the welcomes guys! Also reassuring to know I'm not too off it with the internet being hell, in terms of my minimal usage here's where I'm at: Twitter: Just don't use, deleted my posts and then started fresh but even now I just don't open it really. Instagram: I only post to keep family and friends vaguely up to date with whats going on with me Reddit: 100% a lurker unless I need to post somewhere for help. Threads: I made an account and barely post. Facebook: I don't post at all haven't since like 2015 or something. Finally definitely had flashbacks about the bondage pics that was something which I'd push to the darkest recesses of my mind.
  3. Also side bar, vaguely incredible that the two cards in my sign showing backloggery and some other site for Steam and xbox still work lol.
  4. Yeah what the title says. It feels like forums might have had it right all along we should never have been mixing with people on mass via twitter etc... So does anyone remember me and how's everyone been? Also what was the name of that nutter here who used to rant about Doctor Who and got banned lol
  5. You know what's interesting....everything got an insane reaction in the packed cinema I was in even the thing you saw none to!
  6. Came here wondering if this thread was alive and of course you're the one keeping it going lol!
  7. Hey ok sorry. I'll PM you my email address.... Also yes I had to take down video I uploaded unedited version in error.
  8. Sure post them to twitter I'll capture them and then tell you when I have and then you can delete the tweet I guess? EDIT: Archive going up of levels I streamed some one screen puzzle levels I definitely recommend would love to be able make some like that of my own;
  9. @SméagolHey thanks for the feedback....Absolutely agreed if I can figure out a way to work and expand upon the idea with less spike into a an actual level that would be in a mario game then I might be on to something....You said you had footage? I love to watch if I made a shared folder on google drive or something would you upload it to there?
  10. Here's my first level Q5V-WYP-BJG nothing special very short has a bit of conceit to it and it a thing to figure out but I think there are multiple ways to beat it as well.... Let me know what you think....I haven't played anyone's levels above but plan on doing so and I'm going to stream some as well via mixer at mixer.com/flameboy did some from twitter the other day will be uploading archive to YouTube later today. Sent from my MAR-LX3A using Tapatalk
  11. I have to say to say I think FM Mobile at its cheaper price point would be better option for Switch. I bought and played FM2018 on switch and sort of enjoyed it but I feel like touch is such an awkward middle ground between Mobile and full blown that kinda doesn't work on the smaller screen and also not something I'd ever play on TV...basically it won't replace my epic Portsmouth saves on the full fat version on PC is what I'm saying.
  12. Proper looking forward to this and think they've managed to right mix of zaniness and being a regular tennis game!
  13. Stumbled in here wondering if anyone at all was bothering with this...look what I found...shipmates galore. Add me on Xbox flameboyNE
  14. Ouch yeah your not kidding $24.61 here. Not excuse when it's digital only, seems perfect for handheld though!
  15. Surprised to not find a thread for this Smash Bros a like! It looks pretty good. Considering picking it up for some online action over the festive season!
  16. We can't delete this thread I'm so proud of it hahaha. Also represents a historic moment in my life, the girlfriend I was playing drunken monopoly with is now my wife!
  17. No no I meant more like submitting the previous version on to Spotify! EDIT: Sorry missed other peoples replies!
  18. Hey so here's a crazy idea...It's getting close to Christmas so went to give Band Aid a listen on Spotify and noticed aside from the original and official follow ups that have followed there are a couple of cover versions. After a bit of looking around there are services which allow will help with publishing on services such as Spotify for a small fee (they will sort out obtaining the streaming license etc...) I was considering doing it, then we could say we have published single! What do people think?
  19. Hey, I'd kind of echo peoples thoughts. The Arcade Club was a huge event to coordinate (even for me from afar trying to teach @AshleyOBS, he learnt lol) and would certainly be hard to top. . . Personally for me it's always been hard since I moved to Canada, I've often found sponsors here hard to come by, even more so with the shift to the Teenage Cancer Trust as people are a bit mythed at their money getting out of the country and not supporting local causes. Mad Dog Marathon really was fantastic. Since I moved here I've taken off work time both sides for setup and recovering, now I can't really do that as easily because of work. That's not to say our fundraising efforts should stop and I'd certainly be all for others taking on that mantle of streaming and tying together a weekend of events streaming around the world, I'd even be up for doing some kind of slots in amongst it all. Like @Goafer said ours started just the 3 of us meeting up once to have a laugh at my place. Who'd have thought 7 (8?) years later we'd still be talking about doing them. I'm not sure if there is anyone else out there interested in doing some kind of event?
  20. Have to agree....there has been one year where they got it working ok. On PS4 and Xbox this year it is horrendous...makes ultimate team a nightmare as they've noticably made star players over powered.
  21. Lack of playing with friends totally kills this, if I could have played Ultimate Team Friendly seasons (like every other version) with you guys like I would have thought more about getting this.
  22. Sorry missed this! Next time I'll make sure I'm available. Actually forgot about the splatfest outside of picking my team invisible all the way.
  23. For this episode, we roll back the years to….last year 2016. Joypads for Goalposts was inspired by Adam and Chris’ football challenges down the years during Extra Life marathons and later on MadDog Marathons. Also please don’t donate using the links on screen the campaign ended if you do wish to donate consider the Teenager Cancer Trust directly.
  24. I started a new project with @Nintenchris whereby we are ranking every single football videogame ever. Here is some fluff from our website joypadsforgoalposts.com along with our first (rather long) episode. Would love it if we got some interest from here. Also totally aware the episode below has a distinct lack of footage from second game. This is being corrected! Football is an incredible game, nothing beats the first time you set out on the terraces, concrete steps up to the top of the stands that seem insurmountable at first but make you feel like a king when you scale them and look down upon the fabled green grass. It’s not just the magic of match day it’s everything around the game, getting your first full kit, trading stickers to try to complete that world cup album, playing fantasy football, putting a bet on at the bookies, the list goes on. For most of us getting to step on to the pitch and becoming that hero is something we can only dream of achieving , an adrenaline wealth laden life played out weekly in front of thousands of adoring fans, instead we are limited to plonking down those jumpers for goalposts and reliving those famous moments with our mates down the park. However there is one place where the playing field is leveled where anyone can score that overhead kick, that last minute equalizer, make that last ditch tackle and save a penalty to win the World Cup, the digital playground of videogames….. welcome to Joypads for Goalposts. Each episode my mate Chris and I will be ranking football games to find greatest football game of all time, rating them using a secret formula of mathematical equations and good old arguing over the course of 10 game season before declaring a champion each season. We also be tracking who beats who with the winner being awarded a trophy at the end of a given season. Over time these 10 show seasons will create an ever growing list as we rank every single football ever made, yes that means ever….which means we are totally aware this show will never end unless A. Videogames suddenly cease to exist or B. The world ends, take ya pick one of those is the only way the show will ever end!
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