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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. VERY VERY NICE! Any chance there can be a second version with something else on front for those not coming...I'm also wondering if that is a revenue stream to raise money? Using Teespring to sell them and our "cut" of the money is pushed back into the justgiving account? Also having the banners up before the event is a cracking idea.
  2. Words escape me....I remember him back when I posted more boasting about his competitive gaming and always thought good on him for giving it a go and succeeding... very very sad news R.I.P
  3. Well I think we still have time and a headstart allows for people getting sucked into day to day life.
  4. Well I think we still have time and a headstart allows for people getting sucked into day to day life.
  5. They had Smash Bros up and running there. Cannot for life of me remember which version.
  6. Yeah your view of Harrogate is absolutely spot on....even has a conservative members pub in the city centre that's always full!
  7. In terms of the hotel...the Premier Inn Bury is probably the closest brand name place; Premier Inn Manchester Bury, 5 Knowsley Street, Duke Street, Bury BL9 0EJ, United Kingdom 5 minute drive (if that) 15 mins on public transport and about a 20 minute walk. I'm sure there are however bed and breakfasts in that area too. Depends whether your looking to spend time in Manchester itself or would favour being close to event. Yeah if the t-shirts can be ordered through one of these sites where you say how many you want there is a deadline for people to order and then it all gets shipped out via them that takes a lot of heavy loading from you. It's almost like a kickstarter for t shirts the name escapes me...That way as well us foreigners can put in...even better if there is a way to add a donation to each t-shirt. I'll try find the site I'm thinking of. EDIT: It was teespring I'm thinking of; https://teespring.com Here is a running page to show how it works; https://teespring.com/WEEKENDWEREWOLF2#pid=2&cid=2397&sid=front Helps it be cheaper, gives a choice of sizes, colours, genders etc.... and the tshirts I've bought from them have been great quality.
  8. Perhaps the people I know...there is a mix I'm perhaps overstating it and the OUT's are all from Harrogate where I used to live which can be quite insular for sure.... Errr.....I still get to vote...
  9. Didn't even realize that was him until you've said it! Such a shame a real cracking actor who in Trek terms did the Chekov character superbly...if we are to see more Trek films where will they go with him missing, surely not recast?!
  10. That is a good idea actually...kind of like "I'm playing for MadDog are you?" even if your not doing a marathon or can't attend. Also the event isn't in London it's in Manchester (well Greater Manchester; Bury)! Granted still far for you. Closer to the event if there is anyone who potentially needs help from train station to the event with equipment etc...let me know and I'll see what I can arrange with my Dad coming with his van to help out!
  11. WOW! I'm surprised by the results if my facebook is anything to go by we are definitely going out.
  12. Yep would be very good, something like this is also the only way I can see it working as surely communication is absolutely key!
  13. I have a few ideas and stuff to try and help with planning even from afar. I don't mind being the one to contact Teenage Cancer Trust due to my own personal experience working for charities. I also wonder if admin wise would help to have either a seperate planning forum or a folder of google docs with different docs. I'd also be interested in helping out with the schedule planning for the event I certainly think there is scope for getting speedrunners or highscore chasers to attend, not sure if Goafer told you but when we attended there a guy filming his Defender efforts. Just a case of doing the legwork and seeking those people out I reckon. I do wonder if Andy knows a few of them too. Other thoughts to be had around the fundraising...last year I did special effect for Pure Xbox and it was so much easier promoting one singular JustGiving account then everyone's individual. I'd also be happy to help out modding any potential live stream, popping links in the chat etc...keep those donations coming in. Perhaps a lot of this needs to be discussed later and in private, just putting thoughts down as I have them. I just want you to know I'm definitely here to help. I'd also potentially like to offer my Dad's place a secondary base, he lives just outside of Bury, the place is like 10 minutes away. It could be used for sleeping or even of its just for shower facilities, storage of equipment anything really. Absolutely love that logo and the tagline is fantastic! I'm also not sure if you want to put me in the list of "attendees" if I can't come in November then I still 100% want to do some streaming here...potentially a different weekend so as not to clash because the focus should definitely be the event at Arcade Club. For anyone worrying about travelling all that distance for a crappy Arcade...it's really not. I found out about it via a local friend and when Goafer Mike and me went we were spellbound by everything there. Came out feeling like a kid and that the real world was boring by comparison.
  14. England just outright made no sense. Playing 433 with two midfielders in the front 3 and rooney a striker in midfield. Lalla name just flat out does not score enough to be in a front 3 and sterling just runs.
  15. Always remember the banter with him in the football threads. Its taken me a while to digest this found out second hand via facebook and its definitely shaken me up.I always knew the day would come but I expected it to be one of us old timers. No justice very sad for us as a community but god can't imagine what his poor family is going through. I'm definitely interested in us pulling together and raising money, I think that would be a fantastic gesture and give his family a sense of the impact he had round here. Lets do it the MadDog Marathon!
  16. Glad it's not just me!
  17. I'm surprised Disney infinity seems to have a lot more shelf space than anything but amiibos. I didn't take no new disc release as a bad thing especially as they released that marvel powerstone clone dlc just thought they were exploring options for it as a platform....disappointing for sure just because of the licenses they have.
  18. lol very true....
  19. Thinking back if it's who I think it was yes she was an idiot.
  20. How bizzare I read reviews that made out it was hard!
  21. God this game looks ugly through and thought. After the good will Nintendo got from Miitomo I feel like this is going to destroy it. I was interested in seeing a different take on Pokémon but this is not it at all.
  22. Yes I remember reading something along those lines that he didn't think amusement visions/Sega did the series justice.
  23. How hard is this game? It evokes feelings of those hard dungeon exploring games like etrian odyssey which I would never ever finish in a million ways.
  24. So I haven't been on here for ages and I appear only to find this. I don't even remember posting it if I'm honest.
  25. I've been absent for so long guess we should get this thread up and going again!
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