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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. Characters don't transfer over...it's not the same current version as the PC and won't be keeping up with that update schedule apparently.
  2. I think he has kinda got you bang to rights to be honest....we have a similar situation here... Live in an apartment have one underground parking space and you can't park on the road in the surrounding area. Only solution is to rent a second space at cost, there are however how 25 visitor parking spots that people were just using as second spaces. They started towing peoples cars after warning. Some people were however kind of like you in that they just didn't want the inconvenience of driving to their own space so would rather park closer in the visitors.
  3. Yes completely different level...well the same level remixed. I'll post the link in here once I get it on Youtube.
  4. Anyone that watched duing our maddog marathon will remember @Nintenchris beating his head against a brick wall playing a level I made for him...we are at it again over on twitch.tv/flameboy84
  5. Will be updates on this thread of what was played, don't forget twitch.tv/flameboy84 if you want to join us. Friday December 2nd Date at the Park Hatoful Boyfriend Binding of Isaac Downwell Saturday December 3rd 1.30pmish GMT - 1.30am GMT Binding of Isaac Hitman Superhot FIFA Pro Evo Atari Classics Rocket League Mario Maker @Nintenchris and myself will be playing Mario Marker (I've made more levels for him) and then perhaps some other multiplayer games with the community if anyone is around? Sunday December 4th Catch Up Time MARIO MAKER IS ON NOW!!!
  6. Be sure to join us for the streams and to help us reach 2000!
  7. Ok it's official a second round of 24 hours will be coming up this weekend, due to some constraints it won't be 24 hours straight but will instead focus on being a celebration, current plans are; Friday December 2nd 8.30pm GMT - 10pm GMT Me solo playing some backlog games. Saturday December 3rd 1.30pm GMT - 1.30am GMT @Nintenchris and myself will be playing Mario Marker (I've made more levels for him) and then perhaps some other multiplayer games with the community if anyone is around? Sunday December 4th Catch Up Time Anything goes! Who is able to join us?
  8. Well the donations have still been coming in thick and fast and the wonderful guy who made our donation tracker @Proddy3 over on twitter nudged us over the 1750 mark. In celebration of this wonderful achievement I'd like to spend a weekend together online streaming having some fun and hopefully raising one last round of money in memory of MadDog. To help decide when to host this online event I'd like to try and see when people are available so we can have the most people around possible. Please go to this link here; http://doodle.com/poll/8yh34bnm4ery4ryh and indicate the weekends you'd be free to be involved. I'm looking for people who could stream during the weekend as part of the 24 hours, even if its just steaming for one hour from your PS4 or Xbox we'd love you to take part. If you can't stream let us know what days you'd be around to join us in twitch for requests and games.
  9. Thank you again to all here are the results in a rather hastely put together graphic; Congrats to @Glen\-i , @Ashley will be in touch about your prize!
  10. I'm alive! Just wanted to throw in my thanks as well, was great to bring it home for the team! The Mario Kart Tournament was great to be a part of. Our total now sits at £1642 thanks to another few donations trickling in after the event I'm gonna put it out there....if we hit £1750 I'll do a special thank you weekend stream where I'll take requests or something.
  11. Thank you everyone for turning up and for those who donated during the run. I'll post the results up on here sometime on Sunday! Cheers Lads!
  12. Still going strong over here! 13 hours to go! Starting a game of jackbox party pack for anyone who wants to us, you can play using your phone! http://twitch.tv/flameboy84
  13. Don't forget we will haven't finished guys we have 18 hours left over at twitch.tv/flameboy84 we have a bunch of giveaways going all day and our Mario Kart Tournament at 8pm. We are just £47 off raising £1500!!!!
  14. Yes all of this is correct. I'll take pics etc to verify scores. I've added everyone whose names I could find easily on here if not add me I'm flameboy84 on Wii U.
  15. We have raised 1427 quid so far! Come to twitch.tv/flameboy84 for more!
  16. 1500 here we come!!!!
  17. 1500 would be incredible! I definitely think we will smash 1000 looking forward to waking back up in the morning for our stream to see where we are at.
  18. Yep no worries. Hi yes Saturday 12th. I'm working on everything now and will correct. Just to confirm will be pinching the format from the league. Winner after the 4 rounds of GPs is the champ!
  19. Yep there are donations in there all good.
  20. A bit last minute but I've set up a discord if anyone wants to give us a call during the event I'll hopefully have it up and running throughout; https://discord.gg/y3qnuf5
  21. Hi I got your donation so you're all good! I've set up a discord for the marathon for those interested; https://discord.gg/y3qnuf5 We can have both text and voice chat going on in here during the event. I'm going to add everyone to my friends list and we will have a friends room. @S\.C\.G @Glen\-i are you in too?
  22. Ok well I'm good to that so long as I know what I'm doing.
  23. I'm happy to stand corrected...but the tournament has a code so that can limit it...Plus not sure about the advantage to those with loads of free time, the tournament will only be open for X amount of time and I have it set to X number of races. @S\.C\.G @killthenet @Emerald Emblem Where does everyone stand on this and the format for the competition? The tournament code is; 1984-6029-2223
  24. I have set up a tournament on Mario Kart which I believe will join us all together. Ok not to worry, I'm still going to keep your place on the roster so no worries at this point, just let me know what happens. adding you to list now.
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