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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. Yeah I'm saying COD cycle is 2ish years same as Splatoon
  2. Yeah sure so each cycle is roughly the difference in time between Splatoon and Splatoon 2? Original came out in 2015 right?
  3. Oh yeah I like that idea!
  4. Solid reviews so far, trending at 83 on opencritic. I was somewhat concerned that this game would be unfairly marked down for being more o the same when to my mind its no different than the yearly COD refresh except it's even further out.
  5. You know what that's a good point. You right in that the face change would be enough to cause the same trigger (just for you, we do use known triggers as a turn of phrase or known antecedents when discussing behavioural patterns) I didn't work with a lot of the same people I do now so when we went from Matt Smith - Peter Capaldi it wasn't a discussion I had. We'll see when I see some of the people in my program over the next few days. Anyway, this thread has to move on some day so here is a new pic that's doing the rounds; Not a lot to it...I can't help but feel this episode is somehow going to bring both Doctors to the realisation that they must regenerate and carry on.
  6. I'm not upset just it is a very strange place to find yourself in. I work with ASD diagnosed teenagers/young adults who I can guarantee will ask me about it and find it confusing!
  7. Why though it's a genuine question, having the Doctor simply changing to a female trivializes a very complex transition without the necessary context to our real world, it could leave children questioning things they wouldn't have necessarily done so which can be harmful without the proper education and support networks, you have to look at the high rates of suicide in young trans-gendered people. I also stand by the notion that every child isn't born having to question their sexuality or gender some people seem to think it should just like now we live in a world where everyone isn't forced into their specific straight gender role. To all the people who are saying it's equality and anyone upset by it is part of the problem I'd suggest going on twitter there are bunch of angry militant feminists with far too much vitriol than is necessary, if it's a moment to celebrate why not do just that than saying you won't rest till every major role is a female, till every white male voice is surpressed, that's not equality that is actual sexism.
  8. Here's one way I've started to think about it over the last couple of hours....I'm a 33 year old man who grew up with the Doctor as my hero kind of, it wasn't superman or batman or spiderman it was always the Doctor. I wanted to grow up to be HIM. I aspired to be like him I'd even argue I learn moral lessons from him.By extension I've always found I could relate to him, now he is a woman it's very strange...where does that leave children who have grown up wanting to be New Who and now suddenly find their hero is a woman? Does a child suddenly question their gender when previous they would never have done so? Again nothing wrong with people questioning their gender/sexuality but is there really a need for Doctor Who some escapist time travel fiction to me the show that is giving that to the audience? Also doesn't the fact that the Doctor can just regenerate into a female somewhat undermine the struggles many transgender people going through in both making the physical changes and the psychological effects? Again they may well cover this but does Doctor Who really need to be that show? To point to @Serebii comment above I think just having an off hand remark is almost more damaging for fear of offending that it's an easy transition to make. (I do feel the same as you though much like Deep Breath had Calpadi questioning if he was a good man, I'd be happy with an episode where she questions things but then becomes her own character and gets on with it) Just because regeneration exists as a convenience for the show so he can regenerate as anything doesn't mean he has to. It feels weird to take that away from someone and yet somehow because it's been a white male role then that is absolutely fine. If I worked in TV I'd never dream of wanting to take a female role and turn them into a male. I dated a girl once who loved Mulan's depection of a strong female making it in a male world imagine that was recast to a male just because? A lot of the difference lays in this being a continuation of the same story, it's not a reboot, I loved the 2016 Ghostbusters movie, it didn't wreck my childhood it just retold the story and sure this doesn't wreck my childhood but it does mean I don't look at this iteration of the doctor in quite the same way.....
  9. Yeah they've completely destroyed any suspense. whilst there were enough hints about one reveal in the last episode the final twist could have been an absolute killer if the BBC did not respond to rumours and speculation. Whilst it may not have been as much of a surprise as it would still be getting reported on but instead the BBC went as far to heavily sign post when he would be appearing killing off any notion of it being a twist by first confirming certain castings along with the coming soon trailers.
  10. Calpaldi has been brilliant for me as well. As far as new Who goes I'd say Matt Smith > Peter Capaldi > Christopher Eccleston > David Tennant, totally understand that my order is completely not the popular choice!
  11. Yes it does absolutely have them, any time there is a sizeable number of enemies on screen it is pretty terrible in docked mode. In handheld it seems to manage those dips slightly better but it's still noticeable.
  12. People in general across the internet seem hyped for this even though there is a general acknowledgement that very little is there game wise. I couldn't less interested if I tried this is not Beyond Good and Evil!
  13. No points you can but not coins...one of the ways they clamp down on coin fraud (kinda a battle they have lost to be fair)
  14. Can we get a dark version all this white is burning my eyes!
  15. Did anyone play Mr Shifty when it came out? I picked it up and really enjoying it other than the fact I get "an unexpected error" too many times. I've perhaps had it 5 times total and worst of all 3 times last night during the final level which made me want to throw my switch out the window, the difficulty spike on that last level is horrendous.
  16. Not HDMI as far as I knew? (Which is why I said smaller HDMI versions, I'm totally aware there are older connection versions) Also they are licensed by AtGames so Atari have never really been big on hyping them up themselves.
  17. flameboy


    Beat Grand Prix 4 today, the difficulty definitely ramps up, not sure I will be able to get all the way up to 7 but god I'm gonna give it a good go.
  18. Ok well two peole calling it out it gets a try. Same for this I'll give Easy Allies a go outside of watching their reviews not consumed any of their content since they left Gametrailers.
  19. Cheers mate its nice to be back aboard and back here!
  20. Ok I'll give Radio Free Nintendo a go! Yeah @Ronnie just not a fan of their content at all and their constant spoiling of things on their front page has made me just want to outright boycott them.
  21. Simple question what do people listen to? No IGN I'm off all their content since they spoiled a certain someone being in Rogue One right there on the front page! I remember Infendo radio being a thing but someone left perhaps? Is GoNintendo still any good?
  22. Surely this can't be anything more than an attempt at getting in on the NES Mini craze and creating a smaller HDMI version of one of their consoles. I've read somethings saying it's built on PC technology which perhaps flys in face of that, it couldn't an Atari branded Linux system surely? Steam Machines hardly set the world alight!
  23. One thing I will say I've become increasingly bored by the frostbite engine for FIFA if this is built on a different engine that's also not ignite I could be interested as off TV play is cool.
  24. So yeah basically a combination of birthday money, loyalty points and gift cards mean I've picked up the following lot! It's taken a lot for me to even consider becoming a current Nintendo platform holder. I was trying to think what the last physical game I bought on release day that wasn't Zelda is and I can't for the life of me think (last two day one Nintendo purchases I made were Link Between Worlds and Breath of the Wild on Wii U) it may have been Fire Emblem Awakening which is 4 years and I never properly played. However I think this E3 made me think there is enough in 2017 with the one a month mantra to convince me that I should jump onboard. Hoping this will continue in to 2018 and that all the nindies we've seen promised will slowly trickle in (one thing I'm slightly confused with the pricing on digital games, why is Wonder Boy for example $6 more and why is Jackbox 3 something like $12 more? One real problem I had with my Wii U is I picked it up late and bought a stack of games that I've struggled to get through (still gonna try clear them all out) so I felt like being more current was the way to go. Going to pace myself accordingly. So far I've got ARMS, Mario Kart 8 and Mr Shifty. Gonna pick up Blaster Master once I beat Mr Shifty. Below is my friend code would be great if people could add me as it's just one to add for you guys but a lot for me! In general in terms of the device I'm relatively impressed although not bowled over. I feel the joycons are a bit small for my giant hands and I don't think the sticks have enough throw to them compared to the Pro Controller. I'm not blown away by how the dock works, I mean we live in world where you can mirror you phone screen to your TV without lag through wifi and whilst I appreciate a system like that wouldn't work for the switch where you aiming for improved performance on TV, I do think one day if this idea for a system is to continue then they gotta be looking at Wireless versions for a hypothetical Switch 2. The other thing is...what a mess the online system. I thought they were meant to have consolidated the systems? So why do I have 4 names essentially attached to the same account; Adam, adamducker, flameboy and flameboy84. I linked my account etc...after much wrestling with even figuring out what username and password it was asking me for only to have to log in again with a different name when I first opened the eshop. I'm also a little bit confused why the profile name I have on my Switch is what appears when I'm playing online games rather than the alias I've entered on nintendo's website? Even PS3 let you effectively name the different accounts but then online your PSN ID was displayed. I'm not surprised the online service will only be $20 a year they'd have a bit of a cheek to charge anywhere near the amounts Microsoft and Sony charge. Also why in the world did friend codes make a comeback what was so terrible with how the Wii U worked?
  25. Same I bought some sucks that gotta buy again.
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