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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. I feel real let down by this, was so looking forward to this and it's a shame to hear just how crap it is. It's always nice to see an old franchise reinvented but is so gutting when it seems to go as wrong as this has.
  2. well my summer basically is just gonna be work work work to save money for my next year at uni oh and a holiday at the end of the summer..dunno where to yet.
  3. its gotta be Lisa to go, whilst Nikki makes for good viewing, Lisa just doesn't, she just swears and goes mental, there is just nothing good about her at all. And when they were doing the cat walk exercise she was just cringing to watch, she tried to look sexy and it just wasn't.
  4. Well I have high hopes for this. I got the original Monkey Ball on launch day of the cube and still play it today, monkey target with four players you really can't beat it. There doesn't seem to be concern about the controls, which is good to hear, this game despite being simple could go wrong if it isn't correctly implicated, imagine going along one of those dead narrow strips in single player and falling off when it's not your fault because of the controller. in answer to your question mcj metroid, i point to Edge Magazine for a little opinion (and potential clarifcation) about monkey target: "What is clear is that where some of the minigames- notably Monkey Target- transfer effortlessly to the Wiiii, other new additions feel a little strained..." I think there are bound to be some that are a little strained what with there being so many, can't remember the exact number I've seen touted around, but its higher than previous versions. They probably had a day in the office coming up with ideas they went to the boss at the end of the day and said "we've got 16" (for example) and the boss said "nope we need 20, your all staying till we have 20" and by the end the people were just coming up with whatever popped into their head, just to get home...(how else do you explain the existence of this monkey torture you all speak of.)
  5. God this post got bitchy and very quicky, about peoples command of the English language etc... and what people come across as. It's amazing how text can be read as one thing but meant as another, so what is arrogant to one person is something to another. anyway thats not why I posted here (I'm doing an English degree by the way, just to put my two cents in) Back on topic to the new Ngamer magazine, I'll buy the first issue see what it's like, doubt I'll buy it every week, the internet is full of stuff spending tons of money of magazines just isn't for me anymore, the days when I used to buy Games TM, Edge, Cube and NGC all in the same month are gone, but i'll give it a go. NGC was never as good as N64 Magazine was, and who can forget when they made the magazine super big (bigger than A4) and wrote on the cover it was the "Biggest Gamecube magazine".
  6. so glad it looks like Grace is gonna go, can't wait for her to get the chance to see herself being a super bitch, with any luck she will break down in tears and realise how bad she has been, because right now she seems pretty oblvious to it all, thinking she has been pertrayed in the wrong light, when theres only sio many ways you can show a bitch being well a bitch...
  7. I watch it occasionally..but used to be obsessed with it, at first it was just a mild distraction after the new series of Countdown finished, but then it became good, thats until it become too popular and all this daft teminlogy behind it came out, like calling the sides of players "east wing/west wing" and the top five the "power five". I also saw on Jonathan Ross when he said two people had won the £250,000 but had been paid off to keep quiet to keep the mystic surrounding the game... it still makes for good tv, but like who wants to be a millionaire is best views in small doses, which is why it being on twice a day at the moment is a bad bad idea....
  8. I voted Duke Nukem, just because it's been so long since the last game, it would be nice to see what can be done with the serious and how it can be evolved...obviously the Wii controller would go along way to helping this evolution process.
  9. yeah true. although couldn't they just bring out the cube version and when you put it in the revo these new features become available. I think it should be held back to the Revolution now, it's just taking so long to come about, it was going to be a very late big franchise title in the cubes life cycle anyway now it will be even later, leave it for the Rev's launch and make it THE killer app launch title of the next gen consoles.
  10. I see alot of people screaming whats the point. But I really think this is just the companies way of reacting to media criticism for violent games, and the way they influence children into being being violent blah blah blah. Violent games arent gonna stop being made whilst there is a market for them, so atleast next time the Daily Mail starts ridiculing console makers the allowing the games to be made for thier consoles cos someone did a copycat murder, or killed and owned a game (like they did with man hunt, and farenheit(? maybe that was a different paper!), the console manufacturers can say you should have applied the parental locks available!
  11. yeah when I first read peoples replies to this I was already to stick up for it! I suddenly thought I couldn't remember the stand out points I was going to describe, although I do remember laughing out loud to it alot!hmmm maybe it has lost its touch, tends to happen to all sketch shows eventually...
  12. yeah just imagine the scene it would cause if people were acting up like the people do on the revolution promo film! even funnier imagine your gran going into a games shop for the 1st time to get u a xmas prezzie and being scared shitless but kids jumping around the store playing an FPS with one of these things
  13. You say that but the DS's "codename" was the Nintendo Dual Screen and ended up being branded as the Nintendo DS.
  14. Based on what we know about how the controller works I'd say it is revolutionary in the gaming experience it will deliver whether or not it proves to provide a revolution as respects to changing the publics and the industries views is another matter. Personally I like the name Revolution, it sounds good, unlike Project Dolphin (the cubes name) which was rubbish!
  15. yeah they could alter it to work on a different frequency to the ones that the retail versions would work on.
  16. flameboy


    yeah good point when the cube was unveiled it was revealed in loadsa colours, I remember a picture of 5 different colours some of which have never appeared, wasn't there a pink one?!
  17. yeah I think your right to an extent, whilst when I first saw it I was like that wierd looking,if you look at the way nintendo have progressed thier consoles and thier various experiments with tilt pack etc.. and the commercial experiment that is the DS, then incorporate that with old favourites (how happy am I that the Z trigger is back?!!!) and you can see how this train of controller has come around. (Even the Virtual Boy deserves a small footnote and has it's place in the development process. Nintendo have no created a device that lets you work with 3D space, and the virtual boy was an attempt at a 3D console, so all the mistakes/lessons learnt from such things will have helped.)
  18. To be honest I'd much rather they not waste their time doing this, and instead make their own online FPS to prove how capable the revolution is of pulling off such a game.
  19. nah its never gonna happen....
  20. I think it should come free with it. It would one of the only recognizeable games that could fully show off all the abilities of the controller. Whether a full game would be given away or not is another question, I think demo versions are much more likely, either packaged with the machine, or available to download (as way of encouraging wifi use) is much more likely! PS hi to everyone, I was a regular member on the cube-europe boards once upon a time,but I havnt had much time! hopefully the revolution will spur me on to start posting again!
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