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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. I feel it's much slower that last year. There feels like more need to pass backwards to try and work some space.
  2. I got round to watching this earlier tonight. All I can say is it was both Heroes at it's best and worst.... Too convoluted, too much going on. In the first ten minutes we had "One year ago", "six months ago" "one year later" as potential periods of times we might have to care about. Also way way way too many characters, season 1 of the original show was at least pretty concentrated and focused on a core group. This certainly isn't I lost count of the number of characters I was introduced to and who knows which ones even matter. I was really looking forward to this, as bad as the original series got at least the end opened up possibilities for a new world so to speak. I'm not sure this series in it's current form is going to be one to show it off.
  3. Hmmm I'm not sure about the arcadey piece, the nullifying of pace makes it feel less arcadey to more. I find the new AI for defenders makes it harder to find space online against people who know what they are doing. Through balls feel much more earnt if they result in a goal. I have still found a lot of success with pace on the wings but more cutting inside and delivering killer low balls than crossing it in. @dazzybee I'd imagine you could sell them...although don't expect big bucks there is genuine feeling that the free packs aren't the same as bought packs.
  4. no they are tied to your account..thats assuming you bought digital.
  5. Blimey it's nuts to think so much time has passed.
  6. I audibly shouted WHAT when the kid at the beginning revealed his name!
  7. Just did Episode 20, cracking episode and all I want to do is go home from work and keep playing.
  8. People have lots of questions which is great so to try and help out I've updated the opening thread with a FAQ. If anyone in here asks more questions or I end up elaborating on the answers I'll update as I go along!
  9. Nah just says Coming Soon....well guess will have to wait till tomorrow to find out the price.
  10. I'm still confused is there no way to buy taken king without it being a full new game? On Xbox One digitally the only preorder available is a full priced version.
  11. You know what my first response about Tatsumi Kimishima was urgh a HR guy this isn't going to work. The more I think about it though he somehow reminds me of Yamauchi, I feel like he could have some hardline methods that may work.
  12. Yep this is 100% true. I'd prefer third person but will remain to be seen which actually works best.
  13. Got my copy I cannot wait!!!!!
  14. From what I played prior to release I think 7 is a fair score. There is nothing horrific about it at all. @Ganepark32 your early views seem spot on.
  15. Solid list Life is Strange is there for me too somewhere. Not played Rocket League, Everyone's Gone to the Rapture or Kerbal (which I assume is now out of Early Access)
  16. Yeah it's all about The Witcher 3 for me at this point, Batman is a very distant 2nd in terms of AAA games.
  17. Looks absolutely insane, cannot wait!
  18. See that's worse then! The codec/radio were painful enough and then the moments with Chico and in the helicopter were ever worse...to hear its common with people in front of him talking is just urgh. I don't know what to make of it. I'm playing Metal Gear Rising at the moment and even as an action game there is still a bunch of dialogue that makes that game what it is!!!
  19. The lack of big boss talking sounds very troublesome indeed. Even in the short time of Ground Zeroes it came across as very strange. I mean I get it to some extent it makes no sense that Big Boss had the same voice as Solid Snake but not Liquid or Solidus but why do it at the expense of story. It seems this game is a bigger Peace Walker minus the story. I'm saying all his having not touched it yet...
  20. Very sad news...I will always remember the Freddy movies I picked up the box set and watched them all during Uni even though lets be honest the non-Craven ones with the exception of 3 are pretty damn crappy!
  21. Yeah I gotta agree with @Ronnie and unfortunately it reminds me of the very similarly named Strike Suit Zero which was flat out awful.
  22. You are in for a treat, I just played Definitive Edition having already planned it last gen, still such a good game.
  23. So are you getting it? Released here today! Great chance to get some multiplayer going and even those who still own the games on 360 could join in because of that great offer!
  24. I went back and played a bit of Ground Zeroes. What little there is of his dialogue I'm really not keen on Kiefer as Snake. Also....I went to EB Games yesterday as they had Metal Gear Rising for $3.99 new and I also came out with the Legacy Collection as it was only $40.
  25. Finally finished this and what a game....quick question did anyone else fall for Yen and Triss' trick? I felt like such a chump!
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