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Everything posted by flameboy

  1. yeah i meant the site im creating it isnt up yet, the blog is the wrong colour i'll admit. the blue planned isnt too dissimilar to the blue circilar arrow in the n-europe logo.
  2. Is this horse racing one of the hidden games in wiiplay? i hadn't heard about it till i read this thread
  3. yeah i was looking at ps3 thinking could i see myself get one next year, but there isnt anything I can see myself wanting at all. Even though the likes of Resistance look awesome but doesn't really inspire me to buy it at all. Whereas the Wii does its got Zelda as a killer app from day 1, look at the 360 thats waited a year for Gears Of War inarguably its first killer app.Wheres its next one gonna come from? We are lucky to have this and with Metroid, Smash Bros and Mario awaiting in the next year things cannot get better! Plus we've always got the likes of Mario Kart, F-Zero etc.... to look forward to as they will surely appear at some point.
  4. at least we will hopefully get reviews of all these in the weeks between US launch and Europe launch.
  5. i wouldn't bet on that many at launch, i work at one of the most profitable HMV's in the whole company, (top 3) and i dont expect us to fill our 50 preorders.
  6. apart from ngamer of course. im holding out for more reviews especially with COD3 getting mixed reviews.
  7. i don't think so shorty, have to wait tho, theres tons more in development, think for starters metroid and mario next year. then pat that im sure nintendo will have plenty else up their sleeves.
  8. I suppose joking aside in our current climate of sueing peoples asses for stupid things the nintendo rep was just protecting nintendo and himself from a court case!
  9. I am currently doing a literary project and need a logo for it, its called Get Writing 2006. here;'s my blog for it: http://getwriting2006.blogspot.com/ just need a logo to go on the main site anything will do please someboy help and please dont delete this admin!!!! i've tried making something and they are woeful, the site im creating is blue so the logo needs blue in it, but then anything else will do for the content of it, like a book, a pen, anything please someone help!
  10. superman 64 followed by aerogauge, mission impossible (was actually a clever game, lots of cool gadgets, just so painfully implemented it was painful to play)
  11. you never know, would be a popular download, lasts for ages, simply cos of its collectfest gameplay
  12. i have played it for about 10 mins at a mates before i had to give up, think of the worst game u have played and then times in by 64, thats how bad this was, since when did superman pop over to lex luthors for a ring challenge? fly/find through all his rings....
  13. http://www.1up.com/do/feature?cId=3155292 quite a funny little article, first n-europe member to suffer from them all gets a big pat on the back, for being so unlucky. this one made me laugh especially
  14. soul caliber would be ace! just been thinking of how you could use the fishing rod controller for swiping the swords, imagine thta on soul caliber wii.
  15. well this looks awesome can't wait to get this, had it on gameboy colour and then on the PS1 havnt played one since, never got round to cube versions cos of animal crossing but think i may get this as the wiimote controls looks to add another dimension.
  16. Right I want a simple question answering, cos im still not sure. so the only options i have for now are composite, s-video and vga (vga out of the window for no, owing to lack of cables.) this is whats available on my relysis tv. (the scart socket does not work) so is s-video that much better than composite to warrant the purchase of a S-Video cable? or should I hang on and see if a vga one appears (is vga vastly superior?)
  17. yeah interesting to see no reviews for red steel yet, call of duty 3 has got varying scores: IGN 11/14/2006 7.7 out of 10 77.0% GameZone 11/15/2006 8.3 out of 10 83.0% GamingTrend 11/15/2006 83 out of 100 83.0% PGNx Media 11/14/2006 9.3 out of 10 93.0% of course not sure as to the reliabily of these websites. one review from gamezone summaried things like this: labourious!??!!!???!!! lazy some gamers i tell you.
  18. nope they have different connections going into the wii, im afraid.
  19. hmmm..thats not true, mario kart can be abit tempremental sometimes but you can definitly get four players up, I've played loads of 4 player games, including some awesome ones the night before last!
  20. Just read the review of Excitetruck on IGN, I think I might hang out for excitetruck as my racing game of choice and get something else at launch, NFS isn't really appealing to me as much as Most Wanted did. to be honest I still havn't completed NFS Underground 2 on my xbox so if I fancy abit of NFS could always go back to that.
  21. I don't think OOT is just nostalgia, ive been back and played it in the last few months and it is still incredible to play, and whilst the graphics are simple by todays standards they still hold up. Normally when you get nostalgic it isn't as great when you go back. I hope TP does overtake OOT and become the best Zelda ever I really do, but its gotta be pretty F**KING amazing to do so.
  22. yeah GT Pro looks awful i was excited about it at first but then asnt when i realised it was a cube remake.
  23. please ridge racer, with some kiind of wiimote implemented drift. some groovy super innovative pacman aswell.
  24. I think the problem with excitetruck is a very arcade style racer, which may have been ok in the past, but players have got used to option layden (sp!) racers. so in comparison it looks a little sparse personally i will find it refreshing to play.
  25. that is true, if red steel flops reviews and sales wise, ubisoft may think it isnt worth creating a sequel.
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