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Everything posted by Magnus

  1. Well, at least Jimbob made it to London. He's going to be so disappointed when no one else shows up.
  2. But the meet would be a perfect place to sort things out, Daft! You put that many brilliant minds together and they're bound to come up with some great ideas.
  3. The PlayStation 3 isn't region-locked, so it's not like you can't just import the Collector's Edition. Slightly more expensive than buying a PAL copy would be, but maybe those interviews and other special features are worth it.
  4. The best part is the face on the case.
  5. Aww. There, there, Pancake. I like sugar. I take my sugar without tea, though.
  6. Are you just going to make a claim like that and not back it up in any way?
  7. An even better way to see all endings is to turn off auto-save after you've talked to you-know-who and just load the auto-save after you've seen each ending. Because it turns out you can't skip cutscenes or any of the dialogue near the end.
  8. Magnus


    Fair warning: if the summaries on Wikipedia are anything to go by, the books are complete trash after the first one.
  9. It took me a while to realize that Shin'en wasn't a game I'd never heard of. And if we're going to add the asterisk of "well, he didn't say which current titles Wii games would look better than," then yes, I suppose it'd be really easy to make them look better than, say, Angry Birds. But that's a really boring way to look at it.
  10. Well, there's plenty of gameplay (though the characters do spend a lot of time talking at times), but it is very traditional. Battles take place on a grid, but they still essentially play out like they would in any other JRPG. There are different elements that are strong against different enemies, and you can create and place gems to give party members the magics you want, with some characters being better-suited for many weaker magics and others for a few stronger ones. I thought the gameplay was pretty good for what it was, but if you're not interested in the story and dislike the standard JRPG formula, there's not much there.
  11. Trails in the Sky is very good once it gets going, but it takes about half the game before the story starts to get interesting. Very well-written (and well-translated), though. Still no word on the sequel.
  12. Magnus


    I agree that it's sad news that they're going to drag it out for another two years. :p Dexter peaked with season 4 and I really didn't like season 6 much. For some reason I thought season 7 would be the last and I was hoping they'd be able to go out with a bang, but I don't have high hopes if they're going to have to drag it out for twice as many episodes. Well, maybe I'll be pleasantly surprised.
  13. I already own Persona 3 Portable on a disc and I've already played Persona 3: FES on the PlayStation 2. Do I still have to buy it?
  14. Maybe she'll return as a clone.
  15. Camilla Luddington has been confirmed as the new voice of Lara Croft. You may remember her as one of the many women who have been naked on Californication.
  16. Well, you have my sympathy.
  17. That was pretty awesome.
  18. I too couldn't understand what people were seeing in Mutant Mudds after watching the trailers. I even watched a couple of gameplay videos and still didn't get it. Nice to know that I haven't completely lost my mind. It seems decent enough, but I think I'll pass. When you put it like that, it kind of sounds like the only reason you prefer Mutant Mudds over VVVVVV is because it's longer. :p
  19. I already finished it. It's Jimbob you should be tagging.
  20. Happy birthday, Dazzimal. ... Animazz?
  21. I'd probably either watch season 2 of the TV show and then read the second book, and then wait for seasons 3 and 4 of the TV show before reading the third book, and so on - or read all of the books now and enjoy the TV show when there are new episodes. Sounds like you're going to end up reading books 3-5 before the TV show covers them anyway, so I'd probably just read the books first. I've only watched the TV show, and I still can't tell some of the characters apart. There are so many minor characters that all blur together.
  22. Wikipedia has a list over the longest-running American TV shows. The current leader is Meet the Press at 64 years, if anyone's interested. That episode was better than usual, but it doesn't really compare to the actual good episodes of The Simpsons. I read a comparison between the Christmas episode and the episode where Lisa gets married and they made a good point about the jokes being a lot more natural in the latter. Like how Quimby is the taxi driver that drives Lisa and her fiancé home from the airport and we get a few jokes about his situation that way. Meanwhile, in the Christmas episode, Homer and the kids walk off-screen at the Kwik-E-Mart and are suddenly at Burns's mansion, and Homer decides to hurl a rock through a window for no reason (the kids don't react at all). Burns (who must be 150 at this point) yells "release the hounds!" and Smithers pops out from behind a fencepost with a box - I guess he stands there all day? - and pours the remains of the hounds at Homer's feet. Hilarious. But when they produce things like the Lady Gaga episode, the Christmas episode doesn't seem so bad in comparison.
  23. Getting drunk? Sounds like you have a pretty good reason to me. :p That really sucks, but you'll find someone else somewhere down the road! Maybe the next one will be a Nintendo fan.
  24. It looks like a snow globe? Though I guess it could be something else.
  25. That was the first thing I thought when I read the first post in this thread, but I didn't want to bring it up.
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