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Everything posted by jayseven

  2. How on earth could shops not commodify? I don't fully follow what you mean here. I mean they're shops, and they sell stuff... It's not their fault. But yes, initial appearances are important. It's just the way it is, isn't it? Most of the time I'm ok with it but when you come across someone, in whatever walk of life, who thinks themselves somehow superior because they have religiously abided by the 'laws' of whatever their chosen style is, and in comparison to them you look fake... well... that's not explained very well.
  3. I linked, under that, to a playlist with like 63 different versions of the song :P how about jayseven's jaunty jives?
  4. It's also a vintage video I posted a link to about 3 pages back, not that anyone notices :P
  5. Stayed up 'til about 5am. Was watching Friday Night Lights, as well as trying to do a rummy and gather an array of hair pictures from my facebook photos, only it was rather depressing to look back at some parts of my life. Today I watch more FNL, try to convince myself to go for a jog, and do some research for my essay. ... Your mum sounds a bit nuts tbh :P I've been embarassed when I refused to answer my phone to my mum (as I was high/drunk, probably) so she'd end up calling my friends. Not cool, but eventually she got tired of doing it over and over again :P
  6. I know a couple but I wanna try 2. His scale was 'upside down' ? The higher the number the colder it is..?
  7. It is uncontrollable. You can cut it down, or burn it off, paint all over it -- but it keeps coming back for more.
  8. I imagine I'll be getting drunk. Maybe on irish cider this time round?
  9. Sure thing We'll try and pick up the ol' "shotgun" rule where people book the next round (and only that - let's not have big queues).
  10. I see your fancy dress and raise you with fire! ... Not a great effort from me, in the middle, with my new short hair. Zomg. Spot the other n-er! The Cool Sunglasses. No matter who you are, you instantly look five times cooler with these on. THE MUCH PROMISED FIRE! Photo taken after I singed my hair, as you can see I am now wearing a rather fetching pink hat for protection. I'm doing a simple.. er.. thatmovewhereyoucrossanduncrossyourarms manoeuvre. Fail.
  11. I'm just gonna post the link in full so you can guess what this is about; http://moviesblog.mtv.com/2009/03/09/exclusive-star-wars-live-action-tv-series-casting-underway/
  12. I wouldn't say so! I can do about three things drunk, I've only tried fire poi once or twice sober and didn't really do anything different! I've never practiced poi properly, I just pick them up every few months and fuck about. Some people I know are sick crazy with poi it's just not fair. We had fire staff last night too - which I can do even less stuff with! Fire juggling balls the other week, which was rather fun, but my rubbish eyesight didn't like it!
  13. I agree with daft - more 'human' elements will be good. But the idea of adopting a little sister should help a little. I also agree with cube - that last bit in bioshock where you had to protect the little sister was one of the weakest parts of the game. I'd much rather play as the little sister to be honest :P And how is it that you play as the 'original' big daddy? What about those 'Rose' versions? Will you be as slow as you were at the end of bioshock? I'm glad the view isn't fishbowled or limited, too.
  14. Surely they'll unearth the final cylon? Anyone remember Starbuck on New Caprica -- that scar on her stomach. Ovarectomy! The new starbuck could be a clone..? At first I was a bit pessimistic about the finalé, but thinking about the leads they have left to tie up... baltar's whole prophet thing, the theatre dream, "all along the watchtower", hera's role, roslin's cancer, BSG's destruction (bound to happen), starbuck, the final 13th skinjob and, of course, Lee Adama's slowly flailing role in the show -- will he pilot a viper? I don't want it to be some hench-ass battle. I want answers :P
  15. Haha :P Eventually a friend will upload proof of me poi-ing :P As for the damage? I think I have a small bald spot on my head now :P Whoops...
  16. Yeah, he is - is scott porter the guy ReZ met in the US? Wow!
  17. Letty; I could barely watch when you actually did it. EMBARASSING PANTYLINER FAIL! Or win! I don't know. Goaferboy - that's pretty cool. I don't think I could straight-copy another tattoo, so it's great that you're variating it (I have no tattoos by the way :P).
  18. Friday Night Lights is great. The pilot episode was all shot so incidentally, yet the ending was fairly brutal and sad. I will say that the show is fairly predictable, but very enjoyable to watch unfold. Great - and very believable - characters. The high-school american football setting, I suppose, could draw comparisons to teen dramas like the OC or One Tree Hill, but the show doesn't rely on pop culture, it doesn't have overly witty lines to amuse and sedate you, instead the terse environment indoctrinates you into a sort of bemused wonderment at it all... It's realism again, baby! Episode 5, here I come Well, after 30 rock, Dollhouse and Sarah Connor, of course!
  19. haha - yeah I meant indie bandwagon Wups.
  20. Ashley; very true, but I just ain't that into twitter... Shorty; I hear that. Apps menu from the bottom bar > edit = closest I can think of. Arab_Freak; you talking about that number thing? That is pretty weird.
  21. I'M AWAKE SO STOP THROWING THINGS AT ME! Essay got extended to wednesday deadline. Probably means i'll squeeze some Resi 5 into my weekend now... My hair is frazzled Nice haircut = unnoticably ruined. I also have burned half my leg hair off (was wearing shorts) and some arm, too. I really, really shouldn't play with fire at 4am with that much alcohol in my system. LUVUUU!
  22. No, thank you for doing a round First post is now updated with shizzle.
  23. Today was cool enough. New xbox arrived, had a resi 5 sesh with shorty, then about 10 people turned up at mine, taking it in turns to exlaim how 12-year-old I now looked, then dumped their stuff and we went and ate sushi. Returned, changed into hawaiian stuff. Went, drank, clubbed, housed, fire-poi'd and set my head on fire without realising it. Just had a haircut and everything. I guess it's a good thing. We (dan dare and I) hung around waiting for something to kick off at the house, but it didn't, and dan was wanting to crash on my sofa so finally (probably 2 hours too late) we left, and now I've got some blackthorn and i'm watching the new BSG before all you motherfuckers (ZOMG no crazy drumroll intro!). ESSAY WEEKEND! No sunlight, just redbull and mania.
  24. I really liked Little Miss Sunshine but... didn't you feel like it was a hollywood movie trying to jump on the hollywood bandwagon?
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