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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Well, I beat ReZ 2-0, got 3 players in teh x11 and manager of the round :P Apparantly there was no first half in our game, too. And 4th! Again! And forever... Dom's result is the most surprising, he seemed to do some bonkers tactics by the looks of it. Lower league is looking interesting! Mundi, Paj and, er, Made of win (whatever happened to naming your team after your forum name :P) all winning... Woop woop. I think the bottom 4 next week are in danger of being in exactly the same spots. I think my game with Dom is the most unknown quantity...
  2. it's been said (about a gazillion times). If people are having issues with the forum, they ought to check relevant boards/threads first.
  3. Not exactly, but you can tick the "cheat" box if you think the ref is dumb enough to let you get away with it.
  4. Sounds to me like Vicar leaves things in peoples houses during the day, then they return to their homes. I'd like to know what Tellyn did last night. I have no idea what a 'strange liquid' could be, but surely it would alter Tellyn's night, be it misdirection, total control, protection or whatever. With Ell and R_A; R_A played a protector, and targeted the first person. The second person killed her. Ellmeister could either be that second person with the knife, or the first person, just coincidentally tagetting R_A at the same time. If Ell is neutral, then I just have a gut feeling that his persona does not match a rusty butcher's knife. However! That he targeted two people who both died by the same method, but we are under the impression that Ellmeister gives people packages, are we not? Also, in the first night, chairdriver's character said "Oh my, another visitor? It must be my lucky night!" which determines that two people targetted Big C that night, also. It could be a coincidence. Back to the first night; Cube's thought is worth bearing in mind for later. Ell's win condition is I have not watched goodfellas in a while, so I can't say who this person he is looking for could be. Strictly speaking, it may not be anyone from the movie at all, but would surely make more sense if it was a mobster of some sort. However (again!) R_A appeared to be targetted by moogle, and then by the rusty butcher-knife killer. No mention, again, of Ell's role. Another however (so many I can't remember which side of the argument this is for) is that Dannyboy said "I've found out that Ellmeister is hard to kill." Which would tie in with a Jason theory, in regards to the knife! Ell says he targeted Dyson, but Beggilax (a known misdirector) didn't target ell and Cube saw Ell target R_A... I really don't know what to think at all. Been reading into this too much. It's hard to keep an objective mind! I recommend we have someone watch ellmeister tonight, and we'll see if it happens again. Another thing that was in the write-up "someone ended the day dissapointed" (paraphrased, can't be arsed to find it now). I have this inkling that it might be nintendohnut, but that's not a basis for accusation.
  5. Zomgg... Friday Night Lights so1e14 has Brand New - Jesus in it. My love and respect for the show just doubled.
  6. I KILL YOU!
  7. I've been known to watch the odd late-night baseball on channel 5. While the stop/start side of things and the general lack of any action both make it a strain to watch at first, it can be enjoyable. Never played.
  8. Cube has memory loss, so I don't think he's exactly going to be a massive suspect. Could be the guy from memento, could be bourne... Seeing as it's cube I'm racking my brain for amnesiac characters from Firefly but I can't think of any :P
  9. That's pretty sweet You need some hench mirrors and a flag on a pole to complete the chopper look :P I say get some masking tape and some other colours and jazz up the frame, too. But seriously; that's awesome! Is it (low)ridable?
  10. You sure? Mine was right at the bottom of the box :/ xbox system link is made of fail. Tried gears of war and rainbox 6 vegas and just have problems with connection, apparantly. Shorty's on wireless and I'm wired to the router. We kinda both just bought live 13 month subscriptions... I've been told to not tell Nami :P So you best not either!
  11. Daft: maybe it should be you that DJs? Sounds like he's riding off your mad skillz.
  12. Yeah, it's really, really stupid. I'm almost tempted to create a new group telling them all to stfu...
  13. lol "there are two types of niggas in this life, son, them that be bitches and them that -- what, you stepping up my face for?" BAM! Fight! I get it, lol. Awesome.
  14. Not found any sellotape yet! Definitely a pr0 thing to do. Your bro does sound like an idiot, but he might have a similar condition to me; when someone tells me to do something I will most likely not do it. Shame on you for not catching up with WHAT MATTERS!! I bet you'll do it when you can't sleep anyway. Very pleased for you, having a good weekend and such. Keep it real, homie. Wow, that's a lot of money! I guess it's a serious trip you're going on. I'm sure it'll be worth it. Walks/bike rides are good, and bournemouth beach is fairly nice Cheers on teh congrats! I feel happy that I've actually done something with myself, for the first time in ages.
  15. First game of the season for most of us tomorrow. I've got ReZ, who, in his two friendlies, has had only two chances on goal -- but he's scored both of them. On paper my squad is marginally better than his but tactical decisions will count for everything. Looking forward to it!
  16. I did it! I went for a run. I ran for 3 mins, walked for 2, ran for 3, walked for 2, ran for, like, 1 min, then walked for 5 to the post office. It was only about 1.3 miles, so not massively impressive, but it's a start. Picked up the games McPhee sold to me *glee* but fucking got blisters - one on me ankle that burst and skin ripped off which made running back a hassle, so I only ran one 3-min bit and hobbled with my foot more on my shoe than in. Used my card to buy some water at sainsbury's (they had no plasters) and now I'm contemplating using cotton pads and selotape... Got a headache and dizzy and blisters and sore lungs; a lot of side-effects to getting fit, there are! Smoking isn't a great idea, so I definitely need to cut down there. TODAY! I MUST READ ALL OF THIS RUBBISH. I MUST! 4 tabs worth of information including the epic satire Rape of the Lock, which I read in my first year so it shouldn't take too long, and 57 pages of other stuff. Maybe after an episode of Friday Night Lights. Or two. For now - sit ups/press ups/crunches! Go! I agree *nods* I was wating for something to actually happen... Not bad at all ReZ! Things are looking up eh I feel you. A quick "I'll just check on n-e" becomes a furious refreshing session for a few hours, while flicking to facebook every now and then and, when in serious procrastination mode, msning and stumbling too. ESSAY TO WRITE! I can't imagine your situation very well as I only lived with a girlfriend for two months, once. That was over the summer months so boredom would be avoided with walks, duck-feeding, and general childish games like "who can find the biggest leaf" and stuff like that. I do know the feeling when you don't really have anything new to say, though. That's not fun at all. I'm sure it's not a sign that you're a bad couple, or anything. Spring is definitely on its way, so you'll be able to investigate the outter world for free and for longer. When are you travelling? How much is it costing you? Is frisbeeing down the park a viable option, or do you older folk not do that sorta stuff...
  17. Curses to you! I think I know how to do PC but I can't seem to get the timing right. So DDoS doesn't really help when there's two left :P Arg!
  18. There was a picture taken of me asleep at the london n-e meet. I don't think it's seen the light of day yet - someone has kept it in their personal fapping collection
  19. Side project of Orgy? Dewd, I must check them out!
  20. Happy birthday O_W! I'd sing it for you, but I'm afraid of the criticism.
  21. Spotify appears to be a radiostation, of sorts, so you're streaming not downloading, so no chance of thiefing it :P
  22. I've not clicked on the link or anything, but is it different to pandora?
  23. My wardrobe mostly consists of the same clothes I had when I was still in college. I have jeans and t-shirts covered in paint from summer jobs, I have blim-burns in nearly all my t-shirts. I would say, in general, I'm the same person I was all those years ago too, but this year I want to buy more shirts! I would say that clothes do reflect who you are to some extent. Be it conscious or unconscious, you do select what you put on in the morning even to the extent where you may seek out one t-shirt or another and, to your dismay, find it has jam down the front so you have to settle for a 2nd-tier tee. I always feel weird when I first get new clothes. There is a 'hoodie' that I've worn when I've met pretty much everyone (the tartan-ish brown/yellowish one) that, when I first got it, I felt embarassed to wear, and now it's my favourite item of clothing.
  24. http://www.kongregate.com/games/GregoryWeir/exploit a nice little game. I got up to chapter 2, but I can't do PC or MP (i think that's what that one is called)
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