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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. trololo! AN actual win! MOTR as well! Mad. Not playing on tues so I don't doubt my position at the bottom of the group will further solidify
  2. Yes, definitely. If I see that anything I'm doing now is definitely going to fuck up my life then I'd love to assuredly know. I think my younger self would be impressed with my beard, but a bit sad that I'm nwo a wee bit BLIIIIND
  3. I would agree that the current 'one thread per artist/album' for music doesn't really compute for me as I still just see who made the thread and remember that I don't share a taste with them, so I don't investigate any further. There should be less 'information' threads with music and more 'inquisitive'. I suppose I should start a thread asking for music similar to band x... but currently I'm not bothered :P There's been some great new threads, which nobody can deny! Cheers for your contsructive comments, guys.
  4. There's been loads of titanic films... but this really does take the cake. Urgh. They could've at least gone for "curse of the titanic" or some bullshit like that to at least avoid associations. Yes. This is the worst cash-in I can think of, besides all those da vinci code knock-offs that have been flying around for 5 years.
  5. Cheers I've calmed down a bit! I will take note and avoid urls in future.
  6. I used to get that a lot - very rarely these days. Very surreal experience, like my head can't stop counting numbers really fast, and every object has a value and the number just keeps going up and up and... Aaah!
  7. minimum wage is mean.
  8. In Sheff there was a pub quiz I did where, weekly, we would base our name on "Coldbert is a Cunt". It started off as an in-joke between our team, but eventually all the regulars played along, and the quizmaster pretty much always commented on it.
  9. It's a thing I have. Now that threads aren't a gazillion pages long it's just that much more offensive when people skip your post then take all credit when they say the same thing. BLEH!
  10. You still have access to the mod board, Jav? Go check the sister thread there.
  11. Yeah great story. It just felt so familia-- Thanks for reading my post. Dickheads.
  12. Last night a few of us went to a pub quiz, as a second choice for how we wanted to spend our evening. Our team name was Inception was Fully Booked, which kind of gives you a clue as to what our first choice was! After the quiz, before announcing the winners, the quiz master applauded the 'best team name' which he decreed was Quiztina Aquilaira. Not sure if there was a prize. Another team was Quizimodo. Now, despite the fact that we won the quiz woo woo wooo, I was a bit dismayed that we couldn't think of a good name. Immediately afterwards I came up with what I thought was a killer name -- but a bit dodgy to use; iPhone A Friend. I've been wracking my brain all day today, but just can't get anywhere. Any efforts from you fine folks?
  13. I've seen it about four times. The first time I watched it with a physics and maths buff, and between us we used to watch confusing/mind-fuck movies and have the most joyful of discussions/debates afterwards. Primer was written, iirc, by physics PhD students so the logic behind it, while confusing, is not erronerous. I agree that the audio is a bit poor (from what I remember), and there was a lack of subs *for an obvious reason* which didn't help. It's not a film to watch with a girlfriend, and not necessarily by yourself either. Probably best to watch stoned and/or with a physics buff :P La Haine! I only watched this a couple of months ago. Great movie!
  14. *sees thread, skips to the end* AWESOME idea! If only someone had tried-but-failed it two years ago! Totally up for it. Seen primer plenty of times and downloaded Fountain recently as I've been dying to watch it... and I trust your movie taste so this should be good!
  15. Just-baked pizza, right outside the oven. Topping-side down. TEN MINUTES OF MY LIEF WASTED! Also dropped a bowl of pasta I'd just cooked. A couple of times those muller corners have gotten out of my control. Once bought an expensive burger with loads of ingredients, took a bite and the majority of the thing fell out of the back of it, leaving me with bread and some salad. I'm very clumsy and drop/spill at least one thing a day. Today was the milk from the cereal bowl as I went to sit down.
  16. did an entire module on 'digital fiction' which encomasses interactive fiction, text-based interactive fiction, digital text aand... other stuff I forget. Digital literature? Mostly the module was around the versatility of a digital-age piece of literature, but we came across a few more game-like pieces. When I get on my own laptop I may be able to provide a few links to some interesting things.
  17. WhereareallthevideosReZ? and; Moogle is that puke on your face or what? It kinda looks like road rash...
  18. loldraw. Can't complain. Dev values are between 9 and 15 across my team, with the majority sitting between 11 and 14!
  19. "Adan Arreola has finally got some medicine for a grass allergy. As a consequence the player gains some form." ... lol.
  20. A prestigious list! This year we've gone mental with picture. Which is awesome, of course. P.S. Oi!
  21. I'd assume that it's not illegal at any age to watch porn, more that it is illegal to supply porn to a minor.
  22. Seen that before - I think the downside is only having one weapon so if you're getting the kills up you're going to need to pick up a weapon, which is a bit of a lottery! But then again, I suppose if you just switch to riot shielding... it's effectively an attempt to merge two different types of class. Thinking about it, that has such potential... I may have to get a class with that (I'm picturing it'd be ace on Favela). AARG! Decided to do what shorty does and have a tactical nuke on 'just in case'... and FIRST game I get... 23 kill streak! Then I go and be a dick and aargh so close. Finished 35-6. Had another game where I finished 30-2 as well... dead chuffed with myself :P Derail, Underpass, quarry sub base and Terminal are my good maps currently, with Afghan and wasteland just not gonna happen with my current class (no explosives, no scopes!). Skidrow doesn't work either because the silenced TAR's range is precisely wrong. I pwn at flanking y'see, and the routes around that map are too long-winded and blah blah blah.
  23. An upbeat short story that elaborates on the sentimental/spiritual idea behind my general belief,, which is similar to what Sheikah mentioned, above. This thread is really encompassing several different, yet interesting topics. Existentialism, death, paranoia and, seemingly, a bit of old-fashioned spirited teen angst to garnish it. But they are, duh, interconnected and it is hard to avoid swinging through them all. I'm surprised we haven't hit on morality yet. Anyway, in response to several people's fears of living a shit life/being forgotten/not existing; I find that while these anxieties may never go away, they fade with age because you are forced, through responsibilities and commitments, to worry about other smaller shit, thus taking your mind off of things. By existing, I find it very tricky to simply do what is done without questioning it. I find it hard to ever accept something is simple when, like the 'life' an atom has led since the dawn of the universe, there's just a lot more to things. RAR RAR WTF WARKWNFL I worry about my existence all the time. I don't (anymore) revolve the world around my own existence, rather I am hugely aware of the minds operating behind all those eyeballs you see daily. If the person on the till at tescos is rude to me, there's a reason for it, an intellectial thought process that is in itself concerned with its existence, so who am I to take offence? Who am I to put my own existence, my own emotional reaction, ahead of another's? I don't get paranoid (much...) anymore, but I do still spend a lot of my thought processes analysing what other people are thinking - trying to guess, i suppose, their reasoning or their emotional state. This essentially means I say things like "I think i've said this to you before" because I know what it's like when someone repeats a story they've told me, I'll think of what I want to say, then think of how to say it, then think of how it will sound, then think of how it could potentially be responded to, and try my best to not 'lose' out of my own error... if that makes any sense. I like getting drunk because it slows my thinking down. omigod there's far too much to talk about/go off on tangents on/ramblerambleramble. I want to post again later but more structured but the only thing I truly know about Future Me is that he is stunningly more lazy than Present Me. Have a medal.
  24. So I started having an allergic reaction a couple of hours ago. In case you're not WIRED INTO THE N-E MAINFRAME, I've been rushed to hospital previously (cheers for the lift, Shorty!) as my face/mouth/tongue/throat were swelling. Usually these Special Events occur in the morning, after I'd eaten something dodgy the night before -- dodgy being MSG... Dodgy being one of London's finest Subway establishments. So where's the fail? I get home to find my mum has 'kindly' 'tidied' my 'mess'. Next to my bed I keep essentials; phone, wallet, keys, tobacco, diary, chess, money bank, buddha, hearing aid batteries, anti-histamine tablets. Yeah. Best bit? Clambering through the 'medicine cabinet' I wake my mum up, who is, admittedly, midly concerned, but clueless as to where my 'mess' has gone. Her solution for a potentially LIFE THREATENING moment? She returns with a pack of wet face wipes, saying "it's probably all that London on you." Urgh. Well luckily I had a nearby mate still on facebook, and I whizzed round there and... now I sit here, tired as fuck from the whole meet/hangover/no sleep and I'm essentially too afraid to fall asleep, in case etcetc. TL;DR? Well, can you think of any parenting fails you'd like to share? (ideally we'll hear a few from Odwin...)
  25. Invite the dude back for a threesome! OR! ... Not on. I mean, it'd suck if it was your wife, but any girlfriend does that then she's out. If she tries to tempt you back into the relationship then I recommend writing up a contract for steaks and blowjobs.
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