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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. Uuuhhrrhrhrhh... WHY Joe, why?! 40pts with two more to play
  2. Ashley; sheikah's 2-bed pad is shared with his mate and his girlfriend. I presume it's a similar set-up to what me, shorty and nami did when we had our flat.
  3. The table will be updated after this weekend's matches have all been played. I've got a provisional 25pts so far with 5 players starting tomorrow... The last time I played this, an average score was 30-35 with a good score of 40+, I think.
  4. Just watched The Fountain last night. I was pretty drunk, so I kept thinking wow, that guy looks loads like Jackman... and was shocked when the credits rolled. I loved this film. I loved how each of Arnofsky's movies I've seen are so wildly different from each other and are so celebratory individually. I want to post what I think happened but each time I put it into words I change my mind... So what do you think was real?
  5. Just watched The Fountain last night. I was pretty drunk, so I kept thinking wow, that guy looks loads like Jackman... and was shocked when the credits rolled. I loved this film. I loved how each of Arnofsky's movies I've seen are so wildly different from each other and are so celebratory individually. I want to post what I think happened but each time I put it into words I change my mind... So what do you think was real?
  6. I think technically I could still be promoted... but my head hurts trying to work it out. Never even planned for survival. Kinda half wanted a season in the lower league! I'd be aiming for 3-skill increase (at least) over two seasons if I was relegated :P Surprised myself with the victory! I think my tactics this season were to start off playing the youngsters, which meant that the end-of-season was the time to play my best squad while everyone else was struggling to get their dev values sorted.
  7. I think technically I could still be promoted... but my head hurts trying to work it out. Never even planned for survival. Kinda half wanted a season in the lower league! I'd be aiming for 3-skill increase (at least) over two seasons if I was relegated :P Surprised myself with the victory! I think my tactics this season were to start off playing the youngsters, which meant that the end-of-season was the time to play my best squad while everyone else was struggling to get their dev values sorted.
  8. Woah 29 people in the league now! ... Who are all the McGraths?
  9. Well today I went to game, got the adapter for £19.99 and got bioshock 2 2nd hand for £7.99... not a bad duo Shorty; someone just told me today that plants vs. zombies was coming to xbla. Despite completing it already, I'm totally getting it!
  10. Thank you Dyson, I'll be sure to pick them both up over the weekend!
  11. I got fairly close to sitrep before. I can't remember if it goes from 120 to 240 or whatever, but I was like 40 away from doing it but I had been ready to prestige for about 20 hours of play and didn't want to wait any longer
  12. So this prestige I've so far completed steady aim and sleight of hand, I have about 31 blast-shield explosion saves and have just started last stand challenge, racking up 21 today (I think? Can't check it now...). Next prestige I'll be concentrating on sitrep, 1-man army and copycat. I've noticed that I've got no stats for probably 90% of the weapons so those latter two will help with that. Time after that... not a clue :P By then I imagine Spec Ops'll be out! I figure my current class will, eventually, be my quarry/(maybe)terminal/(maybe)/invasion class as it's been pretty shite with most other maps.
  13. Asda had Bioshock 2 for £17... but I didn't buy it!! Instead I couldn't resist a peek into gamestation today... nearly bought mass effect, the club, gears 2 and splinter cell: double agent for £20 but decided instead to just get left 4 dead 2 for £20, figuring I'm not going to play all those games at once and I still have a few I've not touched that I bought or borrowed. A mate told me a little 'bout L4D2 so I thought it would be a safer bet... Main problem is that, starting tomorrow, I'm not likely to have my xbox connected to live for at least 10 days, and even after that I'll probably have to look fora wireless adapter. SAD FACE
  14. Just to point out that there's a fantasy football league thread in the playground. Make a team at the official premier league site and join the n-e league and see if you're just a fan or actually a pundit, eh? [/shamelesspromotion]
  15. Personally I think I used to be more active in the wee hours, but for the last 3 weeks I've been going to bed before 12 and getting up around 8am so I'm currently most active in the mornings and just after dinner!
  16. I hate to say it, but this is a day-1 purchase for me. I am already orgasming over the idea of playing non-stop online for like 24 hours when I buy it. If I manage to get it before the official release date then that's the only chance the game has of me playing the campaign mode for the first month or so. Considering the last game I bought on release date was... Er... probably a gamecube game, I don't think it's that big a deal!
  17. Sliders, when they pretty much returned to the REAL universe, only thanks to someone fixing a squeaking gate after 5 years of their absence, they immediately left to continue their 'search for home'. The hook for the audience was reduced far more than was necessary! Mighty Boosh: Aside from milky joe; when they left the zoo. Scrubs; when J.D. had a baby.
  18. jayseven


    Just over half-way now. Just did a bit where there was an elevator -- I found I could jump onto a bit of rope on the left by leaping from the top of the elevator but I couldn't do anything from there so just gave up and moved on to a bit with a fly/mosquito. I tend to do a couple of tricky bits each time I play, now.
  19. Woooo another win Potentially could drag myself out of the relegation zone... Not banking on it, though. Last game against happenstance could be crucial. My dev. form is looking fairly good, good enough to play full-strength teams most of the time for the rest of the season. Everyone should finish on 12 or more dev. value so I should see ONLY positive skill changes with a few double jumps.
  20. Michael Cane spelling fail.
  21. Lol :P I once dropped three care packages at once but nothing like that!
  22. The compromise comes later because then it truly combines what we all, hopefully, will feel are the best elements of the old and the new, so I guess in this respect we can say we agree that we're not talking about different things? By putting 'could', 'assume', 'might' and 'imply' in your sentence (and the singular 'one') you were emphasising what exactly? That you're aware that many people will interpret the 'experiment' differently? I took the implication of your statement to be that YOU could assume the implication -- that this was your view, thus you were demanding change because you assume experiments = change. Whether the = is causal, implicate or necessity is irrelevant. Just pedantic nonsense that... ... leads me to trust your form of dialogue is constructed to be passive-aggressive - Backed up by the well-if-we're-both-hypocrites-then-you're-still-worse rebuttal. See, here I can't tell if you missed the 'joke' or not. I pretended to not have read it in order to avoid several sentiments that I mentioned previous; that of your attempt to draw reaction through pedantry and lack of context. But you thought I really did ignore you? Yep, pretty much! Ok, let me try and calm this down a bit. There are positives and negatives to all of the threads that were locked. Some had more positives than negatives, but in an effort to try and truly see how the forum operates without the massive threads, nigh-on all were locked. Potential areas of interest that have arisen are; how do newbs feel when faced with a few massive threads vs. loads of little ones? How does the community feel change? Does teh quality of new threads increase? Does the quality of posts decrease? Will people post more or less? What sort of threads are made often? Are some topics neglected with the new style? Are some neglected with the old? ... And so on. If you ask for my personal opinion -- or any mod/admin -- you may get different reactions between them, or between the opinion we hold and the role we hold. I miss several big threads but I respect the decision made and am very excited by how the forum's changed and what the future may hold. The point we've said several times is this is not permanent. The reasonings behind your individual opinions on the matter is not something I want to tear apart, but I think I'm cornering myself here and opening myself up for a fight rather than a debate. The part of this that I want to concentrate on is the 'subject that demands multi threads'. I'm kind of arguing that the 'subject' the UIG covered, that is, pictures of us, is just one 'tag' the thread really had. It was an amalgamation of a variety of types of subjects in one thread. Again, there are pros and cons to this. Instead of hyperbolic retorts to sections of my posts, give me some recognition of my argument if you want a fair debate. Was the UIG perfect? Can you not name some cons for the big threads? Another reason why the 'experiment' isn't over. Inflated thread production doesn't give us a true picture of teh pros and cons, and leads us to future alterations that simply aren't constructive. The forums were, while our home, not perfect by far. It isn't now, either, but it isn't bad enough either, is it?
  23. I don't get what you're asking/implying... That there's only been one photo-related thread since this all started? Who's fault is that? The UIG would go weeks, months without any such funsies. I don't get what your point is, here... I'm suggesting that the mega threads, such as UIG, can be replicated in parts in such a way that you trim the excess that nobody gives a shit about, such as That Night You Went Out And Got Drunk (I'm sure I said that already) and skip to the fun bits. That only one attempt has been made at such a thread does not prove that the UIG is better, it just proves that users can't be arsed. Ah! Yes! I see. Sorry. Yes, we're deliberating about what to do next. The experiment is not the end of change, it is to assess the weight of favoured discussions and to consider a subforum thing. I initially thought we'd covered this in previous pages in regards to potential sub-foruming some stuff, but looking back I see there was no 'official' voice, just other people saying what I, at least, thought on the matter. We don't want to go promising that things will go this way or that because we don't feel like we've seen enough of the life without the old massive threads, and personally I don't think I've seen enough creativity yet. I guess part of my response was just general annoyance at the fact that this thread was still getting responses... not aimed at you, just the general thing, that "I get it" feeling washes over me whenever I read up on this thread and it just angers me - I forget that you guys are a bit clueless about what's being done about it, but I can't go making promises for anyone while we're still weighing our options up. I don't know what you mean. Can you say this bit again but so that I can understand, please? Experiment does not demand adaptation... But you're not being pedantic here, you're just assuming things and trying to incite some sort of... response... Which is here! Well actually, it's more that anything anyone is saying here is also being echoed ahead of time by us lot in the background, only we're actually trying to be more productive than you (specifically you when I say that, Murray, as others aren't trying to incite anger/pity). NO YOU! Sorry, didn't read this bit.
  24. Made me jizz a little saving videos is awesome and one of only a few things that annoy me about MW2 -- the other main one being that I can't check out other people's titles/badges/stats, not even my friends, which I think is a bit backwards. Looking forward to the reveal!
  25. Fuck you, Dan, fuck you.
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