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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. 2. Body Harvest! Now to read the rest of the qs!
  2. Even 'free range' chicken farming is rather intensely done. Down near brighton there's a place called, lol, Henfield, and at henfield there's a place called, lol, Hen Heaven, where an old lady looks after 30 chickens as if they're her own kids. They're on a massive field with a large fence around it to keep foxes out, and they really just get to do whatever tehy like all day, laying eggs wherever. These eggs are vegan friendly, in this sense. My brain feels muddled right now so not much sense is being made. Anyway, yeah; 'free range' chickens can still be debeaked, killed off when too 'old', forced to lay eggs all year round, subject to growth hormones and other 'innoculations', mistreated, etc, etc.
  3. Enjoyed teh video, considering picking it up too! Although... No DRM... a few MB in size... *hint hint*
  4. So much win in the OP dude - I remember having to wait 'til past 6pm to use the computer (56k!!!) - everyone assuming I loved the colour purple - getting stuck on SSSV because of a section where you were a penguin and you had to do the close encounters tune but I couldn't hear the difference between some of teh notes so Jim and Rob helped me out - LaIkMoSh's general insanity - Svt4Him being all older than us - hearing Blackbird's voice over msn (robot)... - One NYE, being all "woo countdown!" in IRC, then "Woo last-minute party invite laters suckerrrrs!" then a year later "woo countdown!" again - SCHPICKLES. Where's he gone?! - Falcolombardi, who turns up like once every two months to make a post here now - isketch - forum quiz (yay, it's back!!) - people's average age being 14 - Lammy! Taught me everything I knew about photoshop. He even sent me a pirate copy! He lives in Australia. - Oh! For my product design GCSE I made a leaflet/stand based on the forums (wish I knew where it was!) that Tim and Gerben wrote a "welcome!" thing for! Got something like 105/120 for that project. Epic. - Organising *ahem :P* the first big meet 3 years ago, and making the effort to, so far, meet something like 60 members from the forum! ... Those are a few memories, interesting only to the c-e elites, I'd guess. There's billions more. This forum has really played a massive part of my life. Which is probably incredibly sad.
  5. Looks like we have two powerful neutrals as well as a mafia! Should be interesting... Vote: nobody.
  6. Watched it each week and I agree, it's gotten better, but still not 'there' yet. It was less-bad this week because it was less clautraphobic by having characters external to the family bringing out a different side to the family, rather than the character-building no-story stuff. Hoping foundations are being laid for a better second half of the season's run, because at the moment I'm having to agree with the family's thought that Amstel shouldn't've quit Buzzcocks.
  7. I hate talking on the phone on the train/bus. And I kinda hate talking on them full-stop. I don't want a bunch of strangers knowing my shit! That last part is hypocritical of my post in the poo thread...
  8. I got past any aversion to using public loos a long time ago. Totally saves on buying toilet paper.
  9. Zombies can't swim, but let's take the classical zombie idea and suggest they don't have to breathe either, so they can sink and walk along the sea-bed until they get to ya! A small lake-island wouldn't work in this scenario. In school we used to fantasize about heading to brighton pier, lopping off the end of it and surviving there for a while, making a boat out of the planks then cruising to the marina and getting an oil tanker and living on that. It was kinda well thought-out, to the extent where we'd deck out the tanker with a layer of soil and have plants growing to feed us, but then not-at-all because... well, loads of people would think of doing that too. I like thinking about this topic more than I do writing about it at the mo, though!
  10. I used to IRC/MSN a fair bit, what, a decade ago? It phased out as I phased the cider in. I don't have the attention for it anymore. The internet has made me ADHohlookarug! and I don't like initiating conversations because I quickly realise I have nothing to say and I'm all too aware of all teh times people just went "HI!" and then were unable to follow up with any reason to talk. It felt as if they wanted to talk to me because they wanted me to talk. While some people would enjoy the attention I just see it as if they think I'm a TV, or something.
  11. I remember many feverish, hour-long attempts with mates who "knew how to cross the lake" from my youth. I was surprised this (and the aeris myth) made it to full-length episodes as both are ridiculously, and obviously, myths that really don't take more than a minute to tell. But then, are there really that many gaming myths? The only other 'myth' I can think of is the Tomb Raider naked cheat, which again isn't true at all. God, I hope they don't do an episode of that!
  12. Every single of my players has 11 or more dev. value. It has simply been my best training season of all time -- I'm expecting one double-jump for my super-defender (dev. value 16 - last year he had 20 :P), and hoping for three or four others as most of my youth are sitting between 12 and 14 dev-value. My older guys are mostly 11s and 12s... but I will be shocked if anyone goes down. Still got one last training session ongoing and 5m in the bank -- will consider transfers after the change report, maybe sell a couple of guys - with 5m in teh bank I need to beef up my squad as my plans for next season, while still not promotion, involve not surviving relegation with the FINAL game of the season... ... And what a game it was! Went 3-0 up and it finished 3-3, giving me the point I needed to survive. Happenstance will bounce back next season - I'll be surprised if the three that get relegated don't all come straight back up (except shorty as he may choose to not play for a few months :P) The boys coming from the top league look set to get straight back up there again. Am I wrong in remembering that, once upon a time, a 7-skill player was amazing and now the top league is littered with squads of 9-skill?
  13. ... Mine's anti-clockwise
  14. Shorty's temp. dial does not have the identity issues that the oven function dial does, so I GUESS WE'LL NEVER KNOW/CARE
  15. So long as you realise that you're weird, then it's ok by me.
  16. I wouldn't see the big deal, tbh... Wesley's talking about handles and taps because they can be touched before someone's had a chance to wash their hands. Especially at pubs where you see blokes just walking straight out of the loos after a piss without washing their hands. How do you open those doors? Does that not bother you at all? A naked person is not by default dirty. Why pick on their buttocks? Their hands are up to a lot more dirty business, itching themselves, picking their nose, hunting for earwax, rejiggling their testicles, touching things like bannisters, door handles that have been touched by other people, stroking animals (who lick themselves!), coughing into their hand...
  17. 'Kin hell. I was pressing my page down key and it seemed like wesley's post was slowly moving upwards. For a second I thought my laptop had bust... Way to go SIXADUPLE POST! *gets mod had on*
  18. Your name is red. You are fated to suffer an endless barrage of stupid questions.
  19. It has miranda richardson in! I've always had a bit of a crush on her. The premise sounds a little... tried-and-tested, but I may check out the 2-hour pilot-thing if my internet loves me.
  20. Stumbling around, currently reading clients from hell until I get bored of it (currently on page 17..), then I'll probably just stumble a bit more 'til I realise it's stupidlate again, despite wanting to do stuff tomorrow. Also got poker in the background. I figure having stuff on the telly, even if I'm not watching it, sorta keeps me in check with the passing of time and at least gets me to consider go to bed? I should get into reading before bed again, it's just so much more sensible. Sleeping on a sofa bed really doesn't help my sleeping pattern!
  21. It was all me, hombre :P
  22. I was going on about BB since the first episode, raving about it pretty much weekly. I finally got Dan Dare to watch it and we were joined with Coolness Bears and somehow word finally spread! At my uni house last year the provided doorstops were shit, so we used folded cardboard or fire-extinguishers... In my room I'd tied a ribbon from my bed to the doorhandle (which kinda broke the handle so I had to stop that...) I'm not much of a bodger. My xx's laptop monitor refused to stay up byitself so she concoted a sort of... drawbridge thing out of string and cardboard and parcel tape. The most 'bodging' I've done, resource-wise, was using cardboard boxes for bedside cabinets... EDIT: How is any colour colder than blue?! Purple has red in it... so by default it comes after blue :P
  23. Dwarf; You're Doing It Wrong. To use the youtube tags properly; Take your url, e.g. Put the part that comes after ?v= in between your youtube tags (JNTTM7JwLOU) And you're done I'll have a ponder about the topic innabit!
  24. I would suggest that you make a notepad file, and in it save a direct link to the write-up posts. Each time a night phase is over, go back over what's happened previously and try to put some clues together. (actually I think it could be more productive if the mafia narrator actually keeps track as well, and it would be of ample aid to the game if (s)he were to put direct links to past write-ups in their latest one. If that makes sense? I'm not very succinct.)
  25. Good idea, forgot about that! To think I was considering even buying another MU..!
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