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Everything posted by jayseven

  1. The spinning top? We didn't see it enough times nor long enough to really say. Shorty; yeah it could've just been to emphasise the point of 'growing old', but they were aware they were dreaming, and were aware that it wasn't real from the start - hence the whole creating their own world. I think Molly just thought "I have everything I want here, why go back?" while Cobblerface preferred a reality out of his control, and always assumed that the delving deeper was to be a temporary thing. I'm sure there's a quote from the film that suits this -- something like the world in the dreams weren't of any value... Cobb and Molly altered their own appearance to maintain their youthful visage, while Saito didn't or couldn't - perhaps the difference being that Saito had his subconscious guards with him, and maybe they'd've turned on him if he altered the dream? Maybe he just... couldn't control his dream? I dunno.
  2. "xbox 360 tournaments" I didn't actually check any of the sites i just copy/pasted the URL. I have no idea.
  3. Now that Moshpit is gone I never do anything besides team deathmatch. Next prestige I may try and do that batch of challenges that involves doing loads of the different modes...
  4. Lies. I stayed 'til the end of the credits for the lights to come on (nightblindness) and there was no such thing.
  5. http://gamebattles.com/ http://www.xboxlivetournament.com/ http://www.360-hq.com/modules.php?name=Xbox_Tournaments http://onlinexboxtournaments.com/ http://worldgaming.com/ http://google.com/
  6. One thing I've loved about finally being able to read this thread; people saying "can't believe people think this is complicated" only to evidently prove that they, themselves, didn't quite get it :P I loved it. Went with a party of 4 and was the only one to enjoy it, to 'understand' it and to not think it was too long. I think the script should be praised for not explaining everything immediately at the start, though faulted for the cop-out "oh, by the way, if you die here then LOL tough shit" to add extra TENSHUN!!!! What I think needed more understanding, and certainly not any demand for more character intel because as has been pointed out, Leo's perspective, whether the film was a dream in whole or part, was paramount. I don't like it when we have to have all relationships and characters totally explained to us. No, what I think was stupid was how the whole entering people's minds thing came about. There was a vague "oh, the military did this whole bunch of stuff.." stuff, but it never felt, for those brief moments we spent in reality, that we were witnessing an entire society that lives and deals with such powerful technology. Corporate sabotage appeared to be the only use. Earlier someone suggested a list of movies that were better than inception, including The Machinist. personally I think that's chosen for its cult status, and would happily argue that inception is far more thought-provoking. I could blabber incessantly about this. I went in knowing I'd like it, and was surprised by how much so! RE point 2: Not sure if that fits due to there being a brief 'flashback' of 'leo' and Moll strolling through DreamTown as an old couple, and he says to her "and we did [grow old together]" -- they knew they were there, yet they aged. I think the idea is that the limbo Saito went to appears to have been 'another level down', though, of course, I can't say for sure! I agree with your logic for the 4th point, and in regard to Jonnas's timeframe, I don't think they utilised the entire 10-hour flight to get the Job done, but still a nice observation. I think one maxim to remember of the film is "you never remember the beginning of your dream" so while we can assume that the beginning to each layer is somehow immediately subsequent to the previous layer, it is not necessarily so. The ending was obvious, but also mostly necessary. The extra focus on the spinning top wasn't. Leo's character had already accepted the reality and clearly cared little about whether the top would cease spinning or not, so why spin it? Personally I'd lean towards it not being a dream, because I'm a hopeless optimist... I think.
  7. Once you've hit the weight you're happy with then look at the types of food you're eating. Maintaining the portion size is a good idea but just factor in a few extra hundred calories somewhere, or swap something for a similar food of higher calorific content? My ex-ex girlfriend is an expert at calorie counting. Only she's going the wrong way with it, and is the champion of eating habits. I'd post a few on here if I didn't think/know she knew about this forum (found it in her search history! Aah!)
  8. I used to always have pred missile/harrier/chopper gunner as my set-up, maybe switching one of teh first two for a pavelow. I used to be fairly sound with them but for some reason these days I just suck with them -- unless I'm on wasteland, of course. Terminal is always a map where I'll get a harrier or two called out, but yeah underpass has been home to two of my more successful streaks, derail and estate the others. Starting to re-like karachi, and invasion is quickly becoming one of my faves too. Skidrow was always my favourite before but nowadays, without claymores or grenades or snipers or SCAR I just can't get a good streak going there. Rundown is sweet because I have a spot that I've never seen anyone else use that I always start out with, and I swear people have started to use it because of me :P Anyway! Must have another bash! 17 blast shield explosion survivals down... lord knows how many left...
  9. jayseven


    Reminds me a lot of The Dishwasher, a game that I thought looked siiick... but I don't think I've ever bothered getting past the 3rd level. Looks overly repetitive and without charm.
  10. I was pretty damn fussy as a kid, not even touching veg or fruit, but that just naturally faded away. I remember once, maybe 8 years ago or so, my mum said she'd give me a fiver/tenner if I ate a whole tomato. I remember vividly feeling like I was going to puke throughout. I basically never eat sweets or chocolate or biscuits. The amount of cider I've drunk in the last few years has battered my teeth so they are very sensitive to sugar.
  11. I pluck long nose-hairs occasionally. I dread the day when my nose looks like it has a broom stuck up it... Oh, and by pluck I mean with my BARE HANDS, all manly n' stuff. Ahem.
  12. Yeah it's frustrating to get so close! I've swapped ...quickerADS (forgotten the perk name!) for scavenger, just for those long killstreaks. Got a 20-streak last night amidst a bunch of very annoying games. What is this about a pavelow glitch? I've googled it and all I can find is that your killstreak continues going up even after you die, but that was a yahoo questions result from 5 months ago. Any mention of pavelows not adding to killstreaks (unless, as shorty says, you kill someone yourself first) are from december last year and beyond. Harriers nearly always get more than two kills so I guess it'd not be much harm just swapping to chopper gunner - I just suck with the chopper gunner.
  13. Cucumber. Monopoly.
  14. Yay, ReZ is dead! All my dreams have come true! *parties 'til sundown*
  15. WE CAN UES THE NIEK TWO REVESRE TUEM!! No, seriously. Let's do it.
  16. Just good memories associated with it -- making a go-cart with a mate when we were like 10, made a birdhouse, helped with the garden shed, got a power drill for xmas one year, used to go to a carpenter's for sawdust for our rabbits... Er, yeah. Lame nostalgia reasons PLUS it'd be a useful skill, and generally I've not got anything to show for my pitiful life so far. Also unfurnished flats are loads cheaper...
  17. mistaken id, boyo!

  18. Maaaan! Got a 23- and 24- kill streak yesterday! 23 on Terminal as the enemy team was being seriously dumb, 24 on Estate because MY team seemed as if they were all positioned simply for me to get all the kills. Harrier and Pavelow out at once is mad. Always shoots up from 9 kills to 18-20, and I usually run out of ammo and start FREAKING OUT! Totally got to have a Nuke soon.
  19. Whaaaa.....
  20. I've accumulated only the DMC4 CE (for liek £4 :P) and I don't like the sleeve, I don't like the tin, and I don't really ever care for special/limited/collector's/deluxe/gay editions. Except my xbox 360. Paid full whack for a red Resi 5 edition of it. No regrets at all
  21. Moving on from cricket... I really, really want to get into carpentry/woodwork/whittling for what remains of this summer, but I just don't know where to start. Probably going to get a book then a KNIFE (stabby stabby) and just go for a walk in some woods and carve me some key to a secret door where a monster will come out and rape my friend while I rescue a boy that I kinda killed but it's ok because he has a talking dog/badger thing and--
  22. jayseven


    ohffs. I was happy when they said 6 would be the last one. In fact, I don't even know if I've seen 6 yet...
  23. Sto sunning.
  24. RE: UIG/PYP, they were closed along with everything else because we wanted to really be able to empirically say whether a giant thread is actually worthy of being around or not. Just closing a few and not other would've led to cries of "aw you closed this thread I love! But you left thatone open. NO FAIR!" which wasn't the point. I don't really know what you mean by 'more lenient' because currently we're the most relaxed we've been in ages concerning new threads. So long as they're not directly replicating mass threads then we're letting it slide, pretty much regardless of content/potential/quality. Paj; a massive music thread would go against exactly what you're saying, and a sub-board would not alter it at all. As it currently stands, GCG would simply be less cluttered (a point you, amongst others, have made, I think?) if such threads were 'subbed'. I also think not having the 'numbers' is fairly irrelevant to the argument, because wherever any of these topics live, the viewership will not increase or decrease. A sub-board could essentially reduce clutter and provide a focus. I don't really understand how such a shift would create additional barriers, besides the meta-coop the threads would be contained in...
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